“The Forge” vs. “Deadpool & Wolverine”, Russia launched 100 missiles against Ukraine, Babe Ruth baseball jersey sold for $24 million

It’s Tuesday, August 27th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard on 125 radio stations and at www.TheWorldview.com.  I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)

By Kevin Swanson

Muslim jihadists pressure Pakistani Supreme Court to reverse course

Fearing threats from Islamist jihadists, the Pakistani Supreme Court reversed a ruling that would have recognized religious freedom for sects of Islamic groups as well as Christians within the country, reports Morning Star News.

Radical jihadists had placed a bounty of $36,000 on the head of a Pakistani Supreme Court justice.

For the first time in history, the high court ordered a second review of a decision, resulting in the exclusion of certain paragraphs from the verdict including a reference to freedom of religion, and “asserting that the deleted portions cannot be cited as precedent in any judgment.”

The Church of Pakistan President Bishop Azad Marshall told Morning Star News that, “We were not expecting the Supreme Court to capitulate to extremist forces in this manner. When the highest court of the country fails to protect the guarantees given by the constitution regarding religious freedom for all citizens irrespective of their faith affiliations, there is no hope left for any improvement in our situation.”

Russia launched 100 missiles against Ukraine

Russia‘s military launched a full-scale missile bombardment upon Ukraine yesterday, in one of the most widespread air attacks since the war began, reports The Associated Press.

They shot over 100 missiles, targeting Kyiv, Odessa, and various other regions around the country. Among the dead, one British citizen, working for the Reuters news agency.

Taliban in Afghanistan banning women from speaking in public

With the disappearance of Christian influence in the world, ruthless dictatorships are imposing draconian rules upon the people in their respective nations.  

The Taliban government introduced new rules on Afghans last week, banning women from speaking in public places, as well as requiring full coverage of face and body for women who traverse outside of the home.

Cuba, Nigeria, and Venezuela violate citizens’ rights

Freedom House also reports that “The authoritarian regimes in CubaNicaragua, and Venezuela regularly violate due process, including arresting perceived dissidents without warrants or based on spurious charges, denying detainees access to legal defense, arbitrarily delaying investigations and hearings, and subjecting detainees to prolonged pretrial detention.”

But let us all remember what Jesus said in John 8:34-36. “Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.  Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”

Idaho National Guard purging Christian from positions of command

The Idaho National Guard is moving to purge Christians from positions of command. This is now referred to as the “No Christians as Commanders Policy.” 

Liberty Counsel is defending an infantry officer who shared his views opposing medical mutilation of gender-confused children on his private social media account. The Idaho Army National Guard removed the officer from command following the complaint of a subordinate senior enlisted man who claims to be homosexual.  The Guard then illegally pressured him to resign without benefit of any counsel or notice.

Liberty Counsel has appealed the case to Idaho Republican Governor Brad Little, requested that he restore the officer’s position, and reject the “No Christians as Commanders Policy” for the Idaho National Guard.

Texas hospital fired whistleblower objecting to illegal trans minor surgeries

A Texas hospital has fired a Christian employee who protested the administrating of gender-altering drugs and surgeries for gender-confused 10 to 17-year-old children.  Texas law actually forbids those transgender practices.

The whistleblower, Vanessa Sivadgeshared her story and testified to alleged fraudulent use of Medicaid funds with Independent journalist, Christopher Rufo, and was subsequently fired on August 16th.    

In keeping with its commitment to the mutilation of 10-year-old children, the Biden administration also sent two FBI agents to the nurse’s home to intimidate the nurse who reported the irregularities going on at the hospital.

Journalist Christopher Rufo featured the video of the FBI intimidation on his X account.

Proverbs 29:27 describes this dynamic in these words: “An unjust man is an abomination to the righteous. And he who is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked.”

“The Forge” vs. “Deadpool & Wolverine”

The Forge,” the latest film from The Kendrick Brothers which dramatically depicts Christian discipleship, secured fifth place at the U.S box office over the weekend, bringing in $6.6 million in receipts.

Watch the trailer and get tickets at www.TheForgeMovie.com.

Meanwhile, the R-rated Deadpool and Wolverine remains in top place at the box office after five weeks. Americans are preferring raw movies with more cursing, swearing, and sex on the screen. Seventeen of the 20 top grossing R-rated movies were released in the 2000s. That compares to only one popular R-rated movie in the 1990s, and one popular R-rated movie in the 1980s. 

New home inventory at highest level since 2009 

In economic news, inventory for new homes in the U.S. market stands at the highest level since 2009 — just before the great recession of 2010.

Sales of homes have sagged this summer.  So now, overall inventory levels are back up to 2020 levels.

Babe Ruth baseball jersey sold for $24 million

And finally, referred to as “the Mona Lisa” of sports memorabilia, a baseball jersey worn by Babe Ruth during the 1932 World Series has sold for over $24 million at auction. That made it the most expensive piece of sporting memorabilia ever sold.  

Heritage’s Director of Sports, Chris Ivy, called the jersey “the most significant piece of American sports memorabilia ever offered at auction.”


And that’s The Worldview on this Tuesday, August 27th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by Amazon Music or by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.