It’s Thursday, November 17th, A.D. 2022. This is The World View in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldView.com. I’m Kevin Swanson, sitting in for Adam McManus.
By Jonathan Clark
The Taliban’s Brutal Rule in Afghanistan
Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan 15 months ago, their promises of a tolerant rule have evaporated into a regime of brutal oppression.
The Taliban recently ordered judges in the country to impose punishments based on Shariah law. Such punishments could include amputation, public lashings, and execution by stoning.
The Taliban regards Christians in Afghanistan as apostates from Islam. Under Shariah law, such departures from Islam could carry the death penalty.
Please pray for the small, isolated, and oppressed community of Christians in Afghanistan, ranked as the worst country in the world for Christians on the Open Doors World Watch List.
Switzerland’s State Church Approves of Homosexuality
Every regional body of Switzerland’s historic Protestant state church has now authorized blessing services for people living in vile passions with the same sex.
The final regional body to do so was the Reformed Church of the Canton Vaud centered on the city of Lausanne.
This comes after the Swiss approved a referendum last year in favor of faux same-sex marriage.
UMC on Homosexuality
Meanwhile in the U.S., all five regional bodies of the United Methodist Church approved measures this month to support people living sexually perverted lifestyles.
The UMC also elected its second openly homosexual bishop.
As the UMC degenerates, many conservatives are leaving. At least 300 congregations left the denomination already this year, and hundreds more are in the process of exiting.
Jeremiah 23:1-2 says, “‘Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!’ says the LORD. ‘You have scattered My flock, driven them away, and not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for the evil of your doings.’”
SBC Membership Wanes
New data from the 2020 U.S. Religion Census found the membership of nondenominational churches now outnumbers the membership of America’s largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention.
Over the last decade, the SBC’s membership decreased from nearly 20 million adherents to 17.6 million. America’s second largest Protestant denomination, the United Methodist Church, also decreased by about 2 million adherents over the same period.
During the same decade, nondenominational church membership nearly doubled from 12.2 million to over 21 million.
Donald Trump Announces His Run for President in 2024
Former President Donald Trump announced Tuesday evening from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida that he is running for President in 2024.
TRUMP: “In order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the United States.”
The announcement follows a less than stellar Republican performance in the 2022 midterm elections.
Former Vice President Mike Pence said he is prayerfully considering a run for President as well. Other Republicans reportedly considering a run include former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan.
Psalm 146:3, 5 reminds us, “Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. . . . Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God.”
Georgia Judge Overturns Abortion Ban
On Tuesday, a Georgia county judge overturned the state’s ban on abortions when a baby’s heartbeat is detectable.
The judge claimed the law was invalid because it was signed in 2019 when Roe v. Wade was still in effect.
However, the Georgia Attorney General’s Office said they are appealing the ruling and will “continue to fulfill our duty to defend the laws of our state in court.”
NASA Launches Moon Rocket
And finally, NASA launched its most powerful moon rocket yesterday.
Listen to the liftoff.
ANNOUNCER: “And here we go. Hydrogen burn-off igniters initiate. Seven, six, five, four… Stage engine start. Three, two, one… Boosters and ignition. And lift off! We rise together, back to the moon and beyond.”
The Artemis 1 mission aims to put the spacecraft Orion with three dummies on board into orbit around the moon before returning it to earth with splashdown in the Pacific next month.
The mission marks 50 years since the end of the Apollo program.
NASA’s Artemis lunar-exploration program plans to send four astronauts around the moon in 2024 and land humans on the moon as early as 2025.
And that’s The World View in 5 Minutes on this Thursday, November 17th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldView.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Kevin Swanson sitting in for Adam McManus. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.