Monday, March 7th, in the year of our Lord, 2016.
By Mark Robinette
Popular scientific journal PLOS ONE decided Thursday that it would retract a paper it published earlier this year that credits the “Creator” with the design of the human hand. The paper, titled “Biomechanical characteristics of hand coordination in grasping activities of daily living,” was written by a team of four Chinese researchers, who now say that they did not properly understand the word “Creator.” The journal’s decision to retract the article came after a global coalition of scientists revolted against the journal for appearing to embrace the theory of intelligent design. The authors of the paper are asking for the word “creator” to be changed to “nature” and the article kept in the journal.
On Friday, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz told attendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference that he thinks America is only one U.S. Supreme Court Justice away from Christians having to go to prison for their faith. Cruz warned the audience that a hypothetical liberal appointee to the high court would eliminate religious liberty protections, saying, “[T]his election is not about one branch of government; it’s about two.”
Cruz had a super Saturday when the first two victories of the night called for him early in Kansas and Maine. He also received virtual ties in Kentucky and Louisiana, where he lost but only received two fewer delegates per state to frontrunner Donald Trump. Trump still leads the pack with the most delegates. Marco Rubio earned very few delegates on Saturday but won Puerto Rico yesterday.
Bernie Sanders soundly beat Hillary Clinton in Nebraska and Kansas but failed to gain ground on the frontrunner, who won big in Louisiana. Neurosurgeon Ben Carson, after officially ending his presidential campaign Friday, told CNN that he will be chairing the Christian get-out-to-vote organization, My Faith Votes, and, in his words, he “will still continue to be heavily involved in trying to save our nation.”
Christian Headlines reported its findings that Trump’s victories thus far among evangelicals have been due to his support among nominal Christians rather than the truly devout in their faith.
It is what some are calling the judicial “shot heard ‘round the world.” The Alabama Supreme Court is defying the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that legalized homosexual marriage nationwide. The state’s firebrand Chief Justice Roy Moore, quoting the 1974 song “Feelings” and comparing the arguments in favor of same-sex marriage to a Greek tragedy, accused the high court of relying too heavily on emotional arguments in its ruling last year that gay couples have a constitutional right to marry, saying, “Based upon arguments of ‘love,’ ‘commitment,’ and ‘equal dignity’ for same-sex couples, five lawyers . . . have declared a new social policy for the entire country.” He then called the SCOTUS decision “lawless” and condemned homosexual relationships as “unnatural.”
Hundreds are dead and thousands displaced in central Nigeria after a series of armed attacks by Fulani cattle herders, largely Muslim, on Christian farmers in the region. The death toll is uncertain.
According to Fox News, the United States military is sending nuclear-capable B-52 aircraft to drop bombs on the Islamic State terror group in the coming days.
Country singer Joey Feek died Friday after a courageous battle with cancer. Her husband and musical partner said, “My wife’s greatest dream came true today. She is in Heaven. The cancer is gone, the pain has ceased, and all her tears are dry. Joey is in the arms of her beloved brother Justin and using her pretty voice to sing for her Savior.” The album, Hymns That Are Important to Us, was released by Joey and her husband in February, soaring to the top of Billboard’s Contemporary Christian Album and Christian Video charts.
Revelation 21:4 says that one day God “will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
Nancy Reagan, wife of the late President Ronald Reagan, died Sunday at the age of 94. She will be buried at her husband’s side in the coming days.
“And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man—He made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:22-23).
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.