It’s Monday, July 1st, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Adam McManus
Ugandan Muslims murdered Ugandan evangelist
An evangelist who had received death threats from Muslim extremists was murdered after leading Muslims to Christ in eastern Uganda, reports Morning Star News.
The body of 36-year-old evangelist Richard Malinga was found in the evening at Kayete Swamp in the Butebo District after he had texted his pastor that he was surrounded by Muslims.
A local resident found the victim dead, in a pool of blood, and tied with ropes.
Please pray that God would unmistakenly reveal Himself to these Muslim murderers, that they would repent, and profess Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Biden v. Trump: Differing visions on the economy
During last Thursday night’s presidential debate, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump laid out starkly different visions.
BIDEN: “His economy, he rewarded the wealthy. He had the largest tax cut in American history — $2 trillion. You raised the deficit larger than any President has in any one term. He’s the only president of the Herbert Hoover who’s lost more jobs than he had when he began, since Herbert Hoover.”
TRUMP: “The only thing he was right about is I gave you the largest tax cut in history. That’s why we had all the jobs and the jobs went down and then they bounced back.
“He’s taking credit for bounced back jobs. You can’t do that. He also said he inherited 9% inflation. No, he inherited almost no inflation and it stayed that way for 14 months. And then it blew up under his leadership because they spent money like a bunch of people that didn’t know what they were doing. And they don’t know what they were doing. It was the worst, probably the worst administration in history.”
Biden falsely claimed he has better control of border than Trump
Jake Tapper asked President Biden about the open border which he sanctioned.
TAPPER: “President Biden, a record number of migrants have illegally crossed the southern border on your watch, overwhelming border states and overburdening cities such as New York and Chicago, and in some cases, causing real safety and security concerns. Given that, why should voters trust you to solve this crisis?”
BIDEN: “Because we worked very hard to get a bipartisan agreement that not only changed all of that, but made sure that we are in a situation where you had no circumstance where they could come across the border with the number of border police that there are now. We significantly increased the number of asylum officers.
“What I’ve done, since I’ve changed the law, what’s happened? I’ve changed it in a way that now they’re 40% fewer people coming across the border illegally. It’s better than when he left office. And I’m going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative, relative to what we can do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers.”
TAPPER: “President Trump?”
TRUMP: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said, either.
“Look, we had the safest border in the history of our country. All he had to do was leave it. He decided to open up our border, open up our country to people that are from prisons, people that are from mental institutions, insane asylum, terrorists. We have the largest number of terrorists coming into our country right now, all terrorists, all over the world, not just in South America, all over the world they come from the Middle East, everywhere.
“He didn’t need legislation because I didn’t have legislation. I said, ‘Close the border.’ We had the safest border in history. In that final couple of months of my presidency, we had the safest border in history. Now, we have the worst border in history.”
Are Trump supporters a threat to American democracy?
Tapper asked Biden to defend one of his wild campaign claims.
JAKE TAPPER: “President Biden, you have said, ‘Donald Trump and his [“Make America Great Again”] Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy. Do you believe that the tens of millions of Americans who are likely to vote for President Trump will be voting against American democracy?”
BIDEN: “More they know about what he’s done, yes. The more they know about what he’s done.”
Biden’s committed to veto any national abortion ban
On the abortion question, Biden committed to veto any national abortion ban if the Republicans gain a majority in the Senate and he is re-elected.
BIDEN: “What he going to do, if in fact the [“Make America Great Again” Republicans and he gets elected, and the MAGA Republicans control the Congress, and they pass a universal ban on abortion period across the board at six weeks or seven or eight or 10 weeks, something very, very conservative? Is he gonna sign that bill? I’ll veto it. He’ll sign it.”
CNN Poll: Trump trounced Biden in debate
Registered voters who watched CNN’s presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump largely think Trump outperformed Biden, according to a CNN poll of debate watchers conducted by Social Science Research Solutions.
In the poll, 67% thought Trump was the better debater. And, oddly enough, 33% thought Biden won the debate, reports CNN.
Most said they have no real confidence in Biden’s ability to lead the country.
Kelly Ann Conway: Biden “can’t do the job”
Appearing on Fox News Channel’s Special Report with Brett Baier, former Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway was blunt in her analysis of Biden’s debate performance.
CONWAY: “Joe Biden asked for this debate. He basically begged for this debate to save his presidency. And he’s now harmed it even more.
“The serious point is the one that people take away from this, which is this: This is a man who can’t do the job. What’s wrong with that? By the way, can’t we admit that everybody has a relative who’s in a situation like this? I hope Joe Biden lives another 20 years. I just think it should be spent in Delaware ASAP.
“You [Brett Baier] and Peter Doocy just said the two magic words as to why it’s not easy to remove Joe Biden and hasn’t been easy for the 18 months they should have done it: Kamala Harris, people fear her. The fact that you even mentioned [California Governor] Gavin Newsom and [Michigan Governor] Gretchen Whitmer.
How are we not mentioning the black woman Vice President? It’s because she shed 20 senior staffers, because nobody has confidence in her competence. They are scared about her being the president. And I think that’s a very important point here.”
Justice of peace cannot be forced to officiate “gay” faux weddings
On Friday, the Supreme Court of Texas ruled in favor of Dianne Hensley, a justice of the peace in Waco, who had been reprimanded for not performing homosexual faux weddings, reports The Christian Post.
The court also reinstated her lawsuit against the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.
The commission had previously issued a public warning for her refusal to officiate faux homosexual weddings, citing a violation of judicial impartiality based on perverted sexual preference.
Oklahoma requires a Bible in every classroom
Oklahoma officials announced Thursday the state is requiring a copy of the Bible to be in every public school classroom, beginning immediately, reports The Oklahoman.
In a press conference, Ryan Walters, Superintendent of Oklahoma Public Schools, explained that the Bible was essentially foundational to America.
WALTERS: “The Bible is a necessary historical document to teach our kids about the history of this country, to have a complete understanding of Western civilization, to have an understanding of the basis of our legal system, and is frankly, we’re talking about the Bible, one of the most foundational documents used for the Constitution and the birth of our country.
“It is essential that our kids have an understanding of the Bible and its historical context.”
Proverbs 30:5 says, “Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.”
32 Worldview listeners donated $6,837
And finally, toward our $84,000 final goal in our month-long fundraiser, 32 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate on Friday and Saturday to help fund our 6-member team for another fiscal year.
Our thanks to Julia in Goodyear, Arizona and Barbara in Hephzibah, Georgia – both of whom gave $10 as well as Faith in Thomson, Georgia, Micah and Anna in Canby, Oregon, and Jill in Saugerties, New York – each of whom gave $25.
We appreciate Edwin in Cedar Hill, Princes Town, Trinidad who gave $30 as well as Cherise in Bennett, Colorado, Karen in Waterford, Wisconsin, and Theresa in Port Orchard, Washington – each of whom gave $50, Marie and Steven in Plainview, Texas who gave $62, 17-year-old Trevor in Madill, Oklahoma who gave $70, and Karl in Spicewood, Texas who gave $85
We’re grateful to God for Janice in Prescott, Arizona, Heather in Eagle, Idaho, Helen in San Diego, California, Marty in Winchester, Oregon, Jody in Westerlo, New York, Micah in Buckeye, Arizona, Gabrielle in Goodyear, Arizona, Jan in Greenville, South Carolina, and Thane in Robinson, Illinois – each of whom gave $100.
We’re thankful for the gifts of Kara in Abingdon, Virginia who pledged $10/month for 12 months for a gift of $120, Joel and Heidi in Columbus, Nebraska who gave $125, as well as Tom in Georgetown, Ontario, Canada and Sean in Burlington, Wisconsin – both of whom gave $200.
We were touched by the sacrifice of Victoria in Paradise, Pennsylvania, Lisa in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, and Edwin in Wellsburg, Iowa – each of whom pledged $25/month for 12 months for a gift of $300, Debbie in Wurtsboro, New York who gave $300, Justin in Wray, Colorado who gave $500, David in Northumberland, Pennsylvania who pledged $50/month for 12 months for a gift of $600, as well as David and Alexis in Crittendon, Kentucky who gave $2,500.
Those 32 donors gave $6,837. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $86,975! (audience cheering)
We not only reached our $84,000 goal, but we surpassed it by $2,975. On behalf of Rebekah Swanson and Kayla White who select the image and upload the newscast onto multiple platforms, Emily Munday who researches some of the stories, as well as Kevin Swanson, Jonathan Clark, and myself who write the newscast, thank you for voting with your treasure to enable us to continue for another year.
Psalm 118:24 says, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Why Kentucky listeners gave $2,500 to The Worldview
And finally, on Saturday night, I called Alexis in Crittendon, Kentucky. She and her husband David made a $2,500 donation to The Worldview. She explained what she appreciates about the newscast.
ALEXIS: “I like that it’s from a Christian standpoint and that I can get the news without having to get all the junk with it in this day and age. I’ve been listening to it since I was 16. I just really appreciate you guys and all that you do with it.”
She recalled one story that stood out.
ALEXIS: “We live in Kentucky and there was that truck driver that went over the bridge that I heard about, but didn’t really know the full story. But then you guys covered the full story. I really appreciated that and thought it was really neat that she was a Christian and that she was praying and everything during the whole circumstance and just how much of a miracle it was that they rescued her.”
Here’s a soundbite from that truck driver whose truck got into an accident on the bridge which sent it careening through the railing, and then was dangling above the Ohio River.
TRUCK DRIVER: “If I start freaking out and screaming and moving around, the truck might fall into the river. I was praying. I was crying. And I was trying to just stay calm and just hope and pray that they would be able to get me out because I didn’t think they will be able to.”
When I told Alexis that the donation which her husband, David, and she had made, enabled us to meet and surpass our $84,000 fundraising goal, she said this.
ALEXIS: “Praise the Lord! I’m so happy that we were able to help.”
And that’s The Worldview on this Monday, July 1st, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.