Friday, February 26th, in the year of our Lord, 2016.
By Kevin Swanson
Persecution against Christians is intensifying in India. The Tirunelveli District Pentecostal Churches Federation has launched a formal complaint to the India’s government calling for intervention, especially in the state of Tamil Nadu. International Christian Concern records a 20% increase in attacks on Christians last year.
Court documents on the Norwegian family who lost their five children to the social services have now become available. The documents indicate strong religious bias on the part of the government . . . noting that “the children were brought up to respect God and their parents’ values.” The Norwegian authorities took issue with what they call “the parents’ attitude” insisting on “their own faith and way of upbringing when it comes to religion.” Peter Costea, the president of the Alliance for Romania’s Families, told the Christian Post that about one-quarter of children taken into custody in Norway are children of immigrants and religious refugees “who are known for their traditional values.”
The Christian Post is questioning Donald Trump’s claim that he is a Presbyterian and a member of Marble Collegiate Church. Apparently, Marble Collegiate is not a Presbyterian church, and they have no record of Trump even being a member. Donald Trump has also announced that nobody reads the Bible more than him.
“Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own souls.”
Senator Ted Cruz told a Fox News open forum that he was still opposed to forcing women into the draft yesterday: “And the question of the draft is a very different story. It’s one thing to say, ‘Look, we have many, many women who serve courageously in the military,’ and that’s their choice, their voluntary choice. But I don’t think we ought to be forcibly drafting women, particularly putting them in a position where they’re in combat.”
Texas will be a major player on Super Tuesday for Republicans, and Ted Cruz is still ahead of the pack in that state. He just secured the highest-ranking endorsement so far from Governor Greg Abbott. Meanwhile, Senator Rubio is targeting Virginia, Georgia, and Texas as his best shots for success next Tuesday.
Bible clubs in public schools are under attack. The Freedom from Religion Foundation has pushed the clubs off of several public school properties in Ohio. The problem with these clubs, according to complaints issued by the atheist organization, is simple. They don’t like pastors or men and women who fear God actually speaking to students in public schools.
”The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of knowledge: [but] fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
An openly homosexual counselor for the evangelical Wheaton College told Time Magazine that she quit under pressure from the administration. Wheaton College has responded, insisting that the lesbian counselor’s resignation was voluntary and came as a “surprise to President Ryken and the college community.”
World Net Daily reports that the U.S. Air Force Academy Chapel is paying for worship services featuring witchcraft, Wiccan festivals, and a witches’ ball in Denver.
Another shootout occurred in the West, where a sheriff’s deputy was shot to death by an angry resident in the mountain town of Bailey. Two other deputies were wounded in the shootout, which also took the life of the shooting suspect, Martin Wirth. The sheriff department was acting on an eviction notice on a foreclosure. The suspect had previously worked with the Colorado Foreclosure Resistance Coalition.
A surrogate mother, who hired her womb to carry a baby, gave birth to triplets. The father is a postal worker in Florida, and the mother is anonymous. The sperm donor requested that the woman abort two of the babies, which she refused to do. Now she wants custody of all three of the babies, according to Fox News. Melissa Cook from Woodland Hills, California, has hired an attorney to fight her surrogacy-gone-bad case.
Does Ecclesiastes 7:29 speak to this? “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.”
After the Cecil the Lion kerfuffle last year, Zimbabwe in Africa is now concerned with a downturn in hunting, which has led to lion overpopulation and recent fatal mauling incidents. Fox News reports that the government is considering culling 200 lions from the herds.
World Magazine reports that Chinese children are flocking into American Christian schools.
Archeologists in Israel are learning more about the life of David and Solomon. They have made a remarkable discovery of fragments of fabrics, leather, and seeds, probably belonging to the Edomites during the period of the early kingdom of Israel. The World View spoke with the lead archaeologist on the dig, Erez Ben-Yosef. This discovery, he says, gives us insight into the culture of Israel in the 10th century B.C.: “It tells us something about the society in the south, where it will be uncovered. It comprised Timnah, which we believe is the place of the early Edomites, the kingdom that was fighting with the kingdom of Israel.”
ISIS is threatening the executives of Facebook and Twitter, Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg. The terror organization is warning these powerful executives, using an ominous phrase: “Soon your names will be erased.” It’s a reaction to the efforts on these social media outlets to weed out terrorist communications. Twitter recently announced that they had removed 125,000 accounts that appeared to support terrorist activities.