Tractor Supply Co. saw the light, The colonial pastors who took a stand against tyranny, Iran sentenced 5 Christians to total of 25 years in prison

It’s Thursday, July 4th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. (

By Jonathan Clark

Samuel Adams: “Let His kingdom come!”

On this day in history, 248 years ago, the United States Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia.  

Largely due to the tireless work of Samuel Adams, who was successful in lobbying seven of the 13 colonies to endorse the plan, independence was made possible for the United States of America in 1776.  

Upon the signing of the Declaration, Adams declared, “We have this day restored the Sovereign to Whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in Heaven and from the rising to the setting sun, let His kingdom come.”

Iran sentenced 5 Christians to total of 25 years in prison

Authorities in Iran sentenced five Christians to a total of over 25 years in prison last month.

Hamid Afzali received a 10-year sentence. Nasrollah Mousavi, Bijan Gholizadeh, and Iman Salehi each received a 5-year sentence. And Zohrab Shahbazi received a nine-month sentence. 

Hengaw, a human rights organization, reports that officials have given no reason for the charges against the Christians. The group noted that although Christians are “acknowledged as a religious minority in Iran, authorities impose severe penalties, especially on those who convert from Islam to Christianity.”

Iran is ranked ninth on the Open Doors’ World Watch List of nations where it is most difficult to be a Christian. 

Conservatives dominated French election

France held its first round of voting for its National Assembly on Sunday.

The conservative National Rally won 33% of the vote followed by the leftwing New Popular Front at 28% and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Together bloc at 21%. 

Voter turnout was the highest on record since the 1980s. The popular National Rally opposes uncontrolled immigration, supports the growth of French families, and wants to eradicate Islamic ideologies from the national territory. 

Daniel 2:21 says God “changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings.” 

Federal judge sides with Kansas against Biden’s transgender push

In the United States, a third federal judge — Louis Guirola Jr.  — has halted the Biden administration’s push of the unbiblical transgender agenda.

A new rule from the Education Department allowed boys, pretending to be girls, to use girls’ locker rooms and compete in female sports in public schools.

A federal court in Kansas ruled against the Biden administration on Tuesday. 

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach said, “We’re pleased the court ruled to rein in the administration’s vast overreach. It’s unconscionable, it’s dangerous for girls and women, and it’s against federal law.” 

Tractor Supply Co. saw the light

Tractor Supply Co. is walking back its support for left-wing causes.

The retailer, which sells farm equipment and feed for livestock in primarily rural America, employs 50,000 people across 2,200 stores.

To its shame, it rolled out a series of woke initiatives like funding drag queen shows and paying for disfiguring sex changes.

After Tractor Supply got an earful of angry pushback from its conservative customer base, it released a statement last Thursday, acknowledging it had disappointed customers. Tractor Supply said it will no longer work with the Human Rights Campaign, the largest lobbying group in the U.S. for sexually perverted lifestyles. The company also said it would eliminate Diversity, equity, and inclusion roles. 

I urge you to thank Tractor Supply Co. for seeing the light and returning to their conservative values. Between 7:00am-9:00pm Central, Monday through Saturday, call (877) 718-6750. Or send them an email through a special link in our transcript today at  

Pro-abortion vandals in Miami held accountable

Vandals with the pro-abortion terrorist group, Jane’s Revenge, spray-painted threatening messages on the property of a pro-life pregnancy center in Miami on July 3, 2022, just nine days after the Dobbs decision which overturned Roe v. Wade

First Liberty Institute reports that Heartbeat of Miami has finally reached a settlement in the case the details of which have not been made public. The religious liberty organization said the vandals are being held to account, calling it a big win for Florida’s pro-life community. 

Jeremy Dys with First Liberty said, “This case is a reminder that no one should suffer violence for simply providing faith-based counseling and baby supplies to women and their babies.” 

Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.”

Block-Robed Regiment: Colonial pastors who took a stand against tyranny

As Kevin Swanson travels and speaks abroad, I guest host for him today on Generations Radio.

On this Independence Day, discover how the pastors of the American colonies, derisively called the “Black-Robed Regiment” by the British, boldly taught their congregations the Biblical principles to resist tyranny.

Take a listen to my interview of Dan Fisher, author of Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment: How the 18th century church stood for liberty and why it must do so again.

Dan is the co-pastor of Fairview Baptist in Edmond, Oklahoma, a former member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 2012-2015, and ran for Governor in 2018. His vision is that the American church will regain the “spirit” of the original “Black-Robed Regiment,” and once again actively engage in defense of truth and liberty.

We discuss:

*  Pastor Peter Muhlenberg of Woodstock, Virginia who took off his black robe in the pulpit, revealing a colonel’s uniform, and challenged the men to fight.

*  Pastor Jonas Clarke of Lexington, Massachusetts who trained his men to prepare for the April 19, 1775 showdown with the British which led to the shot heard ‘round the world on Lexington Green.

*  And Pastor James Caldwell of Elizabethtown, New Jersey who brought hymnals to the Minutemen to use for wadding to fight the British.

Listen to this important interview with your kids at That’s

Pro-life father of 11 avoids jail time for his pro-life activism

And finally, a pro-life father of 11 will not have to serve prison time despite the efforts of the Biden administration. 

The so-called Justice Department was seeking a year in prison for Paul Vaughn for participating in a peaceful protest outside an abortion mill in Tennessee. 

Instead, a Tennessee judge gave him a sentence of three years of supervised release. While the Thomas More Society was pleased with the judge’s leniency, they still called his conviction a deep injustice. 

Following the verdict announcement, the group of pro-life supporters of Paul Vaughn spontaneously broke out in praise to God by singing the Doxology.

PRO-LIFE SUPPORTERS of PAUL VAUGHN: (singing) “Praise Him above the Heavenly Host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.”

PRO-LIFER: “Alleluia.” (group claps)

Vaughn said, “We will appeal to have this unlawful use of the law overturned. We must stand and fight for what is right. We cannot bow down to the lie. Laws have to be grounded in truth. They have to align with the ultimate Lawgiver, who is Christ our Lord.”


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Independence Day, July 4th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.