Monday, February 22nd, in the year of our Lord, 2016.
By Jonathan Clark
Well, the South Carolina Republican primary results are in, and Donald Trump won big with 32.5% of the vote on Saturday. Marco Rubio came in at 22.5% and Ted Cruz at 22.3%. Jeb Bush, who came in fourth at 7.8%, announced that he would be suspending his campaign. The World View spoke to Professor Brent Nelson, political science professor at Furman University in South Carolina, about the results of the South Carolina primaries.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed two bills Thursday to defund Planned Parenthood. Combined, the bills will cut eight million dollars from the abortion giant in that state. One bill moves taxpayer funding away from Planned Parenthood to comprehensive health centers, and the other bill only allows the abortion mills to bill Medicaid for dispensing fees and acquisition costs, reported Live Action News.
On February 12, the House Select Panel on Infant Lives indicated that it would be issuing subpoenas to organizations involved in the fetal tissue industry, including StemExpress, the University of New Mexico, and Southwestern Women’s Options. This comes after these organizations failed to respond to requests for documentation by the select panel as it investigates the practices of abortion providers and organizations that sell baby parts, according to Christian Headlines.
Recent reports indicate that Holland has been pretty much running an on-demand euthanasia service, reported Christian Today. A study by the National Institute of Health revealed that 56% of people in Holland seeking and receiving euthanasia between 2011 and 2014 were doing so because of loneliness. May the elderly of Holland turn to the Lord and pray like King David, “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted . . . Consider my affliction and my trouble, and forgive all my sins” (Psalm 25:16, 18).
Norwegian Christian parents Ruth and Marius Bodnariu were reunited with their five children for the first time in three months since Norway’s child protective services took the children away. The family reports that their children were taken because of concerns over their Christian faith and disciplinary practices like spanking. Please pray for the Bodnariu family, as the parents must stand trial in order to regain custody of their children.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump is calling for a boycott of Apple. During a campaign speech on Friday, Trump criticized Apple’s refusal to help the FBI break into the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters, and he called for a boycott until Apple cooperated.
Two weeks ago, Cameroonian special forces carried out an attack on a Boko Haram post in Goshi, a northeastern Nigerian town. Goshi was a center for Boko Haram to manufacture bombs and mines, as well as a place to hold young people used for suicide bombing. Cameroonian forces killed 162 of the militants and freed about 100 captives.
Members of lower castes in India, who are also Hindus, Buddhists or Sikhs, are eligible for government benefits, reported Christian Today. The government, however, does not offer the same benefits to Muslims or Christians for fear of conversions to those religions. Church leaders are speaking out against this discrimination, and Christians in lower castes are left to choose between following Christ and receiving government assistance.
Scripture reminds us to “put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation” (Psalm 146:3).
Cyclone Winston ripped through the islands of Fiji overnight on February 14. The cyclone brought much destruction to homes and crops and killed at least one person. Residents of Fiji have begun the cleanup process, and the government has declared a 30-day state of natural disaster, according to Fox News.
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics law enforcement officer James Lee Tartt died in the line of duty early Saturday. Mississippi police responded to a domestic disturbance at a home near the town of Iuka. A SWAT team was called in, and, after a six-hour standoff, gunfire broke out as the team forced its way into the house. Three state troopers were wounded.
Thousands attended the funeral service for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Saturday, including vice president Joe Biden, former vice president Dick Cheney, attorney general Loretta Lynch, former House speaker Newt Gingrich, retired justice John Paul Stevens, and the eight remaining Supreme Court Justices, reported Fox News. During the two-hour service, one of Justice Scalia’s nine children, Reverend Paul Scalia, shared about his father’s faith: “God bless dad for his faith. The deeper he went in his faith, the better public servant he was. God bless dad for his love of his family.” Back in 1998, Justice Scalia wrote a letter after the funeral of Justice Lewis Powell, in which he stated, “In Christian services conducted for deceased Christians, I am surprised at how often eulogy is the centerpiece of the service, rather than . . . the resurrection of Christ, and the eternal life which follows from that.” Jesus Himself tells us, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live” (John 11:25).
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.