Queen Elizabeth II died–having shared Christ’s light; Zambia, Africa celebrates New Testament translation; Ugandan Muslims threw 5 Christian evangelists overboard

It’s Friday, September 9th,  A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.

By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)

Ugandan Muslims threw 5 Christian evangelists overboard

On August 10th, Muslim extremists killed five Christian workers by throwing them off a boat into central Uganda’s Lake Kyoga, reports Morning Star News.

A Christian survivor of the attack said the evangelists from End Time Word Ministry church were traveling from Nakasongola District to Apac District on a commercial transport boat with plans to plant a church.

The survivor, Amos Kyakulaga, a church deacon who was acting as a guide, said the five evangelists began proclaiming Christ to a group of 10 Muslims in Islamic attire aboard the boat.

He said, “On our way, Tonny Ankunda started preaching to the people on the boat, which resulted in a huge argument between Muslims and the missionaries concerning the Sonship of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

He said one of the Muslims, identified only as Bashir, began threatening the Christians, saying, “If you continue insisting that Jesus is the Son of God, then Allah will kill all of you.”

Citing Scripture, the evangelists continued affirming the sonship of Christ.  Bashir, the Muslim, told them, “We are giving you one last minute to stop your blasphemy and to convert by confessing the shahada (Islamic creed), or else your lives are at risk.”

When the five evangelists refused to renounce Christ, the Muslims seized them and pushed them off the boat one by one, Kyakulaga said.  Because they were 650 feet from shore, all five Christians drowned.

Despite the fact that Muslims make up only 12 percent of Uganda’s population, they live in high concentrations in the east.

Queen Elizabeth II died–having shared Christ’s light

Queen Elizabeth II died peacefully yesterday at the age of 96, marking an end to her 70-year and 214-day reign, reports The Sun.

Her son, Charles, who will now be known as King Charles III, gave a somber statement as he led the nation in mourning last night.

The new King said, “The death of my beloved mother, Her Majesty The Queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family.”

She has been called the last reigning Christian monarch.

In fact, Evangelist Franklin Graham said, “I’m especially grateful for the Queen’s friendship with my father Billy Graham. He cherished their friendship that was built on a shared love for Jesus Christ and belief in God’s Word.”

Throughout her 70-year reign, she often mentioned Christianity.

In her 1957 Christmas address, Queen Elizabeth quoted the famous Christian allegory, The Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyun.

QUEEN: “I believe that together, we can set an example to the world, which will encourage upright people everywhere. I would like to read you a few lines from Pilgrim’s Progress, because I’m sure we can say, with Mr. Valiant-for-Truth, these words: ‘My marks and scars I carry with me to be a witness for me, but I have fought His battles, who now will be my Rewarder.”

In the year 2000, she spoke of a personal accountability before God.

QUEEN: “For me, the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God, provide a framework in which I try to lead my life. I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times, from Christ’s words and example. ‘Hold fast to that which is good. Render to near man evil for evil, strengthen the faint hearted, support the weak, healthy afflicted on all men.”

In 2014, the Queen said that the life of Jesus was an inspiration and an anchor in her life.

QUEEN: “Jesus Christ lived obscurely for most of His life, and never traveled far. He was maligned and rejected by many, though He had done no wrong. And yet, billions of people now follow His teaching and find in Him the guiding light for their lives. I am one of them because Christ’s example helps me see the value of doing small things with great love.”

In April of 2020, Queen Elizabeth affirmed the need to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

QUEEN: “Indeed, we need Easter as much as ever. The discovery of the risen Christ on the first Easter Day gave His followers new hope and fresh purpose, and we can all take heart from this.”

Last night, she received her heavenly crown, a crown worth infinitely more than her earthly one.

The Bible speaks of five crowns. In 2 Timothy 4:8, Paul says, “Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”

4 dead & 3 wounded in Memphis, Tennessee

Mourning and anger enveloped Memphis, Tennessee yesterday as authorities sought the motive for a gunman’s daylong, livestreamed shooting spree that left four people dead and three wounded, reports USA Today.

Ezekiel Dejuan Kelly, age 19, was captured Wednesday evening having driven around for hours shooting people, and finally participating in a carjacking.

Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland expressed outrage that Kelly had been charged with criminal attempted first-degree murder two years ago, but pleaded guilty in April 2021 to the lesser charge of aggravated assault. He was sentenced to three years in prison, but served just over two years.

STRICKLAND: “If this man had served his full sentence, he would be in prison this morning, and these four lives would still be with us.”

Zambia, Africa celebrates New Testament translation

And finally, Christians in Zambia, Africa, are celebrating the latest milestone in Bible translation: the creation of the New Testament in their native tongues.

According to CBN News, the effort is led by Wycliffe Associates, an organization that offers Bible translations in countless languages. Currently, over 5,000 people are working in Zambia to translate the Bible into 20 native languages.

Bishop Henry Mumba, a pastor and church planter, is assisting church-owned translation work in Munsa. He recalled how he heard his first Bible verse when he was 19 years old.

MUMBA: “My pastor was a missionary from another country. And he came into this town and when they preached the Gospel to me, the first verse that I knew was John 3:16. ‘For God so love the world, that He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'”

Listen as this woman quoted a portion for the first time in their hearing.

(audio of Zambian translation followed by cheers)

Amazingly, it’s the first time this language has been written down for any reason.

MUMBA: “That Bible is the first written literature. We’ve never had anything before.”

Bishop Mumba explained what it meant.

MUMBA: “God is speaking our language!”

Of the world’s 7,000 languages, fewer than 800 have the Bible fully translated. Consider giving a gift to help fund the sacred work of Wycliffe Translators.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, September 9th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.