It’s Monday, June 1st, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
White Minneapolis police officer charged with murder
Last Friday, Hennepin County, Minnesota Attorney Mike Freeman announced murder and manslaughter charges that accuse a fired white Minneapolis police officer of killing a black man named George Floyd, reports the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
Derek Chauvin, age 44, was arrested late Friday morning and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter four days after he pinned his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes a week ago Monday as the unarmed and handcuffed man told him he couldn’t breathe.
Race riots across America
In response to the death of George Floyd, race riots have swept America.
In Atlanta, protesters vandalized CNN’s logo outside its offices, broke the building’s glass, and destroyed Atlanta Police Department vehicles, reports CNN.
Portland, Oregon’s Mayor Ted Wheeler declared a state of emergency after rioters broke numerous store windows and set fires inside multiple locations, reports KGW.
And Minnesota Governor Tim Walz announced Saturday the state has already deployed about 700 law enforcement officers, including National Guard members in response to the ongoing unrest in Minneapolis, reports CBS News.
Walz said. “The situation in Minneapolis is now about attacking civil society, instilling fear and disrupting our great city. It’s no longer in any way about the murder of George Floyd.”
Look at pictures of the racial riots.
Leftist professor justifies violent black riots
Last Friday, Dr. Cornel West, a Democratic Socialist professor, said on CNN that we are witnessing the failed social experiment that is the United States of America in the protests and riots that have followed the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, reports RealClearPolitics.com.
He believes that the American “capitalist economy could not generate and deliver in such a way people can live lives of decency.”
Listen to his comment to Anderson Cooper.
WEST: “So that when you talk about the masses of black people, the precious poor and working class black people, they’re the ones who are left out, and they feel so thoroughly powerless, helpless, hopeless. Then you get rebellion. And we’ve reached the point now it’s a choice between non-violent revolution. And by revolution, what I mean is, the Democratic sharing of power, resources, wealth and respect. If we don’t get that kind of sharing, you’re going to get more violent explosions.”
Supreme Court rejects San Diego’s church right to meet
A sharply divided Supreme Court late Friday turned aside a church’s urgent plea that California’s coronavirus lockdown orders are putting an unconstitutional burden on religious freedom, reports Politico.
Chief Justice John Roberts, nominated by President George W. Bush, sadly sided with the court’s liberals in rejecting a San Diego church’s request for relief from Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s most recent directive limiting churches to 25% of their normal maximum capacity, with an absolute maximum of 100 people at any service.
Pixar’s animated film features first homosexual main character
On Friday, Pixar revealed its first homosexual main character from its new short film “Out.”
The Disney computer animation studio premiered “Out” on Disney+ over the weekend. The new film follows the story of a man named Greg who struggles with revealing his sexual perversion to his parents before moving in with his boyfriend, Manuel. He switches bodies with his magical pet and gets to hear what his family really thinks about his love interest.
The film, which is disturbingly geared toward children, was directed by Steven Clay Hunter who also directed “Wall-e” and “Toy Story 2”.
You can see the 1-minute trailer of “Out” through a link in our transcript today at www.TheWorldview.com.
Leviticus 18:22 says, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”
Vice President Pence speaks at Ravi Zacharias’ memorial service
Vice President Mike Pence, former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow, Pastor Louie Giglio, and others paid their respects to notable Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias at a memorial service last Friday, reports the Christian Post.
At Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia, the Vice President explained that Zacharias was “the C.S. Lewis of our day.”
PENCE: “On a bed of suicide at 17, void of meaning and emptied of hope, he opened the Bible. And he read the words, ‘Because I live, you shall live also.’ And lying on that hospital bed, he opened his heart and his life to Jesus Christ, vowing to leave no stone unturned in his pursuit of the truth. And that he surely did.
“Over the past five decades, called from that hospital bed, Ravi’s voice and ministry impacted countless lives, transformed and strengthened people all over America and all over the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Citing 1 Peter 3:15, Vice President Pence underscored how careful Zacharias was to be gentle, yet truthful in the Christian answers he gave to the skeptic.
PENCE: “Ravi Zacharias was a man of faith who could rightly handle the Word of truth like few others in our time. His travels would take him to stand in venues that were oftentimes unfriendly and unwelcoming. But he’d always answer the arguments of the skeptic or the cynic, giving the reason for the hope that he had, but doing so with gentleness and respect, recognizing at the other end of the question was always a person made in the image of God.”
You can watch the Memorial Celebration of the life of Ravi Zacharias through a special link in our transcript today at www.TheWorldview.com.
Need to raise $60,000 by June 30th to pay for The Worldview
And finally, I asked you to email me at Adam@TheWorldview.com and share with me what you like about this unique Christian newscast.
Ron McCurdy and his wife live in Milton Florida. They have 10 biological children, 2 adopted kids and 3 foster children. He wrote that he likes that “it’s just short enough and detailed enough including the most pertinent information.” Plus, he’s enjoyed learning that several people in the Trump administration are Christians.
And Nathan Aldrich in Springfield, Oregon wrote, “I love hearing about what other brothers and sisters are going through so we can pray for them. My day does not feel right if I don’t hear ‘Seize the day for Jesus Christ’ at the beginning of it. My 7-year-old son David and I listen every morning while he plays Minecraft before homeschooling starts.”
In order to continue to keep The Worldview in 5 Minutes going, we need to raise $60,000 by June 30th.
I’m looking for 100 listeners who will pledge $25 monthly for 12 months. And another 50 listeners who will pledge $50 monthly for 12 months to hit our goal. Please go to TheWorldview.com, click on “Give” on the top right, and select the correct dollar amount. Don’t forget to click on the box to make it a recurring donation. Or, if you prefer, consider giving a one-time gift of $300 or $600.
By this Friday, I need to raise $15,000. If you appreciate this unique Christian newscast, please prayerfully consider what God would have you do.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, June 1st in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldView.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
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Cuomo’s executive order on face masks
Last Thursday, Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gave Empire State businesses the power to deny entry to customers without masks, and the executive order comes as conflicts and even fights have broken out, reports CBS News.
CUOMO: “Today I’m signing an executive order that authorizes private businesses to deny entrance to people who do not wear a mask or a face covering. We’ve made them mandatory in public settings, public transportation, etc. But when we’re talking about reopening stores and places of business, we’re giving the store owners the right to say, ‘If you’re not wearing a mask, you can’t come in. That store owner has a right to protect themselves. That store owner has a right to protect the other patrons in that store.”