It’s Tuesday, September 6th, A.D. 2022. This The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Kevin Swanson
Turkish forces have deported 43,000 Afghans
Persecution in Afghanistan against Christians is the worst in the world, according to the latest report from Open Doors.
But now this. Ghandara News reports that Turkey is persecuting the persecuted. Turkish security forces are using live ammunition and physical force to keep Afghans from entering their borders.
So far this year, Turkey has deported nearly 43,000 Afghans.
Afghanistan economy has collapsed
The Afghanistan economy has completely collapsed, reports CNBC.
Humanitarian aid to Afghanistan is not enough to sustain its economy, according to the UN Development Program.
Several provincial hospitals in Afghanistan witnessed a 70%-90% increase in the treatment of malnourished children over the first six months of the year, and 75% of the children screened in the Shah Joy district were “acutely malnourished.”
Sergio Mainetti, Acting Country Director for INTERSOS in Afghanistan, told Intersos News, “The economic crash that has happened as a result of the sanctions against the Taliban and the freezing of the country’s assets are having a devastating impact. People have lost their jobs, food prices have gone sky high, and to add to their problems, the drought means that many people have lost their livelihoods as well.”
Psalm 10:2 says, “The wicked in his pride persecutes the poor. Let them be caught in the plots which they have devised.”
NASDAQ has dropped 13%
The markets open today with the U.S. NASDAQ coming out of a two-week 13% decline.
The gold price is $1,712 per ounce, and silver weighs in at $18.20 per ounce. Bitcoin hovered around $19,700 Monday.
10 Canadians killed & 18 injured in stabbing spree
On September 4th, a bizarre stabbing spree in Canada resulted in the murder of 10 people and the wounding of 18, reports CBC. The violence took place in 13 different locations in and around Weldon, Saskatchewan and James Smith Cree Nation.
Police from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are searching for Myles Sanderson, age 30, and Damien Sanderson, age 31, after the attacks prompted a dangerous-persons alert.
Earlier this year, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced legislation to put a national freeze on the purchase and sale of handguns.
More Americans upset with Roe overturn than inflation
The Wall Street Journal reports that support for the legalization of abortion among Americans has increased by 5% since March.
Now, 60% of voters, including 27% of Republicans, say abortion should be legal in most cases. Only 30% support a 15-week ban.
When the poll gave a choice of five issues, and asked which made them most likely to vote, respondents put the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade ahead of inflation.
Pro-“gay marriage” woman next British Prime Minister
In the providence of God, the United Kingdom will have a new Prime Minister today — the nation’s third female in the top position.
A member of the Conservative Party, Liz Truss has advocated for homosexual faux marriage and environmentalism throughout her political career.
When asked about her faith, Ms. Trust said, “I share the values of the Christian faith and the Church of England, but I’m not a regular practicing religious person.”
She will be the 15th female head of state out of 45 European countries, a list that includes Scotland, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Sweden. That’s the largest number of female heads of state in European history. The trend towards introducing women as heads of state began in the late 1970s.
British economy dropped to sixth largest from first
The British economy used to be the largest economy in the world, but now it’s shifted to sixth place behind India, according to a recent IMF report. India exceeded its former colonial ruler in the first quarter of 2021, 75 years after the nation secured its independence.
Deuteronomy 28 reminds the nations of this principle. “You shall come down lower and lower. … He shall be the head, and you shall be the tail. … Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything, therefore you shall serve your enemies.” (Deut. 28:43,44, 47)
Get your tickets ASAP for Lifemark, the pro-life movie
And finally, Lifemark, the movie, hits the screens this Friday, September 9th. And it’s only in the theaters for 7 days. It’s critical to get your tickets for Friday and Saturday in particular.
From executive producers Kirk Cameron and the Kendrick Brothers, Lifemark is an inspiring true story which affirms the value of life in a culture of death.
Listen to this clip from Alex Kendrick’s appearance on Generations Radio.
KENDRICK: “In 2019, we were finishing our last movie, Overcomer, and we get a call from Kirk Cameron. He says, ‘Guys, I’ve just watched this short documentary called ‘I Lived on Parker Avenue.’ Man, it grabbed my heart. You’ve got to watch this thing!’ So, Steve and I pull it up and watch it.
“It is the true story of an 18-year-old girl who rolls off the abortion table at the last second as the procedure is starting. She says, ‘I can’t do this.’ She places her baby for adoption. That baby was adopted by a Christian couple that could not have children. They named the baby David.
“Eighteen years later, David gets to meet his biological mother. She thought he would hate her because of what she was going to do and giving him up and he wrapped her up in a hug and said, ‘No. Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting me live! Thank you for letting me be adopted.’ He now is married and speaks around the country on behalf of adoption and choosing life.
“We say this has got to be a feature film. So, that’s when we made Lifemark. And we had no idea Roe vs. Wade will be overturned. So, God is doing something.”
Watch the trailer and purchase your tickets ASAP at www.LifemarkMovie.com.
Check out the Generations interview with Alex and Stephen Kendrick at Generations.org/radio.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, September 6th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.