Monday, April 9th, in the year of our Lord 2018
By Adam McManus
Iraqi Christian, Brutalized by ISIS, Reunited with Father
Rita Habib, an Iraqi Christian woman who was kidnapped by ISIS in 2014, then raped and sold as a sex slave, has been reunited with her father, reports The Christian Post.
Habib said, “I was bought and sold four times. They did evil things to us. They beat us and raped us. The worst of all was girls aged nine who were raped. Girls would be sold for $4,000 to $15,000.”
Speaking of her reunion with her father after three years, she said, “It is a joyous moment because he is the only family I have left.”
Trump Ends “Catch and Release”
President Donald Trump signed a memorandum on Friday ordering the end of a policy, known as “catch and release,” in which illegal immigrants are released from detention while awaiting a court hearing on their status, reports Reuters.
Roger Stone: Trump Should Not Do Interview with Mueller
Former informal Trump adviser Roger Stone said Friday that he thinks it would be a mistake for President Trump to sit down for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller, reports
During a CNN interview, Stone warned of a potential “perjury trap” for the president, saying Mueller could probe “some process-related crime that doesn’t relate to Russia.”
Trump Official Given Grief for Pro-Life Policy
Scott Lloyd, who directs the Office of Refugee Resettlement under the U.S. Health and Human Services Department for President Trump, has been taking a beating from the mainstream media for working to save unborn babies and their young mothers from abortion, reports Life News.
Lloyd encourages young, illegal immigrant minors to choose life for their unborn babies, asserting that they have no constitutional right to abortion.
Sadly, the ACLU lawsuits demand that the government use tax dollars to help fund their abortions.
Anti-Death Penalty Activist Unwelcome at Liberty University
Shane Claiborne, author of Executing Grace: How the Death Penalty Killed Jesus and Why It’s Killing Us, contends that the death penalty has survived not despite Christians, but because of us.
And when Clairborne sent a letter requesting permission to hold a prayer meeting at Liberty University, led by Jerry Falwell, Jr., he received a letter from Liberty which threatened to have him arrested which could lead to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine.
Claiborne insisted on Facebook that his prayer vigil was not a protest and there would be no megaphones, banners or chants. In fact, many Liberty students are reportedly joining in the event, or even helping to organize it.
Genesis 9:6 declares, “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.”
California Gives One Million Illegals Driver’s Licenses
The California Department of Motor Vehicles announced on April 4th that more than one million illegal aliens have received driver’s licenses since the passage of Assembly Bill 60 in 2015, reports The Los Angeles Times.
Since the California DMV had to hire 1,000 temporary employees and open four additional processing centers, it cost the taxpayers a whopping $141 million, according to the Orange County Register.
But, perhaps worst of all, the illegals will be automatically registered to vote which is bizarre since they are not U.S. citizens. Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano predicted, “The state is going to provide shelter for illegals to vote.”
Sneak Peak: Analysis of Trump and Gun Rights
Has Trump waffled on gun rights? Stay tuned for my World View Special Report with a spokesman from the National Association for Gun Rights immediately following today’s newscast.
Target Condemns Actor for Helping Homeless Man
And finally, actor John Barrowman, the former star of ABC’s “Desperate Housewives”, shared an angry, minute-long tirade on his Twitter account aimed at retail giant Target, claiming that staff scolded him for purchasing clothing and a $40 gift certificate to give to a homeless man outside on Santa Monica Boulevard.
“I’m at Target on Lebrea and Santa Monica in West Hollywood. I just bought a $40 gift certificate and a jacket and a shirt for a homeless person, and I was just lectured by the Target staff that I was not allowed to do that. Target, that’s a stupid rule. How dare you tell me, as a customer, who I am allowed to buy for, and what I am allowed to buy! That gentleman just needed a bit of help to get him up, to make his day a little better, and Target, you were trying to deny that.”
Barrowman’s tweet had 176,000 views, 10,000 likes, 4,957 retweets, and 832 comments.
Target issued a statement, saying, “We’re very sorry for the experience you had at the LA Target store.”
This comes on the heels of 1.6 million Christians boycotting Target over their policy of allowing men to use the ladies’ restrooms and changing rooms.
Closing Line
And that’s The World View in 5 Minutes on this Monday, April 9th in the year of our Lord 2018. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at I’m Adam McManus. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Special Report: Is Trump Caving on Gun Rights?
Time now for a World View Special Report. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus.
After the Parkland, Florida school shooting that left 17 dead, President Donald Trump seems to have reversed course on his clear support for the Second Amendment when he made this remark on February 28th.
Trump: “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”
While Zach Lautenschlager of the National Association for Gun Rights was pleased with the president’s nomination of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch in light of Gorsuch’s support for the Second Amendment, he told The World View that he was alarmed.
“When he came out recently and said that we should take the guns first and worry about ‘due process’ later, that’s very concerning. He needs to reverse that position and recognize that the right to keep and bear arms is inalienable. The government should not take be taking guns away from law-abiding citizens.”
According to a February 21st CNBC report, Trump signed a memorandum recommending that Attorney General Jeff Sessions propose rules banning so-called bump stocks, which can effectively turn semi-automatic weapons into machine guns. The gunman who massacred more than 50 people at a concert in Las Vegas last year used such a device.
And secondly, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders also told reporters that Trump is open to supporting a bipartisan Senate bill to close holes in the current background check system. It aims to make federal agencies better at following rules that require them to submit criminal convictions to the FBI, which could help stop high-risk individuals from getting guns.
Lautenschlager of the National Association for Gun Rights did not believe that the media attention of some key anti-gun students like David Hogg nor the March for Our Lives will have a lasting effect.
“Gun owners in America and the 4.5 million members of the National Association for Gun Rights certainly are not running scared. We have fought those in D.C. who do support gun control to a standstill.”
Lautenschlager cited the money and influence of liberal, anti-gun billionaires like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg behind the recent student march for gun control.
“You have the same old cast of characters in Soros and Bloomberg and many other anti-gun figures who are simply exploiting people who have been in the middle of a tragedy. Unfortunately, they are using individuals who do not know anything about the policies on which they are pontificating. They’ve been in the middle of a terrible situation and are responding in an understandable fashion. It doesn’t mean that they are proposing anything that would fix it. In fact, they are sadly supporting the very policies that caused the shooting in the first place.”
Lautenschlager contends that one answer to school shootings is to arm the teachers as proposed by Republican Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky.
“The National Association for Gun Rights has actually authored and helped introduce the legislation in Congress deregulating the bearing of arms by adults at school. It’s Congressman Thomas Massie’s Armed Teachers bill.”
Congressman Massie has also proposed the Safe Schools Act, H.R. 34, which he talked about on Fox Business.
“It would repeal the Gun-Free Zone Act of 1990 which has done nothing but make our school children less safe. 98% of mass public shootings happen in a gun-free zone. Don’t we want our children in the 2% safe area instead of the 98% vulnerable area?”
“Over 5% of Americans have a concealed carry permit. If you exclude New York City and California, it’s over 8%. So, I don’t think teachers are any less representative of the general population in terms of concealed carry permits. That means there are about 8% of teachers who already own a firearm and who are already deemed proficient enough by their state to carry that concealed into any area except for a school. You know there are already 12 states that allow some form of concealed carry by teachers.
“So a lot of folks on the news ask, ‘What if a teacher shoots a student? What if a policeman shows up and shoots a teacher?’ That’s never happened and we already have schools where teachers are carrying.”
If you’d like to urge your Congressman to support the Safe Schools Act which would repeal the Gun Free Zones, call 202-225-3121. That’s 202-225-3121. Press 2 to be connected to your Representative’s office.
This has been a World View Special Report. I’m Adam McManus.
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Vietnamese Gov’t Hands Down Harsh Prison Sentences to Christians
On April 5th, the Vietnamese government sentenced six Vietnamese activists to harsh jail sentences, accusing them of overthrowing the communist state. Among them, Pastor Nguyen Trung Ton and Christian lawyer Nguyen Van Dai received at least 12 years followed by years of house arrest, reports International Christian Concern.
Their crime? Through a group called the Brotherhood for Democracy they campaigned for victims of injustice, advocated for religious freedom, and supported political prisoners and their families.
Pray Amos 5:24 which says, “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”