It’s Friday, June 26th, A.D. 2020. This is The World View in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldView.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Jonathan Clark
Iranian Christian convert gives first interview after prison release
Mary Mohammadi, the human rights activist and Iranian Christian convert from Islam, gave her first interview since being released from prison where she was tortured.
Mohammadi told Voice Of America Persian that the Islamic country has 15 other Christians in its overcrowded and unsanitary prisons. She also reported that 20 Iranian Christians are free on bail while waiting on their trial.
It is illegal for Muslim citizens to convert to Christianity in Iran, a country ranked 9th on the Open Doors World Watch List of worst nations for persecution of Christians.
Trump upset with LHBT Supreme Court Decision
President Donald Trump told CBN News that he was surprised by the recent Supreme Court ruling to redefine the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include transgenderism and homosexuality.
Trump described the ruling as a “loss” from a court that was “supposed to be in our favor.”
Trump also said the court needs new justices and said he would be releasing a list of conservative Supreme Court Justice nominees to defend the Second Amendment, Right to Life, and Religious Liberty.
Ben Carson to Trump: “God put you here for this occasion”
CBN News Political Analyst David Brody held an exclusive interview with President Trump on Monday.
Brody asked Trump if God put him in office for such a time as this to which Trump replied: “I hope it’s true.”
Trump also recounted a conversation with Ben Carson during the 2016 Presidential campaign.
TRUMP: “And he said to me, ‘You know, you’re gonna win.’ I said, ‘Ben, I’m running against you. What are you telling me?’ He said, ‘You’re going to win because God put you here for this occasion.’ I said, ‘What a lovely thing to say.’ That was the first one that I heard from Ben Carson.’”
Daniel 2:21 reminds us the Lord “changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”
Trump’s pro-adoption executive order
President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday to help further adoption in the U.S.
The order promotes adoption so that children do not need to enter the foster care system and also encourages adoption for foster children who cannot return to their birth parents.
The order would also strengthen the relationship between the government and faith-based adoption agencies.
Psalm 68:5-6 says, “A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation. God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity.”
Thanks Trump: 7 of 12 appeals courts have conservative majority
The U.S. Senate confirmed Mississippi court Judge Cory Wilson to serve on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals this week, making his appointment the 200th judge confirmed under the Trump administration.
Trump has filled all appeals court vacancies, and seven of the 12 federal appeals courts have a conservative majority now.
CDC: Coronavirus cases could be 10 times higher
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. could be 10 times higher than the reported number of cases.
Reported cases stand at about 2.4 million while the actual number of infections could be 20 million.
Home sales drop to 9-year low
In May, U.S. home sales dropped to the lowest level in over 9 and 1/2 years, according to the National Association of Realtors.
The report also showed the smallest yearly home price increase in over eight years during the coronavirus lockdown.
However, in recent weeks, applications for home loans have increased to an 11-year high.
Gallup: Americans still oppose polygamy, suicide, cloning, & affairs
Gallup released a survey on America’s views on the moral acceptability of issues.
The study found that a majority of U.S. adults approve of using birth control, getting a divorce, having a baby outside of marriage, living sexually perverted lifestyles, and the practice of doctor-assisted suicide.
There is something to be grateful for though. Americans are still strongly opposed polygamy, suicide, cloning humans, and married men and women having an affair.
Galatians 6:8 says, “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.”
Virginia pastor & father of 8 enjoys Worldview newscast
Pastor Henry Johnson in Tazewell, Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains wrote me at Adam@TheWorldview.com.
He said, “I greatly appreciate your faithful Biblical analysis of the news each day, and your pointing everyone to Christ Jesus our Lord! One of my sons, Samuel, who is a CPA and our Associate Pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church, recommended your daily newscast to me about nine months ago.
“In the Lord’s kind providence, I have been the pastor of the same congregation for 41 years. My dear bride and I have been blessed with 8 children and 15 grandchildren. The Lord is so kind and full of mercy to us! My joy is to lift up the Name of Jesus Christ and His saving work to all in this place! May the Lord bless you/us with refreshment in Christ as He walks in the midst of His candlesticks!”
Kids in North Carolina and Arizona send money
Michael and Jennifer in Wake Forest, North Carolina emailed me and said, “We just wanted to mention that our 10-year-old son Baron made a $20 donation to The Worldview fund today. He has been really wanting to help and is concerned that your financial goal is met. We are very thankful for all you do.”
And John in Rudy, Arizona, wrote, “Two of my daughters, Emma (10 years old) and Molly (8 years old) were encouraged to donate by the example of other young people giving to the ministry. Thank you for your ministry which gives us news that encourages, informs, and is from a Christian worldview.”
After talking with Emma and Molly last night, I discovered that they generously gave the money from their recent birthdays and when their baby teeth fell out.
12-year-old Californian Worldview listener sends his tithe
William Bunker, age 12, in Victorville, California wrote me at Adam@TheWorldview.com. He said, “Every morning my mom puts on The Worldview in 5 Minutes. I enjoy the Scriptures you include with the news and how you end with ‘Seize the day for Jesus Christ!’
“I make money by helping out my elderly neighbor and mowing lawns. Last month, I made $200. So, I’m sending you my $20 tithe to help you reach your goal. Also, my brothers and I made a short family Christmas movie called “Elfi” that your family might enjoy. Here’s the trailer.”
I am blown away by all the children who have given so sacrificially to our fundraising campaign. It’s truly humbling.
15 new donors gave $2,175. Need $7,113 by 12 midnight tonight!
Toward our goal of raising $60,000 by Tuesday, June 30th to keep The Worldview in 5 Minutes on the air, we are trying to raise $55,070 by 12 midnight tonight! Listeners had already pledged $45,782.
We’re grateful to our new donors including 12-year-old William in Victorville, California, 10-year-old Baron in Wake Forest, North Carolina, 8-year-old Molly in Rudy, Arizona, and 10-year-old Emma in Rudy, Arizona – each of whom gave $20.
Our thanks to Tim in Rosemount, Minnesota who gave $25, Bob in Cosmopolis, Washington who gave $30, Tamara in Kleefeld, Manitoba, Canada who gave $40 as well as Mandy in Brandon, Florida and Christopher in Del Rio, Texas – both of whom gave $50.
We appreciate Rebecca in Nerstrand, Minnesota and Clifford and Michelle in Danbury, Texas – both of whom gave $100.
And we praise God for the generosity of Ben in Atikokan, Ontario, Canada and James in Lenoir, North Carolina – both of whom gave 300, as well as Brian in Dassel, Minnesota who gave $500 and Paul in Cypress, Texas who gave $600.
Those 15 new donors gave $2,175.
Ready for the new grand total? Drum roll please. (drum roll sound effect) Our new total is $47,957. (crowd cheering effect)
We are now $7,113 away from hitting our $55,070 goal by 12 midnight tonight. We’re on the last lap. Can you help us cross the finish line?
I need to find 12 listeners to pledge $25/month for 12 months or give a one-time gift of $300. And another 6 listeners to pledge $50/month for 12 months or give a one-time gift of $600. In fact, I wonder if there might be 2 listeners who might even consider a $100 monthly pledge or a one-time gift of $1,200 to make sure that we hit this goal by 12 midnight tonight.
If you’ve been waiting until the last minute to give, to put us over the top, we are virtually there. I need everybody to do something. 15 listeners stepped up to the plate to donate today. With your help, let’s see if we can double the number of new donors today to 30.
Please make your donation here and select the correct dollar amount. Don’t forget to click on the box to make it a recurring donation if that’s your wish.
What would God have you do?
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, June 26th, in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.