It’s Tuesday, September 27th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Kevin Swanson
Hong Kong pastor on trial for Tiananmen Sq. massacre remembrance
Pray for Hong Kong Pastor Garry Pang Moon-yuen who is on trial for attending an event commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4th, reports MyChristianDaily.com.
He’s also been praying for the revival and religious freedom of Hong Kong and doing sit-ins with parents whose college-age children were trapped during the siege of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Iranians protest over Morality Police killing woman over hijab
With increased authoritarianism among governments, Iranian citizens have taken to the streets to protest.
At issue is the killing of a Kurdish woman, who was beaten to death by the Morality Police for improper use of a hijab, a clothing government that covers the hair. Over 40 people have been killed in the protests that ensued.
Freedom House reports a growing autocracy throughout the world. Over the last year, the think tank concluded that a total of 60 countries suffered declines in political rights and civil liberties over the past year, while only 25 improved.
The worst countries on the list include China, Russia, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Mali, and Hong Kong. The world has witnessed a 16-year-long, loss-of-freedom run, according to Freedom House.
Pro-lifer, father of 7, arrested by 15 FBI agents
The U.S. government is busy making arrests. This time, a Catholic pro-life family’s home was raided by 15-20 FBI agents on Friday.
Mark Houck, a father of seven children, was arrested on charges of violating the Freedom of Access to [Abortion] Clinic Entrances Act. Mark’s wife said, “They had about five guns pointed at my husband, myself, and basically at my kids,” reports LifeSiteNews.com.
Mark would drive “two hours every Wednesday to speak outside of abortion clinics for six to eight hours at a time and at times would bring their 12-year-old son.”
The GiveSendGo website noted that “Mark’s ‘crime’ was protecting his son from an aggressive Planned Parenthood escort in downtown Philadelphia.”
Conservative woman becomes Italy’s new prime minister
Once more, “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He will.” (Proverbs 21:1)
Now, Italian politics is moving conservative with the Brothers of Italy Party, gaining 26% of the vote in the recent national elections. Giorgia Meloni won the election as the first female Prime Minister for the country, reports the BBC.
Meloni wants more secured borders and has announced her opposition to the LHBT and Gender Identity ideology. She opposes big international finance and the bureaucrats of Brussels (a reference to the European Union). The BBC called it the most right-wing government for Italy since World War 2.
Ms. Meloni will be the 16th female head of state out of 45 European countries, a list that includes the UK, Scotland, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Sweden. That’s the largest number of women leading countries in European history.
The domino effect of European food shortage
Turmoil in Europe is producing a food shortage worldwide.
Between 2018 and 2020, Russia provided 32 percent of African wheat imports while Ukraine contributed 12 percent. World Magazine reports that 70% of Somalia’s grain comes from Ukraine.
Consequently, more than 800,000 Somalians have been displaced due to hunger and drought conditions. Plus, hundreds have already died of starvation.
Keep in mind worst case conditions for hunger have hit Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Haiti, Honduras, Nigeria, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the countries in the Horn of Africa.
In Amos 8:11, the Sovereign LORD declared, “The days are coming when I will send a famine through the land—not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD’”.
Americans concerned about economy and crime ahead of abortion
As we approach the 2022 elections Americans are more interested in the economy and crime than abortion.
Whether pro-abortion or pro-life, the issue of abortion takes second fiddle in the American mind, according to an ABC/WaPo poll released Sunday. Americans are most concerned about the economy (89%), education (77%), and inflation (76%). Only 62% are concerned about the abortion issue. Immigration and climate change were of least importance (standing at 61% and 50% respectively).
But Americans still lean pro-abortion when it comes to public policy in recent polls.
The ABC poll found the “public trusts the Democratic Party over the Republican Party to handle abortion by a wide 20 points.” A Pew Research poll found 61% of Americans wanted abortion legal in all or most cases. And a Gallup poll found 67% of Americans want abortion legalized in the first trimester — the highest number recorded in 25 years of polling.
NBC’s story on 3D Ultrasounds and reference to “baby” in womb
And finally, the NBC Today show did an extensive piece on 3D ultrasounds featuring videos of children in the womb who appear to be reacting to bitter or sweet flavors consumed by their mothers.
Interestingly, the coverage referred to the children as “babies,” not “fetal tissue.”
NBC REPORTER: “So, you guys have to see this! Have you heard about this? So, this morning, we wanted to show you some amazing baby faces.
“Look at this. Researchers in Britain wanted to know if babies in the womb react when the mom ingests a flavor of food. And this is what they saw.
“So, the left is of a baby and its resting state. And then on the right, you see he smiles, 20 minutes. The mom ate some carrots.
AL ROKER: “So, were there other foods?”
REPORTER: “Yes, there were other foods. I’m glad you asked. You want to look at this baby’s reaction? Mom had kale.”
ROKER: “Wow!”
REPORTER: “So here’s the thing. Let’s say he’s co-author says the images could just show muscle movements when a baby’s reacting to maybe a flavor that’s bitter.”
The Worldview wonders, “Do any of these reporters, who marveled at the humanity of the babies in the womb, advocate abortion?”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, September 27th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
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Stocks headed down
Stocks are edging back down to the June low, bringing the three-month pseudo-economic recovery to an end.
Economists are watching whether the stocks and crypto will break the barrier set in June given the aggressive hawkish behavior of the Fed raising interest rates like it’s going out of style.