It’s Tuesday, July 30th, A.D. 2024. This is The World View in 5 Minutes written by Kevin Swanson and heard at www.TheWorldView.com. Filling in for Adam McManus I’m Ean Leppin.
Increased Violence Towards Pro-Lifers
Certain people who advocate the killing of children in their mother’s wombs are acting more violent towards people who oppose killing babies. Police have arrested a man who attacked two elderly men outside an abortion clinic in Baltimore Maryland last year. Both 80 year old Mark Crosby and 73 year old Dick Schaeffer were injured. . . Crosby’s “plate bone in his upper right cheek is completely fractured and the bones in his right eye orbit are completely shattered and will have to be replaced with metal,” according to Baltimore County Right to Life. Also, an 83 year old woman was shot in the back while distributing pro-life literature in Lake Odessa, Michigan just prior to the 2022 election.
Psalm 10 points out that “The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; He sits in the lurking places of the villages;
In the secret places he murders the innocent . . .
He has said in his heart,
“God has forgotten; He hides His face; He will never see.
Arise, O Lord. O God, lift up Your hand!”
Pastor in Laos Assassinated
Another pastor in Laos has been assassinated — at least the second in two years. Pastor Thongkham of Vanghay village in northwestern Laos, was being closely monitored by the authorities. . . and, He had been warned several times to stop his “Christian activities, according to Morning Star News. Then, last week the pastor was shot to death by a masked assailant. Another prominent Christian leader from the Baw tribe in Khammouanne Province, central Laos, recently avoided capture at the hands of government agents. According to local sources, the pastor was warned by a family friend of authorities planning to kidnap and possibly kill him. Despite the increased persecution, the Laotian church is rapidly growing every year, with hundreds of Khmu coming to the Lord.
Venezuelan Dictator Claims Victory in the Election
No surprise here. Venezuelan’s dictator-president, Nicholas Maduro claims a victory in the nation’s election over the weekend. The opposition led by Edmundo Gonzalez also claimed victory, based on unofficial exit polls. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed “serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people.”
BLINKEN: “We’ve seen the announcement, just a short while ago, by the Venezuelan electoral commission. We have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people. It’s critical that every vote be counted fairly and transparently; that election officials immediately share information with the opposition and independent observers without delay, and that the electoral authorities publish the detailed tabulation of votes. The international community is watching this very closely, and will respond accordingly.”
One quarter to one third of Venezuelans are planning to leave the country (according to recent polls), if the communist dictator remains in power. Almost 8 million Venezuelans have already left, and these results could mean another 7 million to leave the communist country. . . or about 50% of the population in all – many of whom end up in the United States.
US Stock Prices Vary Wildly
US stock prices are varying wildly in an extremely volatile market. . . especially the top 7 tech stocks of Tesla, Nvidia, Meta, Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple. Since June 10th, the 7 stocks gained $1.77 trillion in valuation, and then lost it all in the last week. Incredibly, the seven stocks had gained 6.5 Trillion since January — an almost 50% increase in value in just 6 months! Tesla has lost 70% of its value in the last 15 months,
California Park Fire 6th Largest in CA History
The California Park Fire burning some 80 miles north of the state capital has already consumed 368,000 acres — now slated as the 6th largest fire in California history. 9 out of 10 of California’s worst fires have occurred in the last 6 years. Oregon is experiencing its worst fire season since 2020 – -including the 288,000 acre Durkee Blaze.
Keep in mind Psalm 89: “O Lord God of hosts. . . You rule the raging of the sea; When its waves rise, You still them.”
Deadpool and Wolverine Glorifies Wickedness
The most popular movie release last weekend, Deadpool and Wolverine. . . supports abortion, glorifies vengeful mass killings, includes 150 profanities, and makes light of and supports every form of sexual sin — including bestiality, homosexuality, bisexuality, and worse. The mass culture- nihilist flick produced by Disney raked in $438 million in its first weekend out, setting the record for the highest grossing opening weekend for an R-rated movie. And it remains the biggest blockbuster of the summer.
Controversy Around Oklahoma State Mandate Concerning the Bible
Controversy surrounds the Oklahoma state mandate that all classrooms be furnished with copies of the Bible, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and, like Louisiana, the Ten Commandments — only to reflect on the impact of the Bible on history, culture, and Western Civilization. While some school districts are resisting the requirements, Superintendent Ryan Walters, issued a warning on X, quoted: “We will not allow rogue districts and administrators to indoctrinate hatred of America by refusing to teach foundational Oklahoma standards.” The guidelines issued by the Oklahoma Department of Education require that quote “all instruction is conducted in a neutral and objective manner. Teachers must not promote or favor any religious beliefs, focusing solely on the historical and literary aspects of the Bible.” And, that the Bible is “not to be used for religious purposes such as preaching, proselytizing or indoctrination.”
Reactions to the Olympic Opening Ceremony
More reactions have come out of the Opening ceremonies for the Olympics in Paris which included a blasphemous depiction of the Last Supper, using drag queens for playing the part of Jesus’s disciples.
Bishop Emmanuel Gobillard, spokesperson for the Pope, commented that, “The fact that our religion should be mocked is usual and we are used to blasphemy in France, but the context isn’t the same.. . . I found this staging hurtful and out of place.”
First Lady, Jill Biden led the U.S. delegation to the Olympics referring to the opening ceremony “spectacular.” And, Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson called the Olympics ceremonies “shocking and insulting to Christian people,” and he went on to say that “The war on our faith and traditional values knows no bounds today.”
Following the lewd, homosexuality-themed Olympic Opening Ceremony, the lights went out in Paris Saturday evening. What officials have called a “technical anomaly” cut power, and plunged the city into darkness.
And that’s The World View in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, July 30th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldView.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.