Worldview family blesses their garbage man, Biden receives Electoral College victory, U.S. Supreme Court affirms right of churches to gather

It’s Wednesday, December 16th, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. (

By Jonathan Clark

Egyptian Muslims killed Christian man, injured 2 others

Muslim extremists killed Ramsis Boulos Hermina, a 47-year-old Egyptian Christian man, last week in Alexandria. The attackers injured two other Christians and damaged several shops owned by Christians.

A man named al-Sambo and his two brothers instigated the attack after a history of harassing Christians. Such attacks are common against Egyptian Coptic believers. And although officials made arrests in the case, the government often uses claims of mental illness to reduce penalties on those who attack Christians.

European Union punishes human rights abusers

The European Union announced a new plan to sanction human rights abusers. The measure targets human rights violators with travel bans and freezing of funds.

The E.U. measure was inspired by a similar U.S. law used most recently to sanction human rights abuses in China.

U.S. Supreme Court affirms right of churches to gather

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of churches in Colorado and New Jersey. The churches are battling coronavirus restrictions on in-person services.

The Supreme Court vacated rulings by lower courts that had upheld the coronavirus restrictions on churches. The lower courts must rule again in light of the recent Supreme Court case that struck down New York’s discriminatory coronavirus restrictions on churches there.

Biden receives Electoral College victory

The Electoral College voted Monday to select former Vice President Joe Biden as the next U.S. president. Electors cast 302 votes for Biden and 232 votes for President Donald Trump.

However, the Trump campaign continues to challenge the integrity of the election results in the courts. The Electoral College votes are not certified though until January 6 by Congress.

In several battleground states, Republican Electors cast their votes for Trump in case the courts overturn the results in those states where Biden won.

Daniel 4:17 says, “The Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men.”

Democratic Rep: Protect babies born alive from botched abortions

Democratic Congresswoman and former presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard  introduced a bill last Wednesday to protect babies born alive after abortion attempts. The move comes as a surprise since Gabbard has held an extremely pro-abortion record.

Gabbard also introduced a bill this month which bans federal funding to organizations that allow men to compete in women’s sports.

Big Tech leaders evacuate from California

Tech leaders are beginning to evacuate liberal-run California.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently moved from California to Texas while transitioning his business headquarters there as well.

Hewlett Packard announced this month it will be relocating to Houston, Texas from San Jose, California. And this week, Tech company Oracle filed to transition its headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas.

In a related story, a net 70,000 people left New York City this year, amounting to an income loss of about $34 billion.

Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”

Massachusetts Worldview family blesses their garbage man

And finally, in response to my Generations Radio Family Christmas Project Challenge on December 8th, I received an email from Andrew and Lina Kosko in Watertown, Massachusetts.

Out of the 8 ideas I suggested as a way to draw closer to one another and closer to Christ, their family decided to make brownies for their garbage man.

Miah, their 13-year-old daughter, created the culinary delight.

MIAH: “When my mom brought up the idea about giving brownies to the garbage man for the Christmas Family project, I thought it was a very kind thing to do.  We baked triple chocolate brownies Wednesday night to give to the garbage man on Thursday morning.”

Emily, their 8-year-old, flagged down the garbage man by standing on the curb, waving her arm.

EMILY: “When I gave the brownies to the garbage man, um, I actually had to raise my hand so he could see me because the truck was really big. And, um, he actually came and then we took a little picture. We gave him the brownies and a card that we helped my mom make.”

Emily described the reaction of the garbage man.

EMILY: “Our garbage man was really surprised when we handed him the brownies.”

Mrs. Kosko talked about the card they made as a family.

LINA: “We made a card as a thank you for the garbage man, saying, ’Thank you for all your hard work this year.’ And we quoted Isaiah 9:6.”

Included in the card was a tract entitled “The Shocking Truth,” published by the Fellowship Tract League.

In her initial email to me, Mrs. Kosko wrote, “We pray the Lord uses this for His kingdom.”

Amen!  And if your family accepts the Christmas Family Project Challenge, email me your name, city and state, names of your kids, and your phone number. Send it to I might be calling your family for an interview on our newscast.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, December 16th, in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.