It’s Friday, February 2nd, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Adam McManus
Muslims forced Pakistani Christians to convert
An Islamist cleric presided over the forced conversion of two Christians in Sialkot District, Pakistan after they were tortured into reciting the Islamic conversion creed, reports Morning Star News.
On January 22nd, Azam Masih, 28, and his brother, Nadeem Masih, were abducted, beaten with iron rods, and pressured to convert to Islam. Azam was working at his tailoring shop in the Kharota Syedan market when Naseem Shah and accomplices held him at gunpoint and forcibly took him to the house of another suspect, Sunny Shah.
The Muslims tortured them and forced the two Christians to recite the Kalima [the proclamation of Islamic conversion] if they wanted to save their lives, threatening to kill them if they refused.
The brothers and their impoverished Christian family chose to keep silent about the ordeal, as the suspects had warned them against contacting police.
Adil Ghauri of the Movement for Christian Awakening said, “We came to know about this incident on January 24 and immediately contacted the family. After much persuasion, we were able to convince the family to file a First Information Report with the police, as keeping silent would have only encouraged the perpetrators to target more Christians living in the village.”
Thankfully, the police arrested a Muslim cleric alleged to have conducted the conversion and registered charges against the suspects of kidnapping, punishable by death or life imprisonment.
Women give Biden the edge right now
In a hypothetical general election matchup, President Joe Biden holds a lead over Trump, 50%- 44%, among registered voters, according to a January 31st Quinnipiac University national poll.
By contrast, in the Quinnipiac December 20, 2023 poll, Biden received 47% support and Trump received 46% support.
The gender gap is widening.
Today, women support Biden, 58%- 36%. That’s up from December when 53% supported Biden and 41% supported Trump.
Quinnipiac also polled GOP Presidential contender Nikki Haley. In a head to head match-up today with President Biden, she beats him 47%-42%.
Republican National Committee wasted money on limos and flowers
In an exclusive Red State report, Jennifer Van Laar documents that between October 20, 2022 and November 30, 2023, the Republican National Committee spent lavishly on limos, consultants, flowers, and office supplies while skimping on Get out the vote efforts, critical data, and investing in state parties.
Consider the following, side-by-side comparisons. On floral arrangements, RNC spent $70,328 compared to the Democratic National Committee which spent $795. On consultants, the RNC spent $1,078,279.47 compared to the DNC which spent $114,000. On office supplies, the RNC spent $297,717.64 compared to the DNC which spent $45,005. On limousines, the RNC spent $263,127 compared to the DNC which spent $7,000.
When it came to important categories that will make a huge difference in the final election outcomes, like voter File Maintenance, the RNC only spent $39,233 compared to the DNC which spent $235,865. On Get Out The Vote texts, the RNC spent $86,019 compared to the DNC which spent $1,676,923. And on State Outlays, the RNC spent $13,800,200 compared to the DNC which spent $23,835,437.
N.J. Dad sues school over daughter’s secret gender transition
A father is suing a Garden State school district after his daughter’s gender transition was allegedly kept a secret from him, reports The Washington Stand.
The father, who is remaining anonymous to protect his daughter’s identity, found that New Jersey’s Delaware Valley Regional High School had been calling his daughter by a male name and male pronouns for at least two months. It all started when a pro-trans student club’s staff advisor — who is not licensed to practice either medicine or psychology — asked teachers to refer to the girl by a male name and male pronouns and not to tell her father.
The father said, “I was devastated. If a kid gets a headache in school, they have to call the parents to give them Tylenol, but they’re going to choose to allow them to identify as something?” He said that his wife died when his daughter was only four years old, and his daughter has been in treatment for depression and anxiety since 2022.
The father says he only learned of his daughter’s social transition when a neighbor and fellow parent accidentally told him. The father removed his daughter from Delaware Valley Regional High School and began homeschooling her.
He said that pro-trans activists in the school system showed her a “fantasyland” version of transgenderism, and once he showed his daughter photos and videos of the reality of gender transition surgeries, she began crying.
Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
Christian veteran charged with hate crime for destroying Satanic idol
And finally, a Christian Navy veteran is facing a hate crime charge after he destroyed a Satanic Temple idol set up at the Iowa State Capitol, reports LifeSiteNews.com. Polk County prosecutors upgraded the misdemeanor charge against Michael Cassidy to a hate crime felony charge.
On December 14th, Cassidy dismantled the Baphomet Altar at the Iowa State Capitol and destroyed the headpiece. The cost to replace or repair the property is between $750 and $1,500. That amount would make the offense third-degree criminal mischief, an aggravated misdemeanor, according to Iowa Code Section 716.5.
In an interview with The Sentinel, Cassidy said, “The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan, but none of the Founders would have considered government sanction of Satanic altars, inside Capitol buildings, as protected by the First Amendment. … I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged. My conscience is held captive to the Word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so, I acted.”
Acts 5:29 says, “We must obey God rather than men.”
If convicted, Cassidy faces up to five years in prison for his actions and/or thousands of dollars in fines. He will be arraigned on February 15.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, February 2nd in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.