Thursday, July 6th, in the year of our Lord 2017
By Jonathan Clark
200 More Christians Arrested in Eritrea
200 more Christians were arrested in the latest house–to–house raid conducted by the Eritrean government. Among those arrested were young children and even a baby.
The World View spoke to Emily Fuentes of Open Doors USA about the persecutions experienced by Christians in Eritrea.
“They are truly suffering for Christ. Not just martyrs. Although there are martyrs in this nation. But really having to deal with suffering in a way that you and I can’t imagine. And so the strength to do so and not recant their faith is something I know several Eritrean Christians have asked prayer for.”
Eritrea is now rated as the 10th worst country for persecution on the World Watch List.
Hebrews 3:14 says, “For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end.”
Prime Minister Theresa May Offers No Support for Charlie Gard
British Prime Minister Theresa May is not offering her support for 11-month-old Charlie Gard in the UK.
She did say that the hospital that is working to remove him from life support had his “well being” in mind. His parents face his removal from life support against their wishes after a European high court ruled against them.
A US hospital has offered to treat Charlie at no cost if he were to be transferred to the states. Please pray for little Charlie and his family during this trying time.
Sweden Mandates that Ministers Officiate Homosexual Weddings
The Swedish government is demanding that all ministers of the Church of Sweden must officiate marriages involving unnatural relations, according to The Christian Institute.
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven stated, “If you work as a midwife, you must be able to perform abortions, otherwise you have to do something else. It is the same for priests who do not want to perform same-sex marriages.”
Psalm 94:20 asks, “Can wicked rulers be allied with [God], those who frame injustice by statute?”
Oregon Offers “Unspecified Gender” Option for Driver’s Licenses
Oregon is the first state in the US to offer more than two gender options on identity documents, including driver’s licenses and state ID cards, reports
This new gender confusion law went into effect on Monday. Gender options will now include male, female, and “X” for so-called non-binary or unspecified genders.
Pediatrician Says Transgender Ideology is Child Abuse
A top pediatrician is saying the transgender ideology has “infiltrated” her field as a form of “institutional child abuse.”
Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, spoke out in a recent commentary piece on The Daily Signal.
She noted studies showing no one is born “trapped in the body of the wrong sex” and pointed out dangerous health risks associated with transgender hormonal therapies.
Puerto Rico Declares Homeschooling a Fundamental Right
Puerto Rico is the first of any US state or territory to declare that homeschooling is a fundamental right as reported by the Homeschool Legal Defense Association.
The new legislation was signed into law last month by Governor Ricardo Rossello Nevares, providing the highest level of constitutional protection for homeschoolers.
Three-Year-Old Boy in Argentina Survives Fall from Ninth Floor of a Building
Three-year-old Martin Chain fell from the ninth floor of a building in Argentina last month. That’s over 60 feet! And he survived, recovering in only 20 days, reports CNA.
One of the doctors at the Children’s Hospital in San Miguel, Argentina said that only “God’s hands” can explain the miracle.
Former Punk Rocker Becomes an ISIS Terrorist
Sally Jones, a former punk rock performer in the 1990’s, converted to Islam in 2013 and married a jihadist, who has since died. Jones became a leading recruiter for ISIS, and one of the world’s most wanted terrorists. Her son was reportedly used as a child fighter.
Now Jones wants to return to Britain, according to another ISIS military wife, Aisha, in an interview with Sky News. Please pray for Sally Jones to be set free and ultimately, to find her liberty in Jesus Christ.
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.