It’s Friday, September 6th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard on 125 radio stations and at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Adam McManus
Indonesian pastor dragged out of church, building closed by government
On August 18th, 50 officials from Jombang Regency in Indonesia dragged a pastor from his worship site and sealed the shop where his church met, reports Morning Star News.
Pastor Herri Soesanto described the government seizure of the two-story shop used by his Good God Church, 50 miles west of Surabaya, as “violent and anarchic.”
The pastor said, “I never imagined the violence that government officials made, causing upset among the congregation,” adding that he was threatened with jail.
According to Open Doors, Indonesia is the 42nd most dangerous country worldwide to be a Christian.
Matthew 5:10 says, “”Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”
Chinese spy embedded in New York Governor’s office
New York Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul’s former deputy chief of staff, Linda Sun, has been arrested on suspicion of being a Chinese spy along with her husband, Chris Hu, reports The Epoch Times.
Sun faces charges of conspiracy to commit money laundering, visa fraud, and alien smuggling. Hu is also charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering, as well as bank fraud, and misuse of identification.
Sun previously worked in the office of former N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, including as his deputy chief diversity officer for two years.
She is also alleged to have forged invitation letters from the N.Y. governor’s office for Chinese Communist Party officials to illegally come to the U.S. and meet with American government officials.
U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Breon Peace said, “The illicit scheme enriched the defendant’s family to the tune of millions of dollars.”
Governor Hochul expressed her outrage.
HOCHUL: “These actions taken by Linda Sun were an absolute betrayal of the trust of two administrations in state government, breaking our ethics rules, and even forging my signature on documents.
“But more importantly than that, this is a betrayal of New Yorkers and of the American people. Public service is a calling. It should be revered, highly respected. I am furious. I am outraged by this behavior.”
Kamala’s VP pick, Tim Walz, subpoenaed over $250M COVID fraud scheme
House Republicans are demanding answers from Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, regarding a $250 million COVID-19 fraud scheme, viewed as one of the worst relief scams during the pandemic, reports The Christian Post.
GOP Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina issued a subpoena Wednesday to Walz’s administration and officials within the U.S. Department of Agriculture and its Office of Inspector General.
The subpoena concerns an investigation that goes back to 2022 regarding a $250 million fraud scheme by a Minnesota-based nonprofit called Feeding Our Future. The program was intended to help feed hungry children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Feeding Our Future reportedly created fake attendance rosters with the names and ages of nonexistent children and falsified invoices to create a facade of providing food to the pretend children.
The subpoena cover letter addressed to Tim Walz said, “As the chief executive and the highest ranking official in the state of Minnesota, you are responsible for the Minnesota Department of Education and its administration of Foster Care Navigator Programs. Statements in the press by you, [Governor Walz] and your representatives indicate that you and other executive officers were involved, or had knowledge of … [this] massive fraud.”
Pastor: Jesus would’ve blessed mothers who abort for “loving kindness”
And finally, Rebecca Todd Peters is a professor, author, and a Presbyterian Church (USA) ‘pastor.’
A lover of all things baby-killing, she also serves on the Clergy Advocacy Board of Planned Parenthood.
In a July 9, 2023 sermon, she lauded the positives of abortion as she preached to The Community Unitarian Universalist Church of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, reported Protestia.com.
As she wore a pink stole, or priestly vestment, emblazoned with the Planned Parenthood logo, Peters lamented that pro-life Christians have gained ground in the culture war in the language around abortion so that even unbelievers view it as a bad thing or “difficult choice.”
She cited Psalm 139:13-14 in which David said to God, “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Incredibly, Peters said this.
PETERS: “I can certainly appreciate the lyrical beauty of this text, as well as the descriptions in Jeremiah and Job of their certain knowledge that God was with them in the womb.
“I, too, feel that I am known by God in these ways. As a woman who has born two children, I can affirm that I felt something sacred happening in my gestating body during those pregnancies.
“I can also attest that I felt God’s presence with me as I made the decision to end two pregnancies, and I felt no guilt, no shame, no sin.”
Shockingly, on a separate occasion, Peters also made this blasphemous claim.
PETERS: “If Jesus were here today, He would be an [abortion] clinic escort, distracting women from the hatred of the protesters, or an abortion doula, holding women’s hands and offering support and love as they end their pregnancies.
“If Jesus were giving His sermon today, He might also have said, ‘Blessed are those who end pregnancies for they will be known for their loving kindness.’”
No doubt your heart is as grieved as mine over her evil remarks, spoken from a pulpit no less, as she claims to represent God Himself.
Please, pray that Rebecca Todd Peters, this Presbyterian Church USA so-called pastor, would repent of her unbiblical worldview that celebrates the murder of a mother’s pre-born baby in her womb.
And that’s The Worldview on this Friday, September 6th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by Amazon Music or by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.