It’s Tuesday, July 5th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Kevin Swanson
Jane’s Revenge vowing increased violence
The pro-abortion group, Jane’s Revenge, is threatening increasingly violent tactics against pro-lifers.
Over the weekend, the terrorist group claimed responsibility for the vandalism of the “Mother and Unborn Baby Care” in Southfield Michigan.
Recent entries on the website suggested a “military” component to the pro-abortion activism. And a June 26th entry threatened that they would go beyond destroying pro-life pregnancy centers to attacking “your cars, your homes, or even your lives.”
But remember, “the wicked flee when no man pursues, but the righteous is as bold as a lion.” (Proverbs 28:1)
Democrat senators claim pro-lifers are misleading women
In the legislative sphere, U.S. Democrat Senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bob Menendez of New Jersey are mounting an attack on pro-life pregnancy centers by introducing the “Stop Anti-Abortion Disinformation Act” into Congress.
The bill claims that pro-lifers engage in false advertising by presenting the risks of abortion. The bill would allow the Federal Trade Commission to sue pro-life centers in civil courts.
Texas pro-life company pays for birth, adoptions
While dozens of America’s largest corporations are paying for their employees to cross state lines in order to procure abortions, here’s a company that’s doing just the opposite.
Buffer Insurance, a Texas company, is going to offer more maternity and paternity leave for employees having children, offer added coverage for employees giving birth, and pay the medical costs for adoptions, reports The Daily Wire.
Proverbs 24:11-12 encourages us to do what we can to save lives: “If you forbear to deliver those that are drawn unto death and those that are ready to be killed; If you say, ‘Behold we did know it; does not He that ponders the heart consider it? And He that keeps your soul, does He not know it?’”
Uvalde police chief resigns from city council
The police chief, and on-scene commander at the school shooting in Uvalde Texas, has resigned his position on the city council over the weekend, reports The Texas Tribune.
Pedro Arrodondo has come under strong criticism for holding off on moving in on the assailant killing the children, for a period of an hour, while the killing spree continued.
Arradondo was relieved of his responsibilities as school district police chief on June 22nd.
Housing bubble is bursting
A number of indexes indicate that the U.S. housing bubble is bursting, reports Wolfstreet.com.
Price reductions spiked to 100% in June, year-over-year. That’s the largest increase in at least six years. Active listings are up 20% year-over-year.
The largest year-over-year active listing increases are found in Austin, Texas, Phoenix, Arizona, Raleigh, North Carolina, and Salt Lake City, Utah. Also, Dallas, Denver, Seattle, Nashville, and Sacramento saw similar increases in active listings.
Slower markets registered in the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard include Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, Columbus, Richmond, and Philadelphia.
25% of flights delayed/canceled over July 4th
Big travel weekend for Americans celebrating July 4th!
Air travel is about up to where it was in February 2020 — almost 2,500,000 daily passengers made it through U.S. airports over the weekend.
However, the airlines are having a hard time keeping up. Between 25% and 30% of the flights were either delayed or cancelled. Staffing shortages are forcing U.S. and Canadian airlines to cut flights this summer.
Couple had quintuplets against doctor’s advice
Here’s a story about the father of those American quintuplets born in 2017.
Chad Kempel just ran the Modesto half-marathon pushing the five children in a stroller, and made it into the Guinness Book of World Records!
Chad took the record on March 20th, as the fastest male half-marathoner to push a stroller. He did it in 2 hours and 19 minutes.
But here’s the rest of the story.
Turns out that the couple was encouraged to abort some of the five children, while they were in utero. But the Kempels refused, and instead, cried out to God.
In an interview with CBN News, Chad said he prayed every night. He said they put the pregnancy “in God’s hands,” saying, “We don’t want to [abort].” He prayed, “Now we’re here and it’s all in Your hands.”
McManus interviews pro-life CEO whose center was firebombed
On today’s edition of Generations Radio, I guest host for Kevin Swanson and chat with Jim Harden, the father of 10 children. He’s the CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in Buffalo, New York which was firebombed on June 7th following the release of the draft of the Dobbs Supreme Court decision.
HARDEN: “On June 7, early in the morning, 2:30, my regional executive in Buffalo gave me a call and he said, ‘Smoke alarm is going off.’ The police and fire rescue were there. They had found all the windows broken and fires lit in the facility. Catastrophic damage throughout. We’re in the process of totally rebuilding it. On the side of the facility, there is this signature graffiti scrawl of Jane’s Revenge, which is the pro-abortion terrorist group that took responsibility and it said, ‘Jane was here.’
“They intended to scare us off and to stop us from providing services that women so desperately need in time of crisis. But our crisis is easy to get over compared to what a woman’s going through in seriously considering abortion.”
Harden referred to the 60 acts of violence against pro-life centers since May 2nd as the “pro-abortion Kristallnacht.” Kristallnacht was The Night of Broken Glass on November 9th, 1938 when Nazi leaders smashed the glass of the Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues, and homes throughout Germany.
And he called for a 6-point Equal Protection Plan for Pregnancy Resource Centers nationwide.
You can hear the 37-minute interview at Generations.org/radio.
13-year-old Canadian Worldview listener led by God to give $20
Recently, 13-year-old Theo, in Sexsmith, Alberta, Canada, donated $20 to The Worldview to help keep us on the air.
THEO: “I’ve been listening to you for about two years now. I liked the story of missionaries in Haiti who were able to escape after they had been kidnapped. I like the Bible verses that you put in it. I enjoyed hearing the interview with Benjamin who gave $200. I liked hearing him talk about the good things about The Worldview and how he worked for his dad. I live on a farm too, and I work for my dad too.”
He described how he earned the money which he donated.
THEO: “So, one of my mom’s friends needed some yard work done. So, me and my brother went and worked there all day doing yard work. And at the end, when we were going home, she gave us each $40.
“I had already decided I was going to tithe $20. And, then on the drive home, the Lord told me to tithe all $40. The first $20 I decided to give to my church that we go to. I gave it them the next Sunday, and then the other $20 was still in my jar to give. When I heard your fundraiser, I decided to give it to your fundraiser.”
4 siblings in New Mexico gave $200
In an email to me at Adam@TheWorldview.com, I learned that four siblings in Moriarity, New Mexico pooled their resources and gave $200 to The Worldview several days ago.
Dominic, age 16, said, “Thank you for always sharing the truth about the events in this world. I appreciate that you give us things to pray about”. Adelaida, age 13, said, “I appreciate that you speak the truth, even though it may be hard sometimes. I ask my Dad every day to listen to your broadcast.” Thomas, age 9, said, “I like being able to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.” And Elena, age 7, said, “I like how you put scripture at the end of some stories.”
10 Worldview donors gave $2,750
And finally, as we are one day away from the last day of our month-long to keep The Worldview on the air, 10 listeners made donations on Sunday and Monday.
Our thanks to Janice in Bedford, Virginia and Spencer in Mission Viejo, California – both of whom gave $25 as well as Joseph in Bangalore, India and Jeanne in Thomasville, North Carolina – both of whom gave $50
We appreciate the generosity of Susanna in Charlotte, North Carolina and Alice in Houston, Texas – both of whom gave $100 as well as Robert in Salado, Texas and Richard in Arlington, Washington – both of whom gave $200.
And we praise God for Mark in Fayetteville, Tennessee who gave $500 and Darrell in Plainfield, Indiana who gave $1,500.
Those 10 new gifts total $2,750. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (Drum roll sound effect) $87,449! (Crowd cheering sound effect)
That means that we not only surpassed our initial $76,000 goal, but we surpassed our updated $80,000 goal by $7,449. To God be the glory!
Today is the final day of our annual fundraiser. So, whether you feel led to give a small gift or a large one, just go to TheWorldview.com, click on Give, select the dollar amount, and then click on the recurring tab button if that’s your wish.
Thank you for prayerfully investing the resources that God has entrusted to you to keep this Christian newscast on the air.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, July 5th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.