Monday, April 11th, in the year of our Lord, 2016.
By Mark Robinette
On Friday, Felix Ngole, a graduate student expelled from England’s University of Sheffield after posting an anti-homosexual scripture in a discussion on his Facebook page, has lost his appeal for reinstatement. The university claimed that Ngole had “transgressed boundaries which are not deemed appropriate for someone entering the social work profession.” The World View spoke to Ngole, who said, “Like every other student at the university, I use social media to communicate and express personal views.” He added: “I think we stand back, and we don’t speak with one voice. They’re going to see us as cowards, and they’re going to do even more of what they are doing. We have to stand for the truth no matter what it takes. We have to stand because that is what God has called us to do.”
Bernie Sanders seems unstoppable, having won the Wyoming Democratic primary on Saturday, his seventh victory over Hillary Clinton in eight contests. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed another executive order banning non- essential state travel. This time he’s prohibiting travel to Mississippi over the state’s new law protecting those opposed to homosexual marriage. Last week it was North Carolina, and before long it may include an entire litany of states protecting their citizenry from the Supreme Court’s ruling that redefined marriage.
Planned Parenthood partnered with the Indiana chapter of the ACLU to overturn a new law passed that makes it illegal to abort babies because they have Down syndrome. Indiana pro-life speaker Monica Kelsey spoke to The World View and had a lot of good to say about her governor: “We have to realize when we’re talking about Christ, and we’re talking about the job that He has us doing is: He’s not asking us to be successful, He’s not asking us to save every baby right now. What He’s asking us to do is to be faithful to what He’s called us to do, and Governer Pence is being faithful by signing a bill protecting these children. It’s a process. Christ has us on a path of a process, and we’re being faithful in this calling.” May God defend the lives of these little ones.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris, who commissioned a raid on the home of anti-abortion activist and undercover journalist David Daleiden, is being criticized for a conflict of interest in seeking to convict Daleiden. Harris, who is running for the U.S. Senate, provides a link on her website to a petition in support of Planned Parenthood. The abortionists receive hundreds of millions of dollars each year in public funding, and then they give some of those millions back to politicians who support them. Daleiden and the organization he founded, the Center for Medical Progress, filmed and released more than a dozen undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the extraction and sale of baby body parts. Planned Parenthood was initially prosecuted, but a grand jury acquitted them and instead indicted Daleiden and an associate for using fake driver’s licenses as part of the undercover project.
Just two days after the FBI added Brenda Delgado as their ninth-ever woman to their “10 Most Wanted” list, she was arrested in Mexico. Delgado is accused of being part of a successful September murder-for-hire plot of a Texas woman.
40-year-old Indiana State Trooper Brian L. Hamilton was fired for evangelizing during traffic stops. Two people complained about his evangelism in the past 18 months, but Hamilton said that God told him to do what he did. Richard Waples, an Indianapolis civil rights attorney, said, “When he’s engaged in the official acts of his job, especially when he’s a police officer, those kinds of stops are inherently coercive. That is not the time to be talking to people about their religion.”
Spelling the word “HELP” in palm fronds on the beach of a deserted Pacific island worked for three marooned mariners last week. The men capsized their boat three days earlier near the Micronesian island of Pulap. The pictures, taken by the U.S. Navy crewmembers who spotted the men, almost look like a Hollywood prop. But their adventure was real, and now they’re thankfully back home safe and sound.
King David wrote of such men in Psalm 107: “Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare (God’s) works with rejoicing. They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters . . . God commands and raises the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof . . . their soul is melted because of trouble . . . they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he brings them out of their distresses.”
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.