One Million Iranian Muslims Convert to Christianity, Survey Proves Ignorance Among Modern Church Goers, Religious Liberty Violations in Ukraine

It’s Monday, August 19th, A.D. 2024. This is The World View in 5 Minutes written by

Yours truly and heard at Filling in for Adam McManus I’m

Ean Leppin.

Religious Liberty Violations in Ukraine

Reported on Christians are suffering serious religious liberty violations in Russia and Russian-occupied Ukraine.  Release International warned that the scaled of the hostility is resulting in imprisonment, torture and murder.

In Ukraine, a Christian leader has been jailed over public opposition to the war and other churches that share this view are at risk of having their buildings demolished or are receiving other forms of intimidation.

International Religious Freedom released a report saying ‘In Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine de facto authorities banned religious groups, raided houses of worship and many religious leaders were taken.’  

To date several of the priest’s whereabouts are still unknown.

In Russia a Pastor, Eduard Charov, who runs a homeless shelter is due to stand trial this month for a social media post that said ‘Would Jesus Christ have gone to kill in Ukraine?’

Pastor Charov told a media outlet ‘I already have a suitcase packed at home.  My wife will look after the shelter in the meantime.  And I will continue to help people in prison.  There are people in need everywhere’

The 53 year old could face a prison sentence of up to 7 years and a fine of up to one million roubles.

Pray for those who are currently facing intense persecution in Ukraine and Russia.

Psalm 3:1-3 O LORD, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying of my soul, there is no salvation for him in God. But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.

Survey Proves Ignorance Among Modern Church Goers

CBN News reports that LifeWay Research released a new survey that shows that 1 in 10 (that’s 11%) of Protestant church goers accidentally offer New Testament stories when asked to share their favorite Old Testament stories, proving ignorance among modern church goers.  Seven percent offer no story at all and 3 percent simply don’t know.

Scott McConnell who is the executive director of Lifeway Research said,

‘While church goers may open a Bible at church, at least 1 in 5 may not be familiar with how it’s organized and what distinguishes the New Testament from the Old Testament.’

The study logically concludes that confidence in accurately retelling Bible stories is generally highest among those with evangelical beliefs and for those who attend church services on a regular basis.  The study also showed the 3 most popular Old Testament stories among church goers are 3) The Book of Genesis at 10% 2) The story of Noah at 11% and number 1) The story of Moses and the Exodus at 13%.

Proverbs 2:6 says, For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

One Million Iranian Muslims Convert to Christianity

On a positive, very encouraging note it has been reported that around 1 million Muslims have accepted Jesus Christ in the country of Iran as well as tens of thousands of mosques closing their doors.  In fact a senior cleric in Iran revealed that 50,000 of the nation’s 75,000 mosques have closed because of plummeting numbers of people who attend.  So what is the response of the country of Iran to such a massive movement within the people?  Todd Nettleton with Voice of Martyrs told CBN News this concerning Iran.

NETTLETON: “It is not something that is making the regime happy, and really, in many ways, they are seeking to solidify their power and to crush any kind of dissent.  They certainly see the growth of the church.  They certainly see Christian evangelism as a form of dissent.  We’ve heard multiple stories, this year, of a Bible study, a home church, being raided.  Everyone there is photographed.  Everyone there is questioned, but then the leader of meeting is held on to.  They are arrested.  They are detained.  They are put in prison.” 

But this movement for Christ is not slowing down!  Don Shenk who has a radio ministry called Tide Ministry had this to say.

SHENK: “We get responses from listeners who say, ‘You know, now I understand that God loves me.  I always thought that God wanted to punish me.’  And I think that there’s an awakening, as I said, that’s taking place, across the Muslim world.

Pray that God continues this mighty revival in the Middle East!

Ezekiel 34:11 reminds us about the words of God Himself.  Behold I myself will search for my sheep and will seek them out.

Electric Vehicles Lose Value at a Faster Rate Than Gas Powered Vehicles

Have an electric car?  While you might not be spending as much money on gas as you were before, but you are losing when it comes to the value of that vehicle.  

Straight Arrow News reports that Electric vehicles are losing their value at a faster rate than their gas powered counterparts.  The normal depreciation rate for gas powered cars is about 10 to 15 percent.  However, EV models from automakers like Tesla, Ford and even Porsche have seen their values drop by as much as 50 percent within just 12 months.  That translates to a loss of nearly $600 per day!  

But if you are looking to purchase an electric vehicle this is a good time to buy as you can expect to pay around 8% less on an EV than on a gas powered used vehicle

And that’s The World View on this Monday, August 19th, in the year of

our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app throug h Google Play or The App

Store. Filling in for Adam McManus I’m Ean Leppin. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.