Thursday, May 10th, in the year of our Lord 2018
By Jonathan Clark
Christian South African Farmers Victims of Violence
Christian white South African farmers face perhaps the greatest threat to their existence in centuries after South African president Jacob Zuma said in March of 2017 that he supported confiscating white-owned property without compensation, reported WorldNetDaily.
There are well-founded fears of “genocide” against white South Africans amid reports of surging crime including rape, torture and murder, especially against the farmers. Amazingly, white South Africans face even more race-based laws and regulations than existed against blacks under apartheid.
Members of one church in South Africa are being persecuted by the government, according to a World View listener there who contacted us this week and who must remain anonymous for his own safety. Many have been attacked and threatened with death if they do not give up their farms to the government.
His pastor drafted a letter to President Donald Trump asking for help, which you can read at the bottom of today’s transcript.
Please pray Psalm 71:4 for these Christians. “Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man.”
North Korea Releases Three American Prisoners Ahead of Summit
In God’s providence yesterday, North Korea released three Americans imprisoned for over a year, allowing them to fly home with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
President Donald Trump said he would be present to personally welcome Kim Dong-chul, Kim Sang-duk (also known as Tony Kim) and Kim Hak-song, all with Christian affiliation.
Meanwhile, 50,000 North Korean Christians remain in labor camps in the country ranked worst in the world for persecution against the church.
Christians Marched for Life Globally
Thousands marched for life this past week internationally.
The U.K. March for Life drew crowds to London for the first time on Saturday with public addresses and prayer. In March, London’s Ealing Council became the first council to ban pro-life vigils outside abortion mills.
And in South America, an estimated 1.2 million people joined in pro-life marches recently across Peru, Columbia, Brazil, and Mexico. Many of the countries have laws protecting human life, but are facing increased pressure to decriminalize the murder of unborn babies.
Former Homosexuals Speak Out in Washington, DC
Repentant men and women who formerly walked in sexually perverted lifestyles joined the Freedom March last week to declare their freedom from sin in Christ.
One former lesbian, who had lived in sin with another woman for six years, made a fascinating reference to the story of Lazarus and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.
“Your testimonies are what keep me going. Your testimonies are what encourage me to keep standing in my own truth in what Jesus did for me.
“I hear the Lord calling the Lazaruses of our generation to take off their burial clothes and walk in their true identity. And we are here today to call them forth, to speak forth their names, that ‘some were such of’ us.”
As they marched around the Washington Monument, listen to these brothers and sisters sing as they declared God’s salvation.
“There’s an army rising up to break every chain, to break every chain, to break every chain.”
Stay tuned for World View Special Report following today’s newscast with comments from a brother who attended the march.
50 Shades of Schneiderman
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman resigned in disgrace on Monday hours after four women accused him of physical assault, which he denied.
A pro-abortion Democrat, Schneiderman heavily supported the #MeToo movement and even filed a lawsuit against Harvey Weinstein over his sexual misconduct.
Isaiah 40:23-24 declares it is the Lord “who brings princes to nothing, and makes the rulers of the earth as emptiness. Scarcely are they planted … when He blows on them, and they wither.”
Adoptions by Homosexual Couples Doubled
The number of couples devoted to unnatural relations who have adopted children nearly doubled between 2000 and 2009.
But the legislatures of Kansas and Oklahoma have joined seven other states in allowing adoption agencies to only place children in homes with a mother and a father, protecting their religious beliefs for not placing children in homosexual homes.
Family Research Council Thanks Trump
The Family Research Council issued a review this month one year after President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Religious Liberty.
The review found over 13.7 million people received health-care and social services from faith-based organizations over the past year thanks to the order.
The order also eased concerns for Christian institutions, businesses, and federal contractors who faced uncertainty under Obama-era regulations.
How God Touched an Alabama Teen
And finally, he’s being called the “Miracle from Mobile.”
13-year-old Trenton McKinley suffered severe brain injuries after a utility trailer he was in flipped over and landed on his head in Alabama.
Trenton had been brain-dead for several days, and his parents had even signed paperwork for his organs to be donated. But a day before doctors pulled life support, Trenton came back to life!
Afterwards, Trenton himself said, “There’s no other explanation but God. There’s no other way. Even doctors said it.”
Jeremiah 32:27 says, “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me?”
Closing Line
And that’s The World View in 5 Minutes on this Thursday, May 10th in the year of our Lord 2018. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at I’m Adam McManus. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Special Report: Power of Jesus Christ Shown Forth at Freedom March
Time now for a World View Special Report by Emily Swanson. I’m Adam McManus.
By Emily Swanson
Fifty-plus people attended the very first Freedom March in Washington, D.C. from all over the US, even including brothers and sisters from Canada.
As you’ll recall, The World View spoke to Bryan Wheelock last week before the march. Today, we’re giving you an update from Wheelock who said he was blown away by the event.
“I’ve never been part of anything like this where I got to witness people coming together from all walks of life, many different backgrounds, but shared a common story in that they came out of homosexuality or transgenderism, and have found Christ. And all said the same thing, and I can’t tell you how many times John 8:36 was quote from that stage in Washington, DC, that if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”
Wheelock said that the venue was the right place to proclaim the freedom we have in Christ Jesus.
“The march took place at the Sylvan Theater in Washington, DC which is literally steps away from the Washington Monument, right behind it. Across the lawn you could see the White House in the distance. There was just something so amazing and symbolic about right in the heart of our country, of people proclaiming and telling their story of how they’ve been set free from the bondages they were entailed in.”
Wheelock shared one of the most amazing things he experienced at the march.
“One of the most amazing things for me was to hear the testimony of the founder of the movement in Washington, DC; it was Jeffrey McCall. And he is somebody that lived his life as a transgender female named ‘Scarlet’. That was the way he was for years and to talk about how Christ set him free and gave him a new heart and a new life in Jesus. Now here he is being obedient to the Spirit and organizing this amazing event right in the heart of DC was truly truly powerful.”
Wheelock said that this event was important because it shed light on the power of the truth, the power of the Word of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
“They talk about this community, the homosexual community, being the biggest minority in America and the most oppressed, at least years ago, in terms of them getting their freedom and their rights. That’s come a long way in recent years. Well now there’s a new group that’s being really suppressed and getting a lot of negativity and that’s who have chosen to leave that lifestyle. We’re getting a little bit from both sides to be honest. There’s some people who say, ‘Well you never should have gone that way to begin with.’ That’s a minority of the people.
But then there’s the gay community that really does not want to hear our story and has a lot of negativity to say about us. So I think these marches are really important to say, ‘Here we are. This is my faith. This is who I am. You can figure out who I am, and I am telling you this is the truth.’
Wheelock affirmed that there is power in no longer anonymously sharing the story of how Jesus set us free.
“We’re not hiding, saying, ‘So and so who’s anonymous is saying that they got set free.’ We’re saying, ‘Here we are. Here’s our story and Jesus set me free.’
Wheelock said that the story parallels that of Gideon, because they were small in number at the Freedom March.
“I was reading about Gideon and how, his number, reduced from 32,000 to 300. We do not need large numbers to see a nation transformed, but we do need the power of the Holy Spirit. Our numbers were not large, and that’s what was happening as the media was saying, ‘Well there was only 100 people there. Where were these thousands of people?’
“We didn’t need thousands of people to have together in one place. Thirty, fifty, or sixty people from all across the country — even from Canada and many states, Hawaii, represented, by people whose lives were set free in the name of Jesus! We didn’t need large numbers. The Spirit of God was there!”
Wheelock said he thought it was good that their numbers were small.
“In fact, I think it was better our numbers were small and the Spirit of God was still so prevalent. And people were showing that their chains were set free from so many things. Our numbers may have been small, but our God is big. He was showing His might and His power through the lives of those people, and it was exhilarating!”
Wheelock concluded by saying that a lot of the news stories had said that those at the march were confused and that they were suppressing their real feelings. He remarked that when God transforms you, you do have to suppress those real feelings, and walk in the Spirit and not by the flesh.
Galatians 5:16 says, “This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”
This has been a World View Special Report. I’m Adam McManus.
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Write President Trump, Defending South African Christians
If you want to email President Trump about the Christian farmers who are under attack, please copy and paste the subject line and letter below into this link
If you want to send President Trump a physical letter, please include your return address on your letter as well as your envelope.
President Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Subject: Christian South African Farmers Under Attack
Dear President Trump,
I am writing about a life and death situation for many Christian South African farmers. First, they face the theft of their farms which they either inherited or lawfully purchased. Second, a disturbing number of Christian South African farmers, their wives, and their children are even now being tortured, raped, and even murdered.
No doubt you are aware of the atrocities that have already been reported from South Africa including the proposed changes to their Constitution to allow the government of South Africa to “expropriate” land without compensation.
If South Africa follows in the misguided path of Zimbabwe, there will be more bloodshed of these families. I urge you, Mr. President, to address this grave injustice and to facilitate the process by which these persecuted Christian South African farmers may find a safe refuge here in the United States. I fear the violence will only increase if leaders of nations do not take a bold stand against this tyranny.
I submit that such hardworking people would be a tremendous asset to the United States.
The prayer of these Christian farmers in South Africa to the Lord Jesus is from Psalm 71:4 — “Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man.”
Thank you, Mr. President, for your kind consideration of this most urgent request.
Humbly submitted,
Your name