Friday, May 20th, in the year of our Lord, 2016.
By Kevin Swanson
This persecution is happening every day, but some of it makes the news. Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin was removed from his position as a Professor of Leadership at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia on Tuesday. The issue was his opposition to transgendered bathrooms. Hampden-Sydney is a Presbyterian Church (USA)-affiliated college.
The last words of this girl were “Forgive them,” as she died in her mother’s arms. The 12-year-old girl was burned to death by Muslims in Mosul, according to a human rights activist reported in Christian Today.
Somebody complained, so the Lord’s Prayer will no longer be performed at the graduation ceremony of an Ohio high school. It was a seven-year tradition. The Freedom From Religion foundation sent the threat letter to the East Liverpool high school to assure the elimination of all references to any religion but atheism in the district.
Coach Joe Kennedy from Bremerton, Washington, was dismissed from his job for praying by himself on the fifty-yard line silently, and alone, after the game. First Liberty Institute awarded Coach Kennedy the Rosa Parks Courage Award this year for his willingness to give up his position for his Christian faith.
In the providence of God, landslides in Sri Lanka hit three villages on Wednesday, and at least 200 families may be buried alive. Rescue crews in the Aranayake district are working feverishly to save lives.
Officials are calling it another act of terror. An EgyptAir flight out of Paris heading towards Cairo went down in the Mediterranean Sea yesterday morning, apparently killing all 66 persons aboard.
Even the wicked act under God’s mighty hand. The Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you” (Exodus 9:16).
Women who attend church significantly reduce their chances of dying. The Nurse’s Health Study looked at 75,000 women and found that weekly church attendees reduced their chances of death by 33%. Irregular attenders also see a slight benefit of 13% lower chance of death. Tyler Vanderweele, Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard’s School of Public Health, commented on the study to The World View: “One of the interesting things about the study itself is that it’s religious service attendance, rather than private practices or self-professed spirituality or philosophy, that really seems to matter. I think in some ways the results of the study suggest that those people who are religious or spiritual but aren’t attending services are missing out on something that’s important, certainly important for health and perhaps important for many other aspects of life as well.”
For the first time in history, the United States Army is now under the direction of an avowed homosexual. Eric Fanning was confirmed as Secretary of the Army by a unanimous vote of the U.S. Senate, including 54 Republicans. On June 4th of 1920, Congress approved Article 93 in the Articles of War, making it a crime to commit the act of sodomy, and in 1941, the Selective Service included “homosexual proclivities” as a disqualifying condition for inclusion in the military draft.
In the latest Fox News poll, presidential Republican candidate Donald Trump holds a 45-42% lead over Democrat Hillary Clinton. Both candidates are extremely untrustworthy, however, in the eyes of the electorate. 57% of Americans do not believe that Donald Trump has strong moral values, and 58% question the strength of Hillary Clinton’s moral values.
Meanwhile, the New York Times claims to have interviewed “dozens” of women who say they have been victims of “unwelcome romantic advances” and “unsettling workplace conduct” at the hands of Donald Trump. Fox News has interviewed a female attorney who says she was part of a 17-year affair with Bill Clinton, enabled by his wife Hillary. Bill Clinton’s alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick is also making headlines again, as Broaddrick claims he was enabled by his wife.
“[It is] an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness” (Proverbs 16:12).
A Democrat proposal in the House of Representatives that would have required federal contractors to support the sin of homosexuality barely failed yesterday by a single vote. CNN reports a chaotic scene accompanied by shouts and insults.
Another dinosaur species has been discovered in the Judith River in Montana. It’s a Spiclypeus shipporum, which looks like a Triceratops with a magnificent horned head about five feet in width.
“Look now at the behemoth,[a] which I made along with you; he eats grass like an ox . . . See now, his strength is in his hips, his bones are like beams of bronze, his ribs like bars of iron. He is the first of the ways of God” (Job 40).
Two Christian artists are going on the offensive in Phoenix, Arizona, suing the city for an ordinance that they say abridges their freedom of expression. Joanna Duka and Brianna Koski run an art studio where they produce custom images and invitations to various events, including weddings. They are going after a city ordinance that bans public accommodations from discriminating on the basis of sexual proclivities.
A Pew Research study on religions in Israel found that Muslims are more religious than Jews and Christians in that country. 68% of Muslims considered religion a “very important part” of their lives, compared to 57% of Christians and 30% of Jews.
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And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.
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