It’s Inauguration Day, Monday, January 20th, A.D. 2025. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard on 125 radio stations and at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Adam McManus
Indonesian officials allow church permit
Want some good news about our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ?
Well, a church in East Jakarta, Indonesia, is getting a home after 56 years without one, reports International Christian Concern.
The Pasundan Christian Church Congregation of Kampung Tengah recently received a certificate of ownership from Nusron Wahid, the minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning.
The certificate handover, which took place on Christmas Day 2024, marked the end of the congregation’s long journey in obtaining legal certainty for the land they use as a place of worship. As officially recognized landowners, the congregation, established in 1968, can now conduct worship more calmly and comfortably.
President-elect Donald Trump to be sworn in today
Today, President-elect Donald Trump will be sworn in to serve a second term as the 47th president of the United States of America.
The swearing-in ceremony, which is expected to begin at 12 noon Eastern Time, will feature Trump getting sworn in on two Bibles – the Bible his mother gave him in 1955 at First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, New York and the Bible Abraham Lincoln used in 1861, reports The Hill.com.
Exodus 18:21 offers guidance for selecting civic leadership. Our leaders should be “men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain.”
Because of the frigid weather forecast today in the nation’s capital, Trump’s inauguration ceremony has been moved indoors to the Capitol rotunda.
The last time the ceremony was held indoors was in January 1985 for President Ronald Reagan.
Country music star Carrie Underwood will perform “America the Beautiful.” Other performers include Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter Lee Greenwood as well as Liberty University’s Praise Choir.
You can watch the inauguration on any major news outlet and at CSPAN beginning at 12 noon Eastern.
Trump’s Defense Chief pick affirms support for Israel
In the midst of the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Trump nominee Pete Hegseth to be Secretary of Defense, a protestor interrupted the proceedings to make this verbal accusation against Hegseth.
PROTESTOR: “You are a Christian Zionist.”
Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas followed up with this comment and question.
COTTON: “The first one accused you of being a Christian Zionist. I’m not really sure why that is a bad thing. I’m a Christian. I’m a Zionist. Zionism is that the Jewish people deserve a homeland in the ancient holy land where they’ve lived since the dawn of history. Do you consider yourself a Christian Zionist?”
HEGSETH: “I’m a Christian, and I robustly support the State of Israel and its existential defense. And the way America comes alongside them as a great ally.
COTTON: “Great. Thank you. Another protester, and I think this one was a member of Code Pink, which, by the way, is a Chinese communist front group these days, said that you support Israel’s war in Gaza. I support Israel’s existential war in Gaza. I assume, like me and President Trump, you support that war as well, don’t you?”
HEGSETH: “Senator, I do. I support Israel destroying and killing every last member of Hamas.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has vowed to uphold Trump’s pro-life policies
Following four years of the Biden administration reversing the pro-life federal policies established during President Trump’s first term, Republican senators are expressing confidence that the incoming Trump administration will re-implement pro-life policies, reports LifeNews.com.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris allowed federal funds to go to abortion businesses, blocked pregnancy resource centers from receiving federal funds, and used tax dollars to promote abortion internationally.
After Trump nominated former Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to serve as his secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, concerns arose that pro-life policies would be sidelined. During his presidential run, Kennedy had called the abortion issue “nuanced and complex” and also said that the state should not “dictate choices that the woman is making” regarding abortion. He has also previously supported (and walked back support for) three-month pro-life protections.
However, Senate Republicans like Josh Hawley of Missouri say they have received personal assurances from Kennedy that he will not pursue pro-abortion policies while in office and will, in fact, enact pro-life ones. Last month, Hawley posted a series of tweets describing his conversation with Kennedy regarding the issue.
Hawley wrote, Kennedy “committed to me to reinstate President Trump’s pro-life policies at HHS. That includes reinstating the Mexico City policy & ending taxpayer funding for abortions domestically.”
The senator further noted Kennedy’s promise to have all pro-life deputies at Health and Human Services, and that he “believes there are far too many abortions in the US and that we cannot be the moral leader of the free world with abortion rates so high.” In addition, Hawley stated that Kennedy promised to reinstate “the bar on Title X funds going to organizations that promote abortion” and to “reinstate conscience protections for healthcare providers.”
This morning, Biden that “the Equal Rights Amendment is now the law of the land.” Well, there you have it: The Constitution has a 28th amendment, and women’s rights have been enshrined across the country.
Biden falsely claimed Equal Rights Amendment part of Constitution
On Friday, President Joe Biden falsely claimed that the Equal Rights Amendment had become the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
BIDEN: “Just over 100 years ago, a pioneering group of women proposed Equal Rights Amendment to enshrine the principles of gender equality our Constitution. Throughout my career, I’ve been clear. No one should be discriminated against based on their sex.
“And in order for the amendment to be ratified, it requires three-fourths of the states to ratify it. That benchmark was passed when Virginia ratified the E.R.A. a few years ago.
“Today, I affirm the Equal Rights Amendment to have cleared all the necessary hurdles to be added to the U.S. Constitution now. The Equal Rights Amendment is the law of the land now. It’s the 28th Amendment to the Constitution now.
“I consulted dozens of constitutional scholars to make sure there was all within the power to do this, and the fact is, we did.”
However, according to the National Archive and Records Administration Archivist Colleen Shogan, the Equal Rights Amendment died on June 30, 1982 when only 35 states ratified it, reports The Epoch Times.
50,000 Scriptural booklets will be handed to inauguration attendees
Dozens of volunteers led by a Florida-based Christian ministry are expecting to give out 50,000 Bible booklets to attendees at the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump today, reports The Christian Post.
The evangelistic organization Faith & Liberty, working with Seedline International and HOPE to the Hill, will pass out the Bible booklets, which contain the scriptural books of John and Romans, to commemorate President Donald Trump’s 2025 Inauguration.
Peggy Nienaber, the Senior Vice President of Faith & Liberty, said, “In times of national division like America has recently seen, a new presidential administration can offer hope. The commemorative scripture booklets were published for this significant occasion for that same reason — to offer hope to people in the Savior Jesus Christ.”
In Isaiah 55:11, God said, “My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
And that’s The Worldview on this Inauguration Day, Monday, January 20th, in the year of our Lord 2025. Subscribe by Amazon Music or by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.