It’s Monday, March 28th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
Turkey continues persecution of Protestant Churches
Protestant Christians in Turkey faced increased hate speech in 2021, along with continued problems with their legal status, places of worship, and ability to train their own religious workers, reports International Christian Concern.
Turkey is the 42nd worst nation in the world for the persecution of Christians.
McConnell will vote against Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson
Last Thursday, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, from the floor of the Senate, revealed that he will vote against Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court.
McCONNELL: “The Judiciary Committee has completed its hearing for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. I enjoyed meeting the nominee. I went into the Senate’s process with an open mind. But, after studying the nominee’s record and watching her performance this week, I cannot and will not support Judge Jackson for a lifetime appointment to the highest Court.”
Among the reasons why McConnell opposes Jackson is her openness to “packing the court,” which involves adding four additional seats to the Supreme Court, as advocated by the Leftist fringe group Demand Justice. That would allow Biden to nominate four more liberals to ensure the God-haters enjoy a majority once again.
“Judge Jackson refuses to reject the fringe position that Democrats should try to pack the Supreme Court. Justice Ginsburg and Justice Breyer had no problem denouncing this unpopular view and defending their institution. I assumed this would be an easy softball for Judge Jackson. But it wasn’t. The nominee suggested there are two legitimate sides to the issue. She testified she has a view on the matter, but would not share it.
“But Judge Jackson seemingly tipped her hand. She said she would be, ‘thrilled to be one of however many.’ However many. The most radical pro-court-packing fringe groups badly wanted this nominee for this vacancy. Judge Jackson was the court-packers’ pick. And she testified like it.”
Urge Democrat Senator Joe Manchin to oppose Judge Jackson
On Friday, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia said that he intends to vote yes on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court, effectively guaranteeing she will be confirmed, reports USA Today.
While Manchin frequently breaks from other Democrats in his votes, he has momentarily chosen to give Biden the victory on this egregious nominee. The entire Democratic caucus, in the evenly divided Senate, is expected to vote for Jackson.
A simple majority of 51 of the 100 senators must vote yes for Jackson to be confirmed. The Senate is evenly split between 50 Democratic caucus members and 50 Republican members. Vice President Kamala Harris would break the tie vote, giving Democrats the majority.
Join me, and email Senator Manchin, urging him to change his mind. Or call him at 202.224.3954.
Judge Clarence Thomas released from hospital
Ready for some good news? Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was discharged from the hospital on Friday, a week after being admitted with flu-like symptoms, reports NBC News.
He was discharged from Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington after having been admitted on the evening of March 18.
Jeremiah 33:6 says, “I will heal My people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.”
Judge Thomas, age 73, had an infection, and he received intravenous antibiotics. It was not COVID-19.
You can still send a get well card to him, like I did on Friday, to Judge Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court, 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543. If you get your kids to write him, please take a picture of it and email me at Adam@TheWorldview.com.
Check out the trailer to the documentary, entitled “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” through a special link in our transcript today at www.TheWorldview.com.
New California bill legalizes infanticide
A new California bill would permit infanticide by legalizing “perinatal death,” a medical phrase that includes the time after birth, pro-life activists are warning, reports Christian Headlines.
Specifically, AB 2223 says “a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty” due to their “miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.”
Further, the bill protects anyone “who aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising their rights under this” bill.
Greg Burt of the California Family Council wrote, “Although definitions of ‘perinatal death’ vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth.”
Isaiah 59:7 says, “Their feet run to evil, and they hasten to shed innocent blood.”
The first stop for this evil bill, AB 2223, is the California Judiciary Committee.
If you live in the Golden State, and object to this hideous pro-infanticide bill, AB 2223, call Mark Stone, the Chair of the Judiciary Committee at 916.319.2029 and Jordan Cunningham, Vice Chair, at 916.319.2035.
U.S. to welcome up to 100,000 Ukrainians fleeing war
The United States plans to accept up to 100,000 Ukrainians fleeing Russia’s invasion and is pledging $1 billion in new humanitarian aid, reports Reuters.
Church bake sale raises $145K to help Ukrainians
And finally, a Ukrainian congregation, located near Lexington, Kentucky, has raised $145,000 at a bake sale to raise funds for those affected by the war in Ukraine, reports The Christian Post.
The Ukrainian Pentecostal Church of Nicholasville held the bake sale a week ago Saturday.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, March 28th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.