Trump is angry that Biden has targeted pro-lifers, Will women be drafted? 1,300 Muslims died during pilgrimage to Mecca

It’s Tuesday, June 25th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus.  (

By Kevin Swanson

Muslims killing Christians in Russia and Nigeria

Islam-related deaths have dominated the news over the weekend. 

Suspected Jihadists attacked Russian Orthodox Churches and synagogues in two cities in Southern Russia, 75 miles apart from one another, killing at least twenty, reports ABC News

In addition, last week, Fulani Muslims stormed a village in Kajuru County, Nigeria with AK-47s. As they shouted “Allahu Akbar” or “Allah is Greater,” they shot up a group of Christians who were conducting a prayer meeting for the community, killing five, reports International Christian Concern.

1,300 Muslims died during pilgrimage to Mecca

And, just within the last week, over 1,300 Muslims have died of excessive heat on their pilgrimage to Mecca where temperatures have soared as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius), according to the Associated Press.  

One of the five pillars of Islam is the Hajj, a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca. They hope it will help with forgiveness of their sins.

But Ephesians 1:7 tells us that in Jesus “we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.”

Argentina’s food inflation drops from 211% to 0.1%

Argentina reports the first week without food inflation in thirty years, and only 0.1% in fifteen days.  That’s not bad for a nation that was looking at 211% inflation or 4% per week back in 2023.

Argentina’s new conservative president, Javier Milei, is wrapping up a visit to Europe, in which he referred to the government of Spain bringing “poverty and death” to  the country.  And, he told an audience that he is defeating the socialists with “the largest fiscal adjustment in the history of Argentina.”

Trump is angry that Biden has targeted pro-lifers

Speaking to the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference at the Washington Hilton over the weekend, presidential hopeful Donald Trump promised he would take care of the pro-life activists facing prison time “on the first day.”  

Listen to Trump tell the story of Paula Harlo.

TRUMP:  “In the Republican Party, we will always support families, babies, life. Very important to the Republican Party.

“By contrast, Joe Biden is weaponizing the Justice Department to viciously persecute pro-life activists and Americans of faith. Just last month, the Biden DOJ got Paula Harlow, a 75-year-old woman in poor health, sentenced to two years in prison for singing outside of a [abortion] clinic.

Fearing she would die in prison, her husband pleaded with the judge for mercy and even asked to be thrown in prison with his wife. The judge responded by mocking their religion.

“Paula is one of many peaceful pro-lifers whom Joe Biden has rounded up, sometimes with SWAT teams, and thrown them in jail. Many people are in jail over this. This is just crazy. We’re gonna get that taken care of immediately, first day.

“But let’s call these brave Americans what they really are. It’s persecuted Christians. That’s what they are. They’re persecuted.”

Franklin Graham to Trump: Stop cussing

During another of his speeches over the weekend, the former president announced having received a letter from evangelist Franklin Graham, encouraging him to avoid foul language in his speeches.

Trump said the evangelist is wrong on the matter. Trump justified an occasional use of foul language for emphasis, but then told the audience he has been “working hard on it.” 

Ephesians 4:29 is for all of us: “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” 

Supreme Court to examine case banning puberty blockers for minors

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Monday to take up a case which challenges a Tennessee law banning artificial medical treatments for minors who want to change their God-given gender, reports CBS News.

About half of the states have placed restrictions on such medical procedures.

Biden’s transgender plan blocked

The flags are on the field on this one.

Already, two U.S. district judges have blocked the Biden administration’s plan to impose Title IX restrictions on public schools in America in an effort to transgender bathrooms and sports programs.

So far, 26 states have joined seven lawsuits concerning the policy which is supposed to go into effect on August 1st.

The Scriptures do speak to this moral issue. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God.”

Will women be drafted?

The U.S. Senate has approved a measure that would include women in the military draft, reports The

The provision is not contained in the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act before Congress.  And a spokesperson for House Speaker Mike Johnson told Fox News Digital that he is opposed to the inclusion of women in the draft.

Presently, according to Pew Research, Israel, Eritrea, Mali, Morocco, North Korea, Tunisia, Mozambique, Norway, and Sweden include women in their selective service program.

2,750 pro-life pregnancy centers vs. 1,603 abortion mills

Lifeway Research reports that 16% of Protestant churches support crisis pregnancy centers in the United States.  Baptist churches are three times more likely to provide financial support for the pro-life centers than Lutheran Churches.

According to the data, 2,750 pro-life pregnancy centers provide $358 million of free services to women across the country each year, according to a Charlotte Lozier Institute report issued last December. 

By contrast, as of 2020, there were 1,603 facilities conducting abortions in America. 

Sadly, states are now spending over $200 million annually on abortion services, and the federal government is funding domestic abortion businesses to the tune of $390 million per year.  That’s about the same amount of money donated each year by private charity to pro-life pregnancy centers.

21 Worldview listeners donated $4,140

And finally, toward our $84,000 final goal by 5:00pm central this Saturday, June 29, 21 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate to help fund our 6-member team for another fiscal year.

Our thanks to Kenyon in Merritt Island, Florida, Jamey in Macon, Georgia, Joshua in Bolivar, Missouri, Rob in Annandale, Virginia, and an anonymous donor from Helena, Montana – each of whom gave $25.

We appreciate Suzanne in Macon, Georgia, Emily in De Forest, Wisconsin, Dean in Paulden, Arizona, and Charles in Sharps Chapel, Tennessee – each of whom gave $50.

We honor the donations of Edna in Marionville, Missouri who gave $75, Brett in Topeka, Kansas who gave $100, an anonymous donor and Grant in Ashland, Kentucky – both of whom gave $200, as well as Mark in Rossville, Georgia who pledged $20/month for 12 months for a total gift of $240.

And we are grateful to God for Larry in Union, Kentucky and William in Marshall, Illinois – both of whom gave $250, Calvin in Odessa, Minnesota who gave $300, Max in Macon, Georgia and Lisa in Newport, Washington – both of whom gave $500, as well as Elizabeth in Carol Stream, Illinois and Charles in Waxhaw, North Carolina – both of whom pledged $50/month for 12 months for a gift of $600 each.

Those 21 donors gave $4,140.  Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $58,005.16 (audience cheering)

In order to hit our $84,000 goal, we still need to raise $25,994.84 by the end of the week. We need to find 12 people to pledge $100 per month for 12 months, 9 people to pledge $50 per month for 12 months, and 18 people to pledge $25/month for 12 months.

Will you step up to the plate? Please go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like to donate, and click on the recurring monthly tab if that’s your wish.

Ask God what He wants you to give to this newscast that proclaims Jesus Christ as our standard for Truth.


And that’s The Worldview on this Tuesday, June 25th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.