Wednesday, October 17th, in the year of our Lord 2018
By Adam McManus (
Did the Saudi Prince Have a Journalist Killed?
In a horrifying story, a Saudi journalist named Jamal Khashoggi, was dragged from the Consul General’s office at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, killed and dismembered alive within 7 minutes, according to a Turkish source who has listened in full to an audio recording of Khashoggi’s last moments, reports the Middle East Eye.
Horrendous screams were heard by a witness downstairs, the source said.
Salah Muhammad al-Tubaigy, who has been identified as the head of forensic evidence in the Saudi general security department, was one of the 15-member squad who arrived in Ankara earlier that day on a private jet.
Romans 3:15-18 says, “Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, one of Saudi Arabia’s most vocal defenders in Congress, appeared on Fox and Friends yesterday, shaming the kingdom’s powerful crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.
GRAHAM: “I’ve been their biggest defender on the floor of the United States Senate. … This guy is a wrecking ball. He had this guy murdered in a consulate in Turkey, and to expect me to ignore it — I feel used and abused. I was on the floor every time defending Saudi Arabia because they’re a good ally. But there’s a difference between a country and an individual.”
Senator Graham promised tough sanctions against Saudi Arabia if the crown prince does not step aside.
Senator Elizabeth Warren: I AM Native American!
In an attempt to move on from the controversy over her long-standing claim that she is Native American, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts took a DNA test that would make her between 1/64th and 1/1024th Native American, reports The Boston Globe.
However, the Cherokee Nation said using a DNA test to claim connection with a tribal nation is “inappropriate” and “wrong.”
President Donald Trump has often mocked Warren, a likely 2020 Democrat presidential challenger, referring to her as “Pocahontas”.
Former Atlanta Fire Chief Awarded $1.2 Million in Religious Freedom Case
Four years after Atlanta’s Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran was suspended and then fired for publishing a book containing historic Christian beliefs, the city of Atlanta agreed Monday to pay him $1.2 million, reports Christian Headlines.
Cochran’s self-published 162-page book entitled, Who Told You That You Were Naked?: Overcoming the Stronghold of Condemnation, included Bible verses addressing sexuality and homosexuality. It was the latter topic though that sparked a controversy and an investigation and eventually, his termination. He wrote the book on non-work time.
Alliance Defending Freedom represented Cochran. Senior counsel Kevin Theriot said, “The government can’t force its employees to get its permission before they engage in free speech. It also can’t fire them for exercising that First Amendment freedom, causing them to lose both their freedom and their livelihoods.”
Rush Limbaugh Advocates for Pro-Life Movie Gosnell
Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh encouraged his listeners to see the new pro-life movie Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer last Friday.
And then, on Monday, he devoted more air time to the movie.
LIMBAUGH: “Gosnell killed most of the babies after they were born alive, and he did it by snipping their spinal cords with scissors. Now, I didn’t say this on Friday because I didn’t want to frighten people away. … The numbers of children born alive, killed by this man is stunning and shocking. You realize that the mainstream media never even covered the trial, much less what he had done!
“They’ve always done their best to suppress it. It was nearly impossible to get this movie made precisely because of what it revealed! Hollywood doesn’t want this movie made. The actors in this movie were risking their future careers by taking roles, people like Nick Searcy, … chose to direct this movie. And all of these people in one way or another were risking something major by tackling it and doing it.
“They couldn’t find funding. People that run the GoFundMe pages would not allow any kind of public funding for the production costs. … It was a real challenge for ’em. … He did his share of abortions in the womb, but the numbers born alive that this man murdered. It’s just stunning. Everybody thinks late-term abortion is bad.”
Both Republican and Democrat Voters Energized for Midterm Elections
In the wake of the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Republican and Democratic voters are energized in ways that no one had previously anticipated, making the 2018 midterm elections on Tuesday, November 6 comparable to a presidential election year, reports
Hillary Clinton: Bill Did Not Abuse Power with Monica Lewinsky
On CBS’ Sunday Morning, Tony Dokoupil asked Hillary Clinton whether her husband, President Bill Clinton, abused his power with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
DOKOUPIL: “Do you think Bill should have resigned in the wake of the Monica Lewinsky scandal?”
HILLARY: “Absolutely not.”
DOKOUPIL: “It wasn’t an abuse of power?”
DOKOUPIL: “There are people who look at the incidents of the nineties and they say, ‘A president of the United States cannot have a consensual relationship with an intern; the power imbalance is too great.’”
HILLARY: “Who was an adult.”
Lewinsky herself wrote a Vanity Fair essay in February, saying, “Now, at 44, I’m beginning to consider the implications of the power differentials that were so vast between a president and a White House intern. … He was my boss. He was the most powerful man on the planet. He was 27 years my senior.”
America Most Competitive Nation in the World — Again
And finally, some good news. The United States is back on top as the most competitive country in the world, regaining the No. 1 spot for the first time since 2008 in an index produced by the World Economic Forum, reports The Wall Street Journal.
And that’s The World View in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, October 17th in the year of our Lord 2018. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at I’m Adam McManus. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
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Kenyan Muslim Kills 2 Christian Teachers
Islamic extremists suspected to be Al Shabaab militants killed two Christians in northern Kenya on Wednesday, October 10th at 1 a.m., reports Morning Star News.
In Mandera County on Kenya’s border with Somalia, more than 20 suspected Muslims detonated an Improvised Explosive Device at the block housing where Catholic and East Africa Pentecostal Church teachers live, instantly killing two of them.
Middle East Christians Boldly Share Faith Despite Muslim Villagers’ Threats
Although ISIS has been defeated, the extremist group still lives on in the minds of many people. Those who have had the ability to return home following ISIS occupation return to a place they can no longer recognize, reports International Christian Concern.
When ISIS started their violent campaign in the Middle East, Christians and other minorities were forced to flee. For many believers, areas previously occupied by ISIS are still extremely unsafe for Christians. A believer one could be killed for simply showing their faith. Many Muslim villages do not want Christians to return.
However, Christians continue to share their faith despite the great dangers they face.
North Dakota Democratic Senator Hurts Her Campaign
North Dakota Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp apologized yesterday after her campaign included names of several women without their permission in an open letter from sexual assault survivors criticizing her Republican opponent Representative Kevin Cramer, reports
Heitkamp’s campaign ran the open letter targeting GOP on Sunday in an ad in several North Dakota newspapers.
Heitkamp said, “I deeply regret this mistake and we are in the process of issuing a retraction, personally apologizing to each of the people impacted by this and taking the necessary steps to ensure this never happens again.”
The error comes just as Heitkamp kicked off a three-week drive to erase her polling deficit in heavily Republican-leaning North Dakota.
Pro-Abortion Activist Gets Violent at Peaceful, Pro-Life Event
As Toronto Against Abortion peacefully stood next to signs which told the truth about abortion on a street corner at Canada’s Ryerson University on October 5th, Gabriela Skwarko violently attacked two of the protesters, reports Christian Headlines.
Not surprisingly, Skwarko is a member of a pro-abortion group called Ryerson Reproductive Justice Collective.
According to Christian News Net, Skwarko approached Blaise Alleyne and kicked his sign out of his hands and then threw a metal dolly and clamp at Katie Somers. Skwarko is then seen following Somers, shoving her, taking a metal item, presumably a water bottle, out of Somers backpack and aggressively throwing it on the ground before kicking it. Skwarko then shoved Somers again, as Somers called out, “Get away from me!”
Police are investigating.
Texas Judge Stops Certain Death of Sick Girl at Last Moment, for Now
A Texas judge has ruled in favor of a family who is desperate to keep their 9-year-old daughter on life support. In a ruling made yesterday, the court gave Payton Summons’ family one additional week to seek out a healthcare facility that would agree to care for their gravely ill child, reports FaithWire.
On September 25, Payton suffered a cardiac arrest and was immediately placed on life support at Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, as reported by CNN. The hospital was going to kill Payton by withdrawing her from medical care Monday.
Mrs. Summons said, “I just wanted to make sure as Payton’s mother that I had done everything that I could possibly do for her.”
Learn more and help the family with medical and legal expenses at a GoFundMe page linked in our transcript at
And spread the word through #FightForPayton.
Infamous Brothel Owner Died Unexpectedly Yesterday
Nevada’s Bunny Ranch brothel owner Dennis Hof, who was running for a seat in the House of Representatives, died yesterday at the age of 72, hours after an intimate encounter with one of his prostitutes.
James 4:4 says, “You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”
Federal Government Collects Record Income Taxes
The federal government collected a record $1,683,537,000,000 in individual income taxes in fiscal 2018 (between October 2017 and September 2018), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today.
However, the federal government also ran a deficit of $778,996,000,000 during the fiscal year, according to the statement, reports
California Bus with Churchgoers in Bad Accident
A California bus leased to transport people to a church event crashed in the San Fernando Valley, sending some 25 people to the hospital. The brutal collision took place Sunday afternoon on the 405 Freeway in the North Hills area, reports
The Los Angeles Fire Department said, “Upon arrival, firefighters found debris strewn across both sides of the freeway, causing an immediate full closure.”
Please pray for all those involved as they recover from their injuries.