It’s Friday, July 1st, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
80% of Christian deaths worldwide occur in Nigeria, Africa
Last year, Nigeria accounted for nearly 80% of Christian deaths worldwide, with more than 4,650 believers killed, reports Open Doors. The death toll once again makes Nigeria the world’s most violent place for Christians—for the second consecutive year.
On Saturday, June 25th, in Kaduna state, Nigeria, Africa, Vitus Borogo, a 50-year-old Catholic priest who served as the chaplain at the Kaduna State Polytechnic, was visiting Prison Farm, in Kujama, when terrorists raided the property. Borogo was found dead near the Kaduna-Kachia road, reports Aleteia.org.
Less than a day later, early on Sunday morning, June 26th, Christopher Odia, a 41-year-old Catholic priest, was abducted from his parish’s rectory. He had been preparing for the morning service at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in the Edo State. Not long after his abduction, the diocese reported he was killed by his captors. Odia also served as Principal of St. Philip Catholic Secondary School in Jattu, Nigeria.
Matthew 5:44 is a challenging verse when we hear about the stories of brutal deaths like these. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
Pastor John Hagee offers hope to women with unplanned pregnancies
This past Sunday, following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas called it an answer to half a century of prayer.
HAGEE: “After 50 years of praying, fasting and preaching, God has answered miraculously, and Roe vs. Wade is no more. (applause)
Obviously, as you’ve watched the television and seen the protesters in the street, you recognize the battle of light and darkness right before your very eyes.”
Pastor Hagee urged Christians to step up to the plate and help fund crisis pregnancy centers and maternity homes. Cornerstone has built one called the Sanctuary of Hope.
HAGEE: “But there’s an issue that we must address now that Roe v. Wade is dead. And that issue is what to do with the young ladies who now need an answer for giving life to the baby that’s in their body.
It is contradictory to Jesus’ message of love to those in need to simply celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision of Dobbs vs. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization and call it a day. What is the Christian answer to the unwanted pregnancy? And the answer is hope. We must provide hope and opportunity for every woman in crisis.
“This is why, well before the recent Supreme Court decision, our ministry invested tens of millions of dollars to produce a state-of-the-art facility called the Sanctuary of Hope.”
Male skateboarder defends competing against girls
A 29-year-old man, named Richard Batres, claims beating a field of pre-teen, and teen girl skateboarders is justified and is the first step toward joining the U.S. Olympics skateboarding team, reports Breitbart.com.
The man, pretending to be a woman, is a former U.S. sailor who served four years as a machinist aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln and is the father of three children. Richard now prefers the invented name “Ricci Tres.”
Ironically, the middle-aged man, who started pretending to be a woman only two years ago, claimed creating separate categories for so-called “trans athletes” would be “unfair.”
Richard said, “Personally, I don’t think segregating everything is the right way. I feel like that would be calling us different, like a different human race when we’re not.”
In her initial tweet objecting to Richard’s presence in the competition, Taylor Silverman, said, “I am a female athlete. I have been skateboarding for 11 years, and competing for several years. I have been in three different contests.”
Silverman explained that the male skateboarder, pretending to be a woman, “took $5,000 in cash prizes meant for the female athletes.” She said, “I deserved to place first, be acknowledged for my win, and get paid. I reached out to Red Bull, [the sponsor], and was ignored. I am sick of being bullied into silence.”
Deuteronomy 22:5 says, “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God.”
17-year-old Worldview listener shares why he gave $200
Recently, Benjamin, a 17-year-old young man in Estancia, New Mexico, gave $200 to The Worldview.
I called him up to find out more. I asked Benjamin how many siblings he has.
BENJAMIN: “I have five brothers and eight sisters.”
McMANUS: “Wow! How blessed you are.”
BENJAMIN: “Yes, sir.”
McMANUS: “And your number what?”
BENJAMIN: “I’m number six.”
When I asked him how long he had been listening and what got his attention, he said this.
BENJAMIN: “I started listening to Generations and The Worldview about a year ago. What prompted me to get to The Worldview in 5 Minutes is how you all talk about people suffering in other countries, how I can pray for them.”
Benjamin shared a couple of examples of stories that have encouraged him.
BENJAMIN: “When Generations Radio went to the Bahamas to rebuild. I was encouraged about the coach who dove into the water to save the swimmer, just the bravery. That just really encourages me to be brave.”
He also likes the Bible verses.
BENJAMIN: “The Scripture references that you all cite after a certain story, after a story of persecution of Christians, encourages me.”
I asked him how he earned the $200 that he contributed.
BENJAMIN: “I work for my dad on a farm. He owns a farm here in the central plains of New Mexico. I’ve worked for him ever since I was a little boy. He pays me now and I just felt God pushing me to give to your all’s ministry.”
McMANUS: “$200 is a lot of money for anyone, especially someone who’s 17.”
BENJAMIN: “Yes, sir. But I prayed about what the Lord wanted me to give. And I could just almost see the number in my head of what to give. I gave it and I knew that it was right!”
Benjamin, you are an inspiration to us all!
12 Worldview donors gave $3,496
And finally, toward our goal of raising $76,000 by Tuesday, July 5th to keep The Worldview on the air, 12 listeners made donations yesterday.
Our thanks to David in Chesterfield, Virginia who gave $15 as well as Lynn in Chandler, Arizona and Joey in Rapid City, South Dakota – both of whom gave $25.
We’re grateful to Elijah, age 14, Malachi age 11, and Samuel, age 6, in Greencastle, Indiana who gave $71 from money they’ve earned from doing chores. Their chores include sweeping the floors, dusting the furniture, putting away clean dishes, cleaning the bathrooms, weed-whacking, mowing, watering the flowers, and feeding the dogs. They separate their money into envelopes in order to save, spend, and give. The $71 is their combined “give money” from the last year.
We appreciate the generosity of Norma in Cibolo, Texas, Scott in Jenison, Michigan, and Eben in Kansas City, Missouri – each of whom gave $100.
And we praise God for Payton in Georgetown, Texas and Norma in Cibolo, Texas – both of whom pledged $25/month for 12 months for a total gift of $300 each, Stephanie in Roberts, Wisconsin who gave $460, and Jane in Ames, Iowa who gave $1,000. As promised, she is the fifth and final donor to give at least a $1,000 over the last several days which Shannan an Alexandria, Minnesota will match with another $1,000.
Those 12 new gifts total $3,496. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (Drum roll sound effect) $76,504! (Crowd cheering)
Do you know what that means? Thanks to those 12 recent donors, we have surpassed our $76,000 goal — which we had set for Tuesday, July 5th — by $504!
From the bottom of my heart, thanks to each and every donor who stepped up to the plate and gave as the Lord prompted you to give – even in the midst of this crazy inflation. It means the world to the entire Worldview in 5 Minutes team – including Kevin Swanson, Jonathan Clark, and myself who write the transcript on different days, Rebekah Swanson and Kayla White who upload the audio and the image on several sites including www.TheWorldview.com, and Emily Swanson Munday who researches some of the stories. Your generosity will ensure that we will continue to cover the news from a biblical perspective.
For those of you who have not already given, I wonder if it might be possible to help us reach $80,000 by Tuesday, July 5th. Whether you feel led to give a small gift or a large one, just go to TheWorldview.com, click on Give, select the dollar amount, and then click on the recurring tab button if that’s your wish.
Thank you for prayerfully investing the resources that God has entrusted to you to keep this Christian newscast on the air.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, July 1, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.