TV clip of pro-life host crying over abortion goes viral, Uptick in COVID cases prompting fresh mask mandates, Christian farmer allowed to sell fruit at Michigan market again

It’s Friday, September 8th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. (

By Adam McManus

Christian farmer allowed to sell fruit at Michigan market again

After Steve Tennes, the owner of Country Mill Farms, posted on Facebook that he affirmed that God created marriage exclusively between a man and a woman, East Lansing, Michigan city officials contacted the Christian farmer, asking him to stop selling his fruit at the farmer’s market.

TENNES: “We were surprised because for over seven years we’ve been serving all the customers with no complaints, no issues, no protests. Never before would I ever thought that the faith that we have here in our family, in our home, at our farm would prohibit us from being allowed to participate in the community.”

Later, when Country Mill Farms applied for the annual permit to be a vendor at the East Lansing, Michigan farmer’s market, they were denied because of Steve’s Biblical understanding of marriage.

That’s when, back in 2017, Alliance Defending Freedom, representing the Christian family farm, sued the city of East Lansing, Michigan for their outrageous religious discrimination.

Thankfully, six years later, on August 21st, 2023, a federal district court finally affirmed religious liberty by allowing Country Mill Farms to once again participate in the East Lansing, Michigan farmer’s market.

Grateful for the vindication, Steve Tennes eagerly underscored the mission of Country Mill Farms.

TENNES: “The mission here at our family farm at Country Mill is to glorify God by facilitating family fun on the farm and feeding families.”

Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Uptick in COVID cases prompting fresh mask mandates

Three and a half years after COVID-19 first came to America, there’s a 19% uptick in new COVID cases with a new variant which has been dubbed B286.

Appearing on CNN with Michael Smerconish on September 2nd, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, urged Americans to once again mask up.

FAUCI: “There’s no doubt that masks work. Different studies give different percentages of advantage of wearing it. But there’s no doubt that the weight of the studies, and there have been many studies, indicate the benefit of wearing masks.”

Indeed, according to Newsweek, schools in Alabama, Maryland, New Orleans, and Atlanta are mandating COVID masks indoors again.

But former President Donald Trump boldly declared that the people will not comply with any mask mandates or COVID lockdowns.

TRUMP: “To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words: We will not comply. So, don’t even think about it!  We will not shut down our schools. We will not accept your lockdowns. We will not abide by your mask mandates. And we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates.”

Dept. of Heath told doctor to lie about COVID causing death

In related COVID news, Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson recently interviewed Dr. Scott Jensen for a podcast entitled “The Tyranny of Weaponized Bureaucracy.”

What the Minnesota doctor revealed was disturbing. When the virus first came to America, the U.S. Department of Health urged doctors to attribute COVID as the cause of death when it might have only been a contributing condition.

JENSEN: “I received an email from the Department of Health with a link to the CDC, advising me, as a physician, that they were going to adjust the way death certificates were completed.”

PETERSON: “What did ‘adjust death certificates’ mean?”

JENSEN: “They said, in this document, ‘If you think that COVID-19 was a contributing condition, you can put it down as a cause of death.’ And I said, ‘No! There’s a box 2 on a death certificate called Contributing Conditions. That’s where you put contributing conditions. If it’s emphysema, if it’s asthma, influenza, we put it in the Contributing Conditions box.’

“We were being told with this disease, we could put it as a cause of death.”

Why Senator Feinstein is holding tight to Senate seat despite illness

Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein of California, age 90, continues to serve in Congress despite questions about her ability to hold office, including memory issues amplified by muddled public comments and concerns about her overall health following a bout of shingles that sidelined her for nearly three months, reports

The stakes for her party are huge!

If Democrat Senator Feinstein were to step down before her term ends in early 2025, Senate Republicans have said they would prevent another Democrat from taking her place on the Judiciary Committee in order to block President Joe Biden’s federal court appointments. The Democrats lack the 60 votes needed to change committee assignments.

TV clip of pro-life host crying over abortion goes viral

And finally, even though the March for Life in Washington, D.C. took place back on January 20th, there’s an unusual clip which began to circulate just this week on YouTube.

During EWTN’s March for Life coverage, their on-air Senior Digital Media Specialist, Debbie Cowden, started to cry while she was reading a stirring pro-life Instagram post from A Little Way Design Company.

Next to a hand-drawn image of a child in the womb she read from a poem entitled “For all the wonder that is forever lost.”  Because of her emotional reaction, she was only able to read a third of it.


COWDEN: “It’s an image of a baby. And it says, ‘For all the wonder that is forever lost. For the blocks that won’t get stacked. For the footsteps that won’t be taken. For the Legos that won’t be built.  For the sun and its warmth that won’t be felt. For the swings that won’t swing. For the toy trains and trucks that won’t get pushed. (Cowden cries) For the words that won’t be spoken. For the dreams that will never be dreamed.’

“I’m so sorry. There’s so much at stake in this movement. There are so many lives that have been lost. And my prayer is that, that today and beyond, that our enthusiasm and our fervor will never waver. There are lives at stake. There are mothers who will be forever hurt. There are children who will never get to meet their siblings. And there’s a future that will be forever changed by this scourge of abortion.

“And so, please, if you’re at home right now, if you will just stop what you’re doing, and take a moment to pray that our Lord will have mercy on our country, and that we will see an end to abortion soon for the sake of so many children.”

Proverbs 31:8 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.”

Her heartfelt passion for the pre-born babies was both touching and inspirational. Debbie and her husband, David, have three children, ages 7, 4, and 2. And their fourth baby is due this October!


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, September 8th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.