It’s Monday, June 29th, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldView.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
150-person Hindu mob beats pastor while he prays for sick
In one of the eight attacks on Christians since the COVID-19 lockdown was partially lifted in India two weeks ago, a mob of 150 people in the southern state of Telangana dragged a pastor into the street and beat him while he was praying for a sick person, reports the Christian Post.
Pastor Suresh Rau told International Christian Concern, “They dragged me into the street and pushed me to the ground. They kicked me like they would kick a ball. There, they started to trample on me. They tore my clothes, kicked me all over my body, and punched my left eye. I have sustained a serious eye injury as a result of a blood clot.”
The attackers accused Rao of illegally converting Hindus to Christianity. Pastor Rao said, “They said that India is a Hindu nation, and there is no place for Christians. I am prepared for this kind of eventuality. I know the cost of serving Jesus in these remote villages, and I will continue to serve the people of this region.”
Pastor Rao’s faithfulness to Jesus Christ reminds me of the faithfulness of Daniel.
Daniel 6:10 documents that “Daniel always prayed to God three times every day. Three times every day, he bowed down on his knees to pray and praise God. Even though Daniel heard about the new law [prohibiting prayer to anyone but the king], he still went to his house to pray. He went up to the upper room of his house and opened the windows that faced toward Jerusalem. Then, Daniel bowed down on his knees and prayed just as he always had done.”
Vice President Pence shares moving testimony
Yesterday morning at First Baptist Church Dallas, reports the Christian Post, Pastor Robert Jeffress welcomed Vice President Pence to the pulpit with these words.
JEFFRESS: “Mr. Vice President, I know I probably shouldn’t say this, but my congregation knows that has never stopped me before. Mr. Vice President, there are millions of Christians in this country, just like me, who are hoping and we are praying that when you have finished your term as Vice President in 2024, we don’t want you moving out of the West Wing. We just want you to move down the hall a few doors and continue to build on the legacy of the most faith-friendly president in history. Would you join me in welcoming a great Christian, a great American, a great friend of First Baptist Church Dallas, the Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence.”
Toward the end of his speech, Vice President Pence shared this dramatic and inspirational story.
PENCE: “I received a letter from a pastor who leads a church not far from Jacksonville, Florida. He told me of a time that he and his new bride were attending Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky in 1977. It was a place where they held, in the spring every year, a Christian music festival. They present the Gospel with preachers; they present what was then the early versions of Contemporary Christian Music.
“He wrote to me that in 1977, they had decided at the seminary to discontinue the event, but he and his new bride felt called to do the work. He wrote to me and said that several friends told us that it would be very hard on our new marriage, and that we shouldn’t do it. But he said, ‘We answered the call. We gathered a few other seminarians to help us.’ And they worked a whole year to arrange the event in the spring of 1978.
“And then he said then the night came the culminating evening on Saturday night, where he and his new bride were walking through the camp area. It was raining. They were disappointed. I thought it all had been for naught. And then he said, and that’s because I didn’t know that that night, a future Vice President of the United States of America would be giving his life to Jesus Christ. (applause)
“He wrote to me, ‘I cannot write this without tears.’ And I could not read it without tears. Because I remember that night, sitting on a hillside. It was raining. And it was like I, I heard the words for the first time. ‘But God so loved the world that He sent his only begotten Son that whoever might believe in Him might not perish but have eternal life.’ (John 3:16)
“I stood up and I walked down that night, not out of a sense of intellectual assent, but because my heart was broken with gratitude for what had been done for me on the cross. I’m working on a letter to that pastor which I will not be able to write without tears. And I’m simply going to say to him and his wife, now I know who else to thank for that night so many years ago.”
In a clear affirmation of God’s providence, Vice President Pence said this.
“The lesson in his letter was even when things don’t seem like they’re going the way we expected, they’re going the way He expected.”
3 new coronavirus symptoms
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has revealed three new coronavirus symptoms including congestion or runny nose, nausea and diarrhea, reports The Sun.com.
How Texas woman blessed her local police
While a Fort Worth-area Christian woman condemns the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Memorial Day, she contends that the vast majority of police officers are the good guys who need to be encouraged.
That’s why last Monday Carolyn Reese Brooks paid for Domino’s to deliver 5 large pizzas and chocolate brownies to the Euless, Texas Police Department in her town of 56,000. In addition to encouraging the police chief to consider printing out a Psalm 91 prayer of protection for each police officer, she wrote an email, saying, “We love our police! Be encouraged and do not give up. Stand strong and know that we are praying for you and all your officers!”
In response, Euless, Texas Police Chief Michael Brown emailed back, saying, “Thank you so much for your uplifting message and kind words. We will take all the prayers we can get, and are humbled that you offer them up in support of us. It is a difficult time in our society, and it reminds me of what my Mom used to tell me, ‘Just because they are loud, does not make them right.’ May God bless you and yours.”
Brooks urges Christians nationwide to bombard their local police departments with encouraging emails, hand-written cards, food delivery like pizza and cookies, and gift cards to grocery stores and restaurants to show our love and support.
Acts 20:35 says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
If you and your children choose to bless your police department, please email me at Adam@TheWorldview.com and tell me what you did and what their reaction was. My bride Amy and our children Honor, Mercy, and Valor will be making a card and baking cookies today right here in San Antonio, Texas.
10 North Carolinian young siblings each gave $10 to The Worldview
Trent in Louisburg, North Carolina wrote me and said, “After listening to The Worldview message from the 13-year-old boy named Cody, my children all wanted to give some of their own money to support the newscast. I have 10 children who each gave $10. Plus, we added an extra one-time $100 gift from us parents on top of the $20 per month that we have been giving for a couple of years now. Thank you so very much for your ministry! It is a blessing!”
9-year-old Montana Worldview listener gave $7
9-year-old Dahlia in Helena, Montana gave $7 and said, “I really like listening to The Worldview every morning at breakfast. I really like it when you make your goals. I also like hearing what is happening around the world.”
And 11-year-old Laurissa, her sister, gave $25 dollars, saying, “I hope you make your goal!”
35 new donors gave $9,958. Need $2,085 by 12 midnight tomorrow!
As you know all this month, we’ve had a goal of raising $60,000 by tomorrow at 12 midnight to keep The Worldview in 5 Minutes on the air! Listeners had already pledged $47,957.
We’re grateful to our new donors including 9-year-old Dahlia in Helena, Montana who gave $7 as well as Lorena in Selma, Texas, Meraud in San Jose, California, 11-year-old Laurissa in Helena, Montana, and Erica in Shutesbury, Massachusetts – each of whom gave $25. Plus, Shai in Chesapeake Beach, Maryland gave $37.
Our thanks to Cory in Stromberg, Nebraska, Slade in St. Louis, Missouri, Malcolm in Ferndown, Dossett, Canada, John in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, Melissa in Rotorua, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand – each of whom gave $50.
We appreciate Carla in Nampa, Idaho who gave $80, Warren and Pam in Palos Heights, Illinois who gave $90, and Marge in Ada, Michigan who gave $94 since she’ll be turning 94 years old on July 4th.
We were touched by the donations of Steve in Loveland, Colorado, Sarah in Charleston, South Carolina, and Kristin in Bremerton, Washington — each of whom gave $100. Plus, in honor of 13-year-old Cody in Hortense, Georgia who gave $11, Max in Macon, Georgia, gave $111.
We are grateful for 15-year-old Thomas in Helena, Montana who gave $150, Stephen in Hull, Iowa who pledged $15/month for 12 months for a total gift of $180, Trent in Louisburg, North Carolina who gave $200, and Daniel in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma who gave $299.
Special thanks to Jacob in Windsor, Virginia, John and Cheryl in Ada, Michigan, and LeeAnn in Post Falls, Idaho – each of whom gave $300. Plus, Renee in Dublin, California and Nathan in Springfield, Oregon each pledged $25/month for 12 months for a total gift of $300 each.
We praise God for the generosity of Tim in Dalhart, Texas, Sharon in Pittsfield, New Hampshire, Susan in Huntington, New York, Jonathan in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, and Randy in Coos Bay, Oregon – each of whom gave $500.
And we’re thankful to Nicholas in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania who gave $669, Carl in San Antonio, Texas who gave $1,000, John in Stonewall, Oklahoma who gave $1,191, and the members of SovereignGraceSingles.com who pledged $100/month for 12 months for a total gift of $1,200.
Those 35 new donors gave $9,847. Incredible! That’s 5 more donors than I was hoping would step up to the plate.
Ready for the new grand total? Drum roll please. (drum roll sound effect) Our new total is $57,915. (crowd cheering effect) That means that we exceeded our goal of $55,070 by $2,845.
We are now $2,085 away from hitting our $60,000 goal by 12 midnight tomorrow. We’re on the last lap. Can you help us cross the finish line?
I just need to find 4 listeners to pledge $25/month for 12 months or give a one-time gift of $300. And our final 2 listeners to pledge $50/month for 12 months or give a one-time gift of $600.
I can see the finish line from here. If you haven’t made a donation yet, the time to do so is right now as the clock is counting down.
Please make your donation here and select the correct dollar amount. Don’t forget to click on the box to make it a recurring donation if that’s your wish.
What would God have you do?
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, June 29th, in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Print stories
Israel suspends license for Christian TV channel in Holy Land
The license for Shelanu TV, the Hebrew-language Christian evangelical TV channel which has been accused of seeking to proselytize in Israel, has been suspended, reports the Jerusalem Post.
Shelanu TV, owned by parent company God TV, began broadcasting in Israel on the Hot cable network at the end of April after it received a license from the Council for Cable and Satellite Broadcasting earlier this year.
God TV, which reaches some 300 million homes around the world, is dedicated to preaching the Christian gospel and the task of the “Great Commission.”
Proselytizing, seeking to convert people to another religion, is not illegal in Israel, although the law prevents proselytizing to minors without their parents presence or consent, and promising any monetary or material compensation for converting to another religion.
Council chairman Asher Biton wrote to the Hot company on Thursday informing it that the license had been suspended since, he argued, Shelanu TV was appealing to Jews as its target audience and not to Christians in Israel, as he said had been written in the original license request.
Is Trump faltering?
Trump has endured what aides describe as the worst stretch of his presidency, marred by widespread criticism over his response to the coronavirus pandemic and nationwide racial unrest. His rally in Oklahoma last weekend, his first since March, turned out to be an embarrassment when he failed to fill the arena, reports Politico.com.
What should have been an easy interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday horrified advisers when Trump offered a rambling, non-responsive answer to a simple question about his goals for a second term. In the same appearance, the normally self-assured president offered a tacit acknowledgment that he might lose when he said that Joe Biden is “gonna be your president because some people don’t love me, maybe.”
Biden invites evangelical Christians to vote for him
Biden’s campaign recognizes that the majority of white evangelical protestants will vote for President Trump this fall, but officials believe they have a good chance to win over certain subsets, including younger millennial evangelicals who have more moderate views than their parents and suburban women who may be tired of President Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric, reports JustTheNews.com.
To that end, they’ve been conducting various listening sessions with evangelical pastors and evangelical women around the country, focusing on a broader set of issues like building a more fair and just society, climate change, racial injustice, and immigration reform.
L’OREAL vows to remove phrases like “whitening” from products
Political correctness has struck again.
L’OREAL has vowed to remove phrases like ‘whitening’ from their skin products in the wake of racism protests, reports TheSun.com.
The beauty company announced it had decided to remove the words “white/whitening”, “fair/fairness”, “light/lightening” from all its skin evening products.
They announced on Thursday that the terms suggested a “singular ideal of beauty that we don’t think is right”.
Radical leftists want to topple Lincoln statue freeing slave
Hundreds of demonstrators in Washington D.C. gathered in Lincoln Park on Friday evening for a heated but largely peaceful demonstration about the fate of a statue of Abraham Lincoln freeing a black slave, reports the Wall Street Journal.
Thankfully, it remained untouched.
The landmark, known as the Emancipation Memorial, has become a flashpoint for demonstrators who object to its depiction of a kneeling black man as undignified and in a style they consider racist.
Marcia Cole thinks that conclusion is foolish. She is a re-enactor who had arrived in costume as Charlotte Scott, the freed slave whose $5 donation in the wake of Lincoln’s assassination started the campaign to raise money for what was then known as the Freedmen’s Memorial Monument.
Ms. Cole said the image of the kneeling slave was one of promise. “His chains are broken; he knows he’s free,” she said, adding, of Charlotte Scott, “You have no right to besmirch her legacy.”
David Limbaugh: “The Silent Majority Can Be Silent No More.”
David Limbaugh, the Christian brother of Rush, wrote a column, entitled “The Silent Majority Can Be Silent No More.”
He said, “Lately it seems that we conservatives can’t win even when we’re winning. But the country is under siege, so we cannot indulge the luxury of being discouraged.
“This year has been one body blow after another to the nation we love. First, there was the coronavirus, and we thought, “How can this get any worse?” Then came the economic shutdown and the incalculable pain and suffering it brought. Next were the riots, the radicals’ unopposed seizure of a section of Seattle, and the maniacal efforts throughout the country to defund the police. Now a series of rulings from the “conservative” Supreme Court are wreaking untold havoc on the Constitution and the rule of law.
“It wouldn’t take a Christian fanatic or an excitable conspiracist to conclude that America is now the target of an intense spiritual onslaught — brought on by its own rampant descent into decadence.”
San Antonio gov’t officials try to scare citizens with cell phone text
On Saturday at 7:05pm, liberal San Antonio and Bexar County, Texas government leaders sent a COVID-19 text to residents on their cell phones labeled as an “Imminent emergency alert”, urging them to stay home and avoid gatherings, reports CBS affiliate in Dallas/Fort Worth.
The alert was sent out to residents in Bexar County (San Antonio area) on Saturday as it reported a record-high 795 new cases of the novel coronavirus, bringing its total to 9,652.
The alert read: “STAY HOME. The COVID-19 virus is spreading rapidly across Bexar County. Local hospitals are approaching capacity. Protect yourself and your family. Stay home except for essential activities, wear a face covering and avoid gathering with people outside your household. STAY SAFE.”
Julian Castro, the former Democrat presidential candidate and mayor of San Antonio, tweeted, “This is what happens when the Governor and President put politics over public health.”