Friday, October 30th, in the year of our Lord, 2015
By Kevin Swanson
Persecution of Christians is increasing at an alarming rate in Uganda. A mother of eight children was hacked to death by a Muslim mob in eastern Uganda for converting to Christianity. Her brother-in-law was also killed last month. Her last words were “I know that the attackers are looking for me,” Mwanika was quoted as saying. “We are seeking God’s protection and His peace. May God give me the courage to continue sharing the love of Christ to those who are lost, as Jesus said we should love our enemies.”
In a far less egregious example of persecution, a football coach in Washington state was removed from coaching because he would kneel and pray on the 50-yard line after each game. The Liberty Institute is handling Coach Joe Kennedy’s case.
The Pakistani Supreme Court may be acting in favor of Christians. The high court recently instructed the government to review the current blasphemy laws. The concern is “false or trumped up allegations.”
The American Family Association has completed a new review of corporations on the basis of their support of religious liberties. And, Walmart heads the list, with a perfect score.
And the winners for the last Republican Presidential Debate by all reports were Ted Cruz and Chris Christie. Polls have Cruz at #3 in Iowa behind Ben Carson and Donald Trump.
Senator Rand Paul threatened a filibuster at the debate Wednesday night, so as to stop the deficit spending and the ever expanding debt ceiling in Washington. But come Thursday, his filibuster lasted just 19 minutes. He needed 41 conservative Republicans to make it work, and there were none to be found.
US Fighter jets intercepted several Russian jets on Thursday over the Pacific Ocean near South Korea. The Russian jets were flying close to an American air craft carrier, and the Navy characterized the interception as safe and in accord with standard operating procedure.
The North Korea tyranny has found another way to fund their war machine and enrich state coffers. The government confiscates earnings from North Korean workers employed in other countries like China, Kuwait, and Russia. CNN reports that this nets the North Korean government between 1 and 2 billion dollars a year. As many as 100,000 North Koreans are forced to work under harsh conditions with little or no remuneration.
Ted Cruz’s father told the World Congress of Family meeting in Salt Lake City that the next move for homosexual activists would be to normalize pedophilia. Pastor Rafael Cruz also pointed out that laws on statutory rape would have to be removed for the legalization of pedophilia.
“Grant not, O LORD, the desires of the wicked: further not his wicked device; lest they exalt themselves.” (Psalm 140:8)
Airport security will soon be rejecting New Mexico driver’s licenses. The Department of Homeland Security has informed the New Mexican state government it will no longer approve of the licenses after January 10th. The reason cited was the state policy allowing issuance of licenses to illegal immigrants.
All Saints Eve is tomorrow! Some will celebrate the Day of the Dead or Halloween. But according to a Lifeway Research Study, 21% of Americans will not be celebrating the holiday this year. And another 14% say they will avoid the pagan elements of the day.
Yesterday we reported on Chinese Christians who were facing forced abortions, due to China’s one child policy. By the overruling providence of God, the Chinese communist party leadership decided to end its one-child policy on Thursday after 35 years of forced abortions, infanticide, and sterilizations. All married couples will now be able to have at least two children. Praise God!
“The king’s heart is [truly] in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turns it whithersoever he will.”
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.