Pro-lifer fired over Christ-honoring tweet, 64 truckers surprise 8-year-old lonely boy in convoy, Impact of Target’s perversion push

It’s Monday, August 21st, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. (

By Adam McManus

Christian widows and girls in Egypt are vulnerable

Egyptian Christian widows or Christian girls, whose fathers have died, are vulnerable to the external pressures to abandon their Christian faith from their Muslim-majority neighbors, reports International Christian Concern.

These pressures sometimes come in the form of financial offers, marriage proposals, or even framing for crimes they did not commit.  

One recent case demonstrates this in the life of a Christian widow and her teenage daughter.  After the death of her husband, this brave woman continued to operate their family grocery store. However, their Muslim neighbor’s son began harassing her Christian teenage daughter.  

The neighbors told her that they should let her daughter marry their son so that she could convert to Islam and be led from the “delusion of their faith to the true religion.”   Otherwise, they could not assure her of the Christian family’s safety.

Fearful for both her and her daughter’s life and dignity, the widow was forced to move.

Please pray that God would protect this Egyptian Christian widow and her daughter in their new home.

Hurricane Hilary hits Mexico and Southern California

On Saturday, Hurricane Hilary hit Mexico’s Baja California as a downgraded Category 2 storm that the U.S. National Hurricane Center predicted will bring “catastrophic” flooding for the peninsula and for the southwestern United States, reports The Associated Press

Trump to skip GOP Presidential debate

Former President Donald Trump plans to skip the first Republican primary debate this Wednesday.

Instead, he’ll sit down for an online interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Twitter, reports Reuters.

Pro-lifer fired over Christ-honoring tweet

Ohio Right to Life dismissed its communications director, Elizabeth Marbach, for tweeting her declaration on August 15th that “there is no hope for any of us outside of having faith in Jesus Christ alone,” reports The Christian Post.

Rep. Max Miller, a Jewish Republican Congressman and the husband of  Emily Miller, who sits on the Ohio Right to Life board, called Marbach’s tweet “one of the most bigoted” tweets he had ever seen even. Rep. Miller also tweeted, “Delete it, Lizzie. You have gone too far!”

She responded, by saying, “Sorry, Congressman, but these are the words of Jesus Himself.” [In John 14:6], “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’”

Marbach, a former Trump campaign staffer and Ohio Republican Party staff member, told The Sentinel newspaper that she “absolutely” does not regret her social media post because “now millions have read the Gospel message.” She expressed hope that God would use the situation to “bring glory and honor to His name.”

Later, Miller apologized to Marbach, writing, “I posted something earlier that conveyed a message I did not intend. I will not try to hide my mistake or run from it. I sincerely apologize to Lizzie and to everyone who read my post.”

Target lost 5.4% of sales in second quarter over perversion push

Not surprisingly, after Target pushed homosexual pride products in June, including a “tuck-friendly” swimsuit for men, pretending to be women, the retail giant documented a decline in quarterly sales for the first time in six years, reports CBS News.

Last Wednesday, Target admitted that retail sales at stores open at the same time a year ago declined 5.4% in the second quarter.

Galatians 6:7 says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

However, the store continues to sell a variety of sexual perversion-affirming products including books for kids like Bye Bye Binary, All Boys Aren’t Blue, and Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle.

Last month, seven U.S. state attorneys general sent a letter to Target warning that some of the clothes sold as part of the company’s Pride Perversion month might violate their state’s child protection laws.

This is nothing new. Target has been pushing perversion for 10 years now.

64 truckers surprise 8-year-old lonely boy in convoy

On July 9th, New Zealander Oliver Johnson turned 8 years old. Lonely by nature, his mother had just the idea of what might cheer him up, reports The New Zealand Herald.

Young Oliver is obsessed with trucks. He knows the name of every truck, every truck manufacturer, and every trucking company. He even gets a trucking magazine. All he wants to do is be a truck driver. So, his mom, Katherine, offered $50 to a trucker who would come give him a ride in his big rig on Oliver’s big day.

Katherine hoped one truck driver would take her up on the offer. But, Barry Hart, owner of Hart Haulage Trucking, decided to take it two steps further. He organized a 64-trucker convoy.  And no one asked for a dime.

HART: “Ollie’s mum put a post up on Facebook, asking for a handful of truckers to come out to allow Ollie to jump out in one of their trucks and do what they could to help make his day even more special. So, we’ve helped Ollie’s mum to organize the logistics around this.”

Oliver was overwhelmed by the turnout and couldn’t wait to explore the cabin of each truck.

OLLIE: “Can I go have a look in every single one [truck cab]?”

TRUCKER: “Go for it, dude. Happy birthday, my man.”

The 64-trucker convoy never seemed to end.

(Audio of truckers in Birthday convoy)

The truckers even sang Oliver “Happy birthday.”

TRUCKERS: “Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Ollie. Happy birthday to you.”

TRUCKER: “Thanks guys!” (clapping)

OLIVER’S MOTHER: “On the CB coming in, he couldn’t believe there were 65 trucks. He kept looking in the mirror because he was in the front.”

Oliver’s father expressed his gratitude on behalf of the family.

OLIVER’s FATHER: “Thank you just doesn’t cover what has happened today. We have been overwhelmed by support and messages from all over New Zealand and even all around the world.”

14-year-old Florida boy wins National Spelling Bee

And finally, earlier this summer, it was a tense moment when 14-year-old Dev Shah from Largo, Florida stepped up to the microphone at the 2023 Scripps National Spelling Bee.

JUDGE: “Dev Shaw, if you spell this next word correctly, we will declare you the 2023 National Spelling Bee Champion. Psammophile.”

SHAH: “Psammo’ meaning ‘sand’; Greek?”

JUDGE: ‘Yes.”

SHAH: “’Phile’ meaning lover; Greek?”

JUDGE: “You’re on the right track. Psammophile.”

SHAH: “P-S-A-M-M-O-P-H-I-L-E.  Psammophile.”

JUDGE: “That is correct!” (Crowd cheers)

Look at the other 15 words he had to spell or questions he had to answer through a link in our transcript today. How well would you have done?  See if your kids can spell the same words.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, August 21st in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.