It’s Friday, May 1st, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Jonathan Clark
URGENT: Politely request N Korean ambassador to U.S. to release Christian
Jang Moon Seok, an ethnic Korean Chinese Christian, recently spent his 2,000th day in a North Korean prison after being kidnapped along the country’s border and sentenced to 15 years in prison just for telling North Koreans about Jesus.
Jang ministered alongside Pastor Han Chung-Ryeol, a Chinese man who discipled 1,000 North Koreans before being killed by assassins working with the government in 2016.
Voice of the Martyrs is calling on Christians to politely contact Kim Song, North Korea’s ambassador to the United Nations, and politely ask for Jang’s release. You can find the contact information through a link in our transcript today at the worldview.com.
United Kingdom legalized murder of unborn babies 52 years ago
Tuesday marked 52 years since the Abortion Act came into effect in the U.K., legalizing the murder of unborn babies in many cases and with tax-payer coverage.
Since then, an estimated 9.4 million babies have been killed in England, Scotland, and Wales. That’s one death every three minutes.
Proverbs 1:16 says, “For their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed blood.”
GOP Kentucky Attorney General vs. Dem. KY Gov over religious liberties
Kentucky Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron filed a motion in federal court this week, calling Democratic Governor Andy Beshear’s travel ban unconstitutional during the coronavirus outbreak response.
Cameron also called on Beshear to stop targeting religious groups like churches with stricter social distancing policies compared with secular organizations.
During a press conference, Cameron quoted Matthew 18:20 and said he would defend religious liberty.
CAMERON: “Matthew chapter 18 tells us that ‘where two or more are gathered in My name there I am with them.’ Corporate worship is essential and central to many faiths and finds a special place in the Constitution, a place that we must defend.”
U.S. Gross Domestic Product down by 4.8% in first quarter
The economic downturn from the response to the coronavirus outbreak is in full swing.
U.S. gross domestic product decreased by 4.8 percent during the first quarter of 2020 with economists expecting that the second-quarter Gross Domestic Product to fall even more, signaling a recession.
Trump: Planned Parenthood not allowed to get bailout money
The Trump administration has ensured that the new Paycheck Protection Program will help small businesses during the coronavirus outbreak and will not fund Planned Parenthood.
A senior administration official told The Daily Signal, “President Trump is committed to ensuring the Paycheck Protection Program money is used for saving jobs at small businesses, not getting the government into the business of funding abortion.”
More governors re-open their economies
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that the administration’s guidelines for slowing the spread of COVID-19 are fading out as governors begin to reopen state economies.
The guidelines, which expired yesterday, called on Americans to practice social distancing, avoid large gatherings, and work from home.
U.S. marriage rate lowest since 1867
The U.S. marriage rate reached an all-time low of 6.5 new marriages per 1,000 people in 2018, according to the latest data from the National Center for Health Statistics.
That’s a 6 percent decrease from the last recorded rate and the lowest since the statistic started to be measured in 1867.
Homeschool leaders will challenge Harvard’s attack on homeschooling today
Harvard Kennedy School is hosting a special Zoom meeting today at 2 p.m. Eastern Time. Speakers will address the dishonest attacks on homeschooling that have been pervasive in the media and academia and also cover the failures of public education.
Sign up for the online meeting through a link in our transcript today at theworldview.com.
Waodani tribesman, who killed Jim Elliot, and later came to Christ, has died
And finally, a Waodani tribesman from Ecuador named Mincaye died on Tuesday in his home village at the approximate age of 90.
Mincaye was one of the warriors who famously killed Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, and three other American missionaries in 1956, but who later came to Christ through the continued ministry of those missionaries’ families.
Mincaye became known for preaching the Gospel to other tribes and traveling the world to tell what Christ did through the missionaries for him and his tribe.
Listen to the testimony he gave once, translated through Nate Saint’s son Steve.
MINCAYE (translated by SAINT): “… But God called my own name to Him … Now my heart is not dark anymore … God sent His own Son down here to the dirt so that He could show us how.”
Get the book “End of the Spear” and the DVD as well. What a powerful story!
Psalm 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, May 1st in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.