Monday, October 15th, in the year of our Lord 2018
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldView.com)
As Nigerian Muslim Terrorist Group Deadline Nears, “Where’s the Outcry for Leah?”
The parents of Christian schoolgirl Leah Sharibu are making a last-minute appeal to save their daughter from execution at the hands of terrorists, reports The Christian Post.
Sharibu, along with a young nurse midwife by the name of Saifura Khorsa, is nearing the end of the 30-day warning issued by Nigerian Muslim terror group Boko Haram.
Founding Coalition member and Save the Persecuted Christians Director Dede Laugesen said, “Now we watch in horror as she, and the other women and girls with her, are led before the jihadist firing squads — or worse. Does the world even know? Do they care? Where is the outcry for Saifura? For Leah? For all the other women and girls with them? As American Christians, we can no longer turn a blind eye to what is happening worldwide to our brothers and sisters.”
1 Corinthians 12: 26 is a good reminder. “If one member suffers, all suffer together.”
Hurricane Michael Spawned Billions of “Monster” Mosquitos
Hurricane Michael strengthened into a Category 4 storm with winds of up to 155mph on Wednesday, shattering buildings, bringing down power lines and ripping out trees as it crashed ashore and caused deep seawater flooding with storm surges as high as 14-feet in some areas of Florida’s Gulf coast, reports The Daily Mail.
Together, Hurricanes Michael and Florence have spawned billions of highly-aggressive “monster” mosquitoes, giant bloodsuckers which have a voracious appetite, zebra stripes and are five times bigger than traditional mosquitos, reports The Sun.
The eggs of the gallinippers can lie dormant for years until the right kind of floodwaters come along, then they hatch in huge swarms.
And experts warn the pain of a bite from one of these mega-mosquitos can feel like you are being stabbed with a needle, which can bite through clothing and are immune to regular insect repellent.
Inmates at Walton County, Florida jail volunteered to clean the debris left in the wake of Michael, the strongest hurricane to hit the continental U.S. in more than a decade, reports Fox News.
The oldest and largest psychiatric hospital in Florida was left inaccessible as Hurricane Michael carved its path across the Panhandle, knocking out power and ripping buildings to shreds. By Thursday morning, rescue groups were dropping pallets of food and water to the facility via helicopter to aid the 975 residents and about 325 staff at Florida State Hospital in Chattahoochee, reports the Miami Herald.
100 Million Barrels of Oil Daily Demand
The world’s supply and demand of crude oil have reached record levels at 100 million barrels a day, according to the International Energy Agency.
President Trump Meets with Rapper Kanye West in Oval Office
In a free-wheeling meeting in the Oval Office, Kanye West, an African-American rapper, visited with the candidate whom he voted for in the 2016 presidential election.
TRUMP: “You’re in the Oval Office. How does it feel to be in the Oval Office?”
WEST: “Oh, it is good energy in this.”
TRUMP: “Isn’t it good energy? It’s a great place. What Kanye is doing has been incredible. All over the world, they’re talking about this.”
The rapper explained why many blacks are drawn to the Democratic Party.
WEST: “You know, people expect that if you’re black, you have to be Democrat, Welfare is the reason why a lot of black people end up being Democrat. The fathers lose their jobs and they say, ‘We’ll give you more money for having more kids in your home.’”
West would not be intimidated by his liberal friends about wearing his red Trump hat which declares, “Make America Great Again.”
WEST: “They tried to scare me to not wear this hat, my own friends, but this hat it gives me, it gives me power in a way. … There was something about when I put this hat on, it made me feel like Superman.”
“Black people have an issue with the word ‘again’. So, I actually brought some hats in that have a bit of a transition. I made a hat that says, ‘Make America Great.’ I would love to see, at the Superbowl, Trump wearing the ‘Make America Great’ hat. We are one unit, we are one country. We need to stop working on red and blue. It’s like a gang again.”
Kanye West unashamedly touted his support for the President.
WEST: “Trump is on his hero’s journey right now. He might not have expected to have a Kanye West’s support, but best believe that we are going to make America great.”
Sneak Peek: Pastor Andrew Brunson is free!
God has answered the prayers of thousands of World View listeners. In His providence, Pastor Andrew Brunson was released on Saturday after two years of
imprisonment and house arrest in Turkey. Stay tuned for my World View Special
Christian Teen Girls Pledging Abstinence at Purity Balls
And finally, teenage girls are committing to chastity until marriage in Christian ceremonies with their fathers across America as part of a purity movement sweeping through the country, reports The Sun.
EMCEE: “I am so honored to be the one to welcome all of you to the 8th Annual Purity Ball: Cherished, a Father/Daughter Experience.”
In Louisiana, 17-year-old Hannah Lee Powers attended a Purity Ball with her father.
HANNAH: “What I believe in is purity. Doing this purity ball, it’s like a symbol to tell everybody that this is what I’m doing. You make think it’s weird, but this is what I want to do because I want to take a stand for what I believe in. I want to make a promise to myself and to God that I will stay pure until I get married.”
Mr. Powers, her father, was very pleased with his daughter’s commitment.
POWERS: “It’s a big oath. It’s a big promise that you’re taking. Why not show the people, why not show the world what you stand for?”
The movement, started in Colorado Springs 20 years ago by Randy Wilson and his wife Lisa, has since spread across 48 states and 17 countries.
LEADER: “Lord, thank you for this night. Thank You for these fathers. Thank You for these daughters. Thank You for what this moment represents God.”
The formal dinner entails the girls dressing up in long white gowns, the fathers wearing suits, and both father and daughter sign a purity contract where the daughters are given a purity ring to wear on their wedding ring finger.
At the ceremony, fathers are given a key, representing their daughter’s chastity, to eventually pass on to their daughter’s future husband.
Organizer of Hannah’s purity ball Deb Brittan spoke from the heart.
BRITTAN: “There is nothing negative that could possibly come as a result of waiting until marriage. The reason I have genital herpes today is because somebody told me that there was such a thing as safe sex. Right now, these young girls are voluntarily choosing to be obedient to their fathers in the same way I submit to my husband’s leadership.”
Teenager Hannah said, “I don’t have to have sex to know that I am loved.”
HANNAH: “I will not be ashamed of my religion. I will not be ashamed that I am following God’s will for my life. I will stay pure.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 asks, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
And that’s The World View in 5 Minutes on this Monday, October 15th in the year of our Lord 2018. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldView.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldView.com) Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Special Report: Pastor Andrew Brunson is freed, prays for President Trump
Time now for a World View Special Report. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus
After two years of imprisonment and house arrest in Turkey, Pastor AndrewBrunson is finally free.
Listen to President Trump’s remarks from the White House on Saturday.
TRUMP: “You are very, very special to all of us. … We’ve been negotiating long and hard. We do not pay ransom in this country, otherwise you have big problems and lots of bad things will happen.
“It started in a different administration and they were not going to work out anything. We took it over and I think at this moment, we have gotten 19 different people out of various countries that were being held.
“I just want to congratulate you because you have galvanized this country. It’s your faith. It’s your strength. And I also know that a period of time ago we were able to get you from prison to the house. I do want to thank [Turkish] President [Recep] Erdogan for making this possible.”
Pastor Brunson expressed his deep gratitude to President Trump, theadministration, and those in Congress for their hard work.
BRUNSON: “We especially want to thank the administration. You really fought forus, unusually so. From the time you took office, I know that you’ve beenengaged. Secretary of State Pompeo also was very engaged and fought for us.Vice President Pence we’re very grateful, [National Security Advisor] Mr. [John] Bolton.
“There are a number of people in the Senate. [Republican] Senator [Thom] Tillis [of North Carolina] visited me in prison. So did [Democratic] Senator [Jeanne] Shaheen [of New Hampshire] and [Republican] Senator [Lindsey] Graham [of South Carolina]. [Republican] Senator [James] Lankford [of Oklahoma] has been involved from the very beginning. We are so grateful to so many people in Congress who stood with us and who prayed for us and who fought for us.”
TRUMP: “I do have to thank Vice President Pence. He felt very, very strongly about this. And Secretary of State Pompeo. I would say we talked about this at least once a day. We thought we had it done two months ago. Anything final,you’d like to say?”
BRUNSON: “We would like to pray for you. We pray for you often as a family; my wife and I pray for you.”
TRUMP: “Well, I need it probably more than anybody in this room. (laughter) That would be very nice. Thank you. ”
At that moment, Pastor Brunson, who had been seated in a chair opposite President Trump, knelt down on one knee, placed his hand on the President’s shoulder and prayed for him.
BRUNSON: “Lord God, I ask that You pour out your Holy Spirit on President Trump, that you give him supernatural wisdom to accomplish all the plans You have for this country and for him. I ask that You give him wisdom now to lead this country into righteousness. I ask that You give him perseverance and endurance and courage to stand for truth. I ask that You protect him from slander from enemies from those who would undermine. I ask that You make him a great blessing to this country. Fill him with Your wisdom and strength and perseverance. And we bless him. May he be a great blessing to our country. In Jesus’ name, we bless you. Amen.”
After Norine Brunson, his wife added a brief prayer, President Trump asked her a question.
TRUMP: “Thank you very much Norine. Can I ask you one question? Who did you vote for?” (She pointed to President Trump as people laughed).
BRUNSON: “I would like to say I sent in an absentee ballot from prison.”(Laughter and clapping)
TRUMP: “Listen Congratulations. Thank you. It was an honor.”President Trump tweeted, “He is a great Christian who has been through such a tough experience.”
When Paul described the body of Christ, he wrote, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.”
Indeed, today is a day for rejoicing that Pastor Andrew Brunson has finally returned home. Almighty God has answered our prayers.
This has been a World View Special Report. I’m Adam McManus.
Print stories
Myanmar Shuts Down Dozens of Churches
Hundreds of minority Christians in Myanmar are being forced to sign papers vowing to not pray in churches, reports The Christian Post.
Rev. Lazarus, general secretary of the Lahu Baptist Convention, said that 92 ethnic-Lahu Christians remain in captivity, however, while dozens of churches have been shut down.
Africa’s Youngest Billionaire Kidnapped
Africa’s youngest billionaire, 43-year-old Mohammed Dewji, was kidnapped Thursday while heading into Colosseum Hotel and Fitness Club in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for his morning workout, according to reports, reports the New York Post.
The kidnappers, two of whom were described as white men, fired shots into the air before peeling off with Dewji in a car, witnesses said.
Dewji as a net worth of $1.5 billion and is Tanzania’s only billionaire, according to Forbes. He is the CEO of METL, a conglomerate founded by his father in the 1970s focused on textile manufacturing, flour mills, drinks and edible oils.
Trump vs. Amazon over Post Office Discount
President Donald Trump is not happy with the break that Amazon gets from the U.S. Postal Service, reports CNBC.
He tweeted, “I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election. Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!”
The U.S. Postal Service has proposed a 9 to 12 percent increase to the shipping service used by Amazon.com.
GOP’s Mid-Term Election Secret Weapon: Donald Trump, Jr.
With less than a month left until the midterm election, Donald Trump Jr. might just be the secret weapon the GOP needs to help it retain its majority as he fires up the conservative base, reports Bloomberg.
The president’s oldest son is taking time away from Trump Tower to hit the campaign trail, holding his own rallies and headlining private fundraisers for candidates in both GOP strongholds and swing districts.
Valentino DiGiorgio, chairman of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, said,
“They like his style, and like his father he is unafraid and very much a fighter for values that they care about.”
Last week for example, Trump Jr. participated in five events for Senator Ted Cruz of Texas that raised $460,000.
Leftist Press Swooning over Beto O’Rourke in Texas
The press corps is swooning for Leftist Democrat senatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke in Texas almost as much as they fell for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential candidacy, reports Politico.com.
Look at some of the crazier headlines as the Leftist press prefers pro-abortion O’Rourke to pro-life Republican Senator Ted Cruz.
Vanity Fair asks,“Is Beto O’Rourke the Left’s Obama-like Answer to Trump in 2020?” BuzzFeed declares, “Beto O’Rourke Could Be the Democrat Texas Has Been Waiting For.”
Still more positive Beto coverage sprinkled the pages of Yahoo News, Time, GQ, Rolling Stone, the Guardian, the New York Times, Politico and Esquire as they worked off the same template.
At 46, O’Rourke exudes youth, makes reporters nostalgic for the 1960s by conjuring the spirit of Robert Kennedy, complete with the bangs, the teeth, the rolled-up sleeves, and the liberal platitudes about the oppressed.
Michelle Obama’s epic Becoming Book Tour
Twenty-one months after she left the White House, Michelle Obama is returning to public life feeling purposeful and invigorated as she launches her epic book tour from her memoir, Becoming, as fans have purchased tens of thousands of tickets in basketball arenas in 10 cities, reports The Washington Post.
Tom Arnold v. Superman
Actor and comedian Tom Arnold, the ex-husband of Roseanne Barr, has threatened to fight former “Superman” actor Dean Cain over an ongoing feud sparked by Arnold’s anger over Cain’s involvement with the Christian conservative advocacy organization Family Research Council, reports The Christian Post.
A Twitter exchange between the liberal Arnold and conservative Cain erupted in the form of a heated face-to-face confrontation between the two actors at Larry King’s California studio.
On Twitter Sept. 22 Arnold tweeted that Cain is another Trump-loving “fake Christian coward.”
Cain, who starred as Superman in the television series “Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman,” was invited to speak at the summit as part of a panel session with other actors who starred in the movie Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer.
The crowdfunded movie is a crime drama focusing on Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist convicted of murdering three infants and a mother during a botched abortion, and lack of government inspections of his clinic. The movie hit the silver screen this past weekend.
In Tuesday’s encounter, Arnold likened FRC and its supporters to “Nazis.”
FRC President Tony Perkins said, “[T]he greatest irony is that the Nazis are the ones who wanted to exterminate millions of people. We’re trying to protect them, protect life, and protect women.”
Tim Keller’s New Book about Jonah and God’s Mercy
Distinguished theologian and former pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York Timothy Keller has released a new book focused on the Old Testament Book of Jonah, reports The Christian Post.
Titled The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God’s Mercy, the book examines important lessons about the Bible book and draws a parallel between Jonah and Jesus’ parable about the Prodigal Son.
Keller wrote, “The original readers of the book of Jonah would have remembered him as intensely patriotic, a highly partisan nationalist. And they would have been amazed that God would send a man like that to preach to the very people he most feared and hated.”
Keller needled today’s politically correct culture, writing, “Many today find the idea of an angry God to be distasteful, even though modern people agree widely that to be passionate for justice does entail rightful anger.”