Monday, April 18th, in the year of our Lord, 2016.
By Mark Robinette
People thought professional baseball player Adam LaRoche was strange when he left a lucrative career to spend more time with his family early this year. Now he’s making news for going to Southeast Asian brothels to rescue sex slaves. In fact, his work for the organization Exodus Road—which, according to its website, vets, trains, funds, and equips operatives to collect evidence of trafficking and then work with police to bring freedom—actually was a big part of his decision to retire. After working for 10 days in November as an undercover operative, LaRoche could not imagine going back home to “play games” while these children suffer day in and day out. Kevin Campbell of Exodus Road spoke to The World View about their greatest need: “We also need young people who are passionate about this cause; they can work with us—again, in a volunteer capacity. But those people interested in working undercover with us can certainly volunteer to do that with us. And we’re always looking for people who are the right people, who are passionate about going undercover to look for victims of human trafficking.”
According to a report released last week by the Guttmacher Institute, abortions among women ages 15-19 have reached a record low in the United States. In fact, fewer teens are getting abortions now than at any point since Roe v. Wade in 1973.
Pastor Eric Angeles and his wife Ruth of Norwalk, California, say that they believe God raised a young man they prayed for from the dead. Doctors agree that the boy’s survival from a fractured skull and spine, blood clots, and a dislocated shoulder and collarbone is indeed “a miracle.” The noise of the pickup truck hitting the boy brought the Angeles couple out of their home to find the motionless boy surrounded by his distraught family. They prayed fervently in the name of Jesus, and the boy seemed to come to life, witnesses said.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Colossians 3:15).
For the first time in its 100-year history, Planned Parenthood has endorsed a presidential candidate: Hillary Clinton. While doing so, the abortion giant’s executives said that every Republican candidate would be a “complete disaster,” but that Senator Ted Cruz would be the biggest threat to the abortion industry in recent history. Saturday’s sweeping victory in Wyoming for Cruz, who won all 14 delegates at stake, sets the stage for Tuesday’s titanic battle for New York.
Kentucky’s Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who spent five days in jail last September for refusing a federal judge’s demand that she issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples, finally has an accommodation that respects her faith. Governor Matt Bevin signed a bill that removes the names and titles of county clerks from marriage licenses.
On Sunday the fourth of a string of deadly earthquakes hit Quito, Ecuador. The death toll of Ecuador’s 7.8-magnitude earthquake is nearing 300. More than 40 are dead and thousands are injured after the second of two earthquakes hit southern Japan on Saturday morning. The first was a 6.9 earthquake, and the second measured 7.3 on the Richter scale. Missionary Eric Swanson from the island of Kyushu, 100 miles from the epicenter of the quake, told The World View that Japan is well equipped to recover from the earthquake. He also said that the earthquakes could provide opportunities to share the gospel of Christ: “Yeah, we could feel it, probably a hundred or so of the aftershocks as well—not just the main earthquake, but the aftershocks. And some of them are almost as powerful as the initial earthquake. But as far as recovering, the Japanese are pretty good at recovering.”
According to Christian Headlines, what seemed to be a great trial ended up producing two effective and compelling activists for the unborn. When Fionnuala McArdle of the United Kingdom gave birth to her little girl Meabh, who weighed just one pound and was only 23 weeks in the womb, Mrs. McArdle had no idea what God was doing. Now her little girl is a “bubbly, beautiful, and amazing little girl,” she said. She tells anyone who will listen “[what] an absolute disgrace” it would have been had someone in her shoes chosen abortion. McArdle is working to change the law, which currently allows a mother to abort her child at 24 weeks.
God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.