It’s Wednesday, February 12th, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (adam@theworldview.com)
Radical Hindu nationalists falsely allege pastor broke idols
On Sunday, February 9th, members of a radical Hindu nationalist group attacked a small house church located in India’s northern state of Uttar Pradesh. As a result of the attack, the house church’s pastor and family were taken into police custody and questioned until 1:30 in the morning on February 10, reports International Christian Concern.
According to Pastor Sanjay Raj Singh, a group of 15 members of the Bajrang Dal broke into his private house as the Sunday worship service was ongoing. The activists were carrying Hindu idols in their jackets and went on to drop the idols in Pastor Singh’s home, where they broke on the ground.
Pastor Singh explained, “They started to film the broken idols that they dropped as evidence that I had destroyed the idols.”
Police confiscated Pastor Singh’s car, several Bibles, and bags belonging to him.
Dem. Pres Candidate: Abortion is “tragedy”; Urged to drop out
While Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang made it abundantly clear that he is in favor of abortion and sees no role for the government in restricting the procedure at any stage of pregnancy, he did acknowledge that it’s not something to celebrate, because it is tragic, reports FaithWire.com.
YANG: “I think we have to get back to the point where no one is suggesting that we be celebrating an abortion at any point in the pregnancy. There was a time in Democratic circles where we used to talk about it being something that you don’t like to see, but that should be within the freedoms of the woman and the mother to decide. To me, I think there is a really important tone to set on this. I think that it should be typically up to the woman and her doctor. The state should not be intervening all the way through pregnancy. But it’s a tragedy to me if someone decides that they don’t want to have a child.”
To her shame, Dr. Logan Levkoff, tweeted, “It is time for Yang to drop out. This take on abortion is completely disqualifying. Using this type of language is part of the forced birth movement.”
11 U.S. military bases quarantine possible coronavirus victims
Eleven military bases near major airports in the United States are setting up quarantine centers for possible coronavirus patients, the Department of Defense said, reports the Miami Herald.
As of Friday, more than 31,400 people have been infected with the 2019 coronavirus worldwide. More than 630 people have died from the virus, almost all in China.
You can find a list of the new quarantine centers in our transcript today at www.TheWorldvieww.com.
JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii (HNL)
Great Lakes Training Center Navy Base, Illinois (ORD)
Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base, Texas (DFW)
March ARB, California (LAX)
Travis AFB, California (SFO)
Dobbins ARB, Georgia (ATL)
Fort Hamilton, New York (JFK)
Naval Base Kitsap, Washington (SEA)
Joint Base Anacostia, Washington DC (IAD)
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey (EWR)
Fort Custer Training Center, Michigan (DTW)
The Department of Defense already has quarantine centers at Fort Carson in Colorado, Travis Air Force Base and Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in California, and Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.
Utah might label pornography as being potentially addictive
A newly introduced proposal in Utah requires pornography to come with labels warning of “addictive sexual behavior” and “low self-esteem”, reports the Christian Post.
According to Republican state Rep. Brady Brammer, the proposed label on pornography circulated in the Beehive state warns of impairment of “brain development, emotional development, and the ability to maintain intimate relationships,” reports the Salt Lake Tribune.
Brammer’s label would also say that exposure to porn may also result in “the improper objectification of and sexual violence towards others, among other numerous harms.”
Brammer’s bill stipulates such warning labels ought to be displayed on the cover of any pornography print publication or shown for at least 15 seconds prior to the viewing of online explicit videos or images.
Proverbs 7:10-11, 22-23 says, “Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent. (She is unruly and defiant, her feet never stay at home) With persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with her smooth talk. All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life.”
Rhys-Davies: “Christian civilization has made world better place.”
Actor John Rhys-Davies attended the 28th annual Movieguide Awards where he shared his thoughts on the impact Christianity has had on the world, reports the Christian Post.
RHYS-DAVIES: “Christian civilization has made the world a better place than it ever was. One of the great glories was the abolition of slavery.
“All the things that we value, the right of free speech, the right of the individual conscience, these evolved in first and second century Roman Christendom, where the individual Christian said, ‘I have a right to believe, what I believe and not what the Emperor tells me.’ And from that, our whole idea of democracy and the equality that we have has developed”
“We owe Christianity the greatest debt of thanks that a generation can ever have.”
Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
“The Lord of the Rings” star made his return to Christian entertainment recently as a voice in the animated film “Pilgrims Progress” and as the lead in the upcoming movie about the life of Ireland’s patron saint Patrick entitled “I Am Patrick”, hitting theaters on St. Patrick’s Day, by Fathom Events.
Postman rescues 2-year-old wandering boy near highway
And finally, when mailman Keith Rollins was driving from the post office with a truck full of mail to deliver at 8:00am last Thursday, he spotted the top of “a little head” as he drove down the highway. Thankfully nd providentially, he stopped, pulled over, and discovered a 2-year-old boy wandering barefoot along the busy highway, reports WUSA-TV.
ROLLINS: “It was God-ordained that I be in that place at that time.”
Ethan Adeyemi, who is autistic, ran away from family members outside his home in Elkridge, Maryland one half a mile away around 10:20 p.m. the night before.
ROLLINS: “He was behind there, shivering, cold. He only had a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt, no shoes or socks. So, I walked up to him. I said, ‘Hey, buddy. How you doing?”
Ethan is not yet verbal.
ROLLINS: “I decided to just scoop him up, and I took him to my vehicle, turned up the heat.”
Once the police officers arrived, they took him to the hospital where the toddler was treated for hypothermia and released to his parents.
Rollins said, “Giving glory to God that I was able to help at that particular time and be in the correct place at the right time.”
ROLLINS: “I was just glad to be a part of a good ending situation. But a hero? No.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, February 12th in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Print stories
The chaos of the Democratic presidential contest
For Democrats, this was supposed be a moment to begin easing three years of built-up of anxieties. Instead, the launch of the 2020 presidential primary has left the party deeply unsettled and President Donald Trump gleeful about the chaos, reports the Associated Press.
Party leaders are on edge over embarrassing technical issues that marred this past week’s Iowa caucuses, as well as lower than expected turnout in the leadoff state. Plus, front-runners Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg face questions about their long-term political viability, while some supporters of the two leading women left in the race — Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota — are raising alarms about what they view as persistent sexism.
Former Vice President Joe Biden, the longtime national front-runner, finished a distant fourth in Iowa. He’s now facing a money crunch, a staff shakeup, and a looming challenge from billionaire Michael Bloomberg. The former New York City mayor isn’t competing in the early states, but is spending hundreds of millions of dollars in later contests.
Air Force suicides up
Suicides in the active-duty Air Force surged last year to the highest total in at least three decades, even as the other military services saw their numbers stabilize or decline, according to officials and unpublished preliminary data, reports the Associated Press.
According to preliminary figures, the Air Force had 84 suicides among active-duty members last year, up from 60 the year before. The jump followed five years of relative stability, with the service’s yearly totals fluctuating between 60 and 64.
Air Force officials, who confirmed the 2019 total, said they knew of no higher number in recent years. Data and studies previously published by the Pentagon and Air Force show that 64 suicides in 2015 had been the highest total for the Air Force in this century. A 2009 Air Force study said suicides between 1990 and 2004 averaged 42 a year and never exceeded 62.
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, combat experience and other deployment-related factors were not associated that with increased risk of suicide. Instead the study’s results pointed to being male, engaging in heavy or binge drinking, and bipolar disorder.