It’s Wednesday, April 15th, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
Michigan Governor called pro-life work “non-essential”
Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is backtracking after pro-lifers filed a lawsuit against her and the Detroit Police Department, reports FaithWire.com.
On March 31, a group of pro-life activists led by Andrew Belanger were holding signs outside the Scotsdale Women’s abortion mill when at least eight Detroit officers claimed the activists were violating Whitmer’s stay-at-home order put in place to blunt the spread of COVID-19.
Michigan — like many other states — has deemed abortion an essential service. While being outside is not a crime though, the police officers explained to the pro-lifers that their demonstration at the clinic was not essential and ticketed them.
Acts 5:29 says, “We must obey God rather than man!”
While Whitmer backed the cops on April 3, she changed her mind, saying that “persons may engage in expressive activities” as long as they practice social distancing.
Tucker Carlson on Fox News Channel expressed his outrage over other restrictions imposed by Michigan Governor Whitmer as well.
CARLSON: “She has moved aggressively to seize even more control of her state and the lives of the people who live there. So, she bowled forward. Last week, Whitmer banned all gatherings anywhere, for any reason, of any size, including in people’s private homes — as if she’s allowed to do that.
“If Michigan residents own more than one home, Whitmer has banned them from traveling between them. And outside Detroit its very common, especially for working class people that have a cabin up north. You’re not allowed to go there.
“And then she kept going. Not only did Governor Whitmer close most stores in the state, she banned the few that remained open from selling items that she deemed unnecessary.
WHITMER: “Big box stores will also have to close areas of the store that are dedicated to things like carpet or flooring, furniture, garden centers, plant nurseries, or paint. If you’re not buying food, or medicine, or other essential items, you should not be going to the store.”
CARLSON: “So where did this come from? How did Governor Whitmer know that paint — buying cans of paint — could be deadly? How does not buying cans of paint prevent the spread of the coronavirus?
Carlson offered his theory about what motivated Governor Whitmer.
CARLSON: “It’s about power. Governor Whitmer wants to be the vice president. She wants to be chosen by Joe Biden. That’s pretty clear. And she’s calculated there is no penalty for petty authoritarianism. She’s willing to destroy the people in her state in exchange.”
Nearly 600 U.S.S. Roosevelt sailors have COVID-19
The Navy said Tuesday that 589 of the crew aboard the San-Diego based aircraft carrier U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, reports the San Diego Union-Tribune.
One sailor has died and four others are in the hospital with COVID-19.
More than 4,000 of the crew have moved off the ship into housing on Guam, either in private homes or hotels.
Trump appointee: “If Beer is Essential, Easter is Too.”
A federal judge’s decision halting a ban on drive-in church services is being applauded by Christian leaders, reports Christian Headlines.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer last week said drive-in church services would not be allowed during the COVID-19 pandemic, but On Fire Christian Church – a local congregation – quickly filed suit in federal court. On Saturday, federal judge Justin Walker, a Trump appointee, issued a temporary restraining order against the mayor’s prohibition, saying the church had demonstrated a “strong likelihood” to win the case on the merits.
Walker wrote, “On Holy Thursday, an American mayor criminalized the communal celebration of Easter. That sentence is one that this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel, or perhaps the pages of The Onion. But two days ago, citing the need for social distancing during the current pandemic, Louisville’s Mayor Greg Fischer ordered Christians not to attend Sunday services, even if they remained in their cars to worship – and even though it’s Easter.
On Fire Christian Church held its drive-in Easter service Sunday, parked at least six feet apart, and rolled their windows down halfway to hear the pastor’s sermon in the parking lot over a loudspeaker system.
In his decision, Walker noted that Louisville’s order labeled a liquor store’s drive-through service “essential” but didn’t carve out such an exception for drive-in churches, saying, “If beer is ‘essential,’ so is Easter.”
Detroit Christian woman loses husband, son to COVID-19 within 3 days
And finally, Sandy Brown, who lives in the Detroit, Michigan area — describes one symptom that her 59-year-old husband Freddie, Jr. experienced after getting sick with COVID-19.
BROWN: “He was so cold. He was chilled to the bone.”
Shortly afterward, he died on March 26th.
Then, her 20-year-old son, Freddie III, got sick as well.
BROWN: “I went into the room and he was panting like a dog, that same sound I heard coming from my husband.”
After admitting him to the hospital and returning home to rest, Brown got a call from her son’s doctor.
BROWN: “The doctor came and got on the phone and asked me, ‘How long will it take you to get here?’ And when she said that, I already knew because that is the same thing that they said to me three days ago.”
Just three days after she lost her husband, she lost her only son on March 29. Freddie III was supposed to play on the Michigan State University football team this fall.
BROWN: “There’s not even a word in the vocabulary that can describe my pain.”
Brown, who buried her loved ones on Good Friday alone because of COVID-19 regulations, streamed the service on her personal Facebook account, according to the Detroit News. As she explained to WEYI-TV, the pain is compounded by the fact that she cannot receive the comfort of friends and family in person.
BROWN: “Corona has impacted the whole process after someone passes away. People can come. They can sit with you, they can talk with you. I’ve had nobody to hug.”
But even amid all the horror of her loss, Brown is still finding faith in God.
She said, “Medical science says I should be traumatized. I had a traumatic experience twice. I should be banging my head against the wall. But God said no. I’m standing here in the strength of the Lord, not strength of my own. God has got me.”
Psalm 18:2 says, “The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, April 15th in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus. (adam@TheWorldview.com) Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Print stories
North Korea fires barrage of missiles
A barrage of North Korean missiles fired from both the ground and fighter jets splashed down on the waters off the country’s east coast on Tuesday, South Korea’s military said, a major show of force on the eve of a key state anniversary and parliamentary elections in rival South Korea, reports NBC News.
The back-to-back launches were the most high-profile among a series of weapons tests that North Korea has conducted recently amid stalled nuclear talks and outside worries about a possible coronavirus outbreak in the country.
Abortion mills exploit panicked moms during coronavirus
The abortion industry is making money off fears and distress during the coronavirus pandemic, reports LifeNews.com.
In interviews with the AP this week, abortion workers reported huge increases in the number of panicked women they are seeing for abortions. The industry makes billions of dollars exploiting vulnerable women in crisis and killing their unborn babies.
Though abortions are almost entirely elective, they are being allowed in almost every state across the U.S., some by court order and others by order of the governors. Meanwhile, real medical procedures, including knee replacements and cancer treatments, are being postponed.